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Transcendental Meditation: Scam or Not?


3rd-Eye Jedi
it is hard to get the benefit of a balanced mind when your not biologically imbalanced

having a healthy mind doesn't mitigate our ability to focus your mind, but you won't feel the benefit of relief from meditation as someone who does it for the purpose of balance.

I find the same thing happens with weeds.

For example CBD is known as an anti-psychotic, thus if your psychotic you sense the benefit of modulation between the two states.

Same as someone who benefits from cannibinoids because they suffer joint inflammation saying one strain is superior because it makes them feel better and other people thinking the person has no idea what good pot it.

its a medicine. its greatest benefits are when it is used in those context. not everything is broken not everything needs to be fixed and that includes the human mind. It would be nice if people allowed them to open up a bit, but that is different practice entirely.

the body also can be manipulated to provide its own medicinal benefits and both can be used in conjunction.


Well-known member
Meditation is said to have its root meaning correlated with medicine for the mind. Verses Medication which is for the body. I recall learning this long ago from someone from India that I converse with on a regular basis.

I too looked into the TM and questioned it as well. Not really the mantra technique. The cat was already let out the bag long ago and the list of TM mantras is easily found even though your personal mantra is not to be repeated with anyone other than your instructor.

I spoke with an instructor on the phone for my only interview. Before she could get to deep into her speech I asked if I could ask her about what I already know and have learned on my own in regards to everyday natural meditation we all often do as well as Mantra and more. It did not take long before she understood that I have found more in my own mantra mediation than she possibly.

The whole sales pitch went out the window and she basically told me they would be able to work with someone advanced like me being that the Native Americans they have worked with realized as well that TM was the same as the techniques used here by all of us. This really put a distaste into what was left of my interest.

I know many things about my Anishinaabik heritage and our sacred trusts. But this instructor did not know anything about my knowledge of our own manners of personal mediation. She pretty much insisted that Indian elders had declared it to be the same. That was the icing on the cake so to say ! I know full well that my ancestors never practiced any Hindu mantra meditation even though some of us have found it to be beneficial in this day and age.

There are more forms of meditation then most people know well beyond mantra and walking . I am a believer that we all have times that our primitive mind as its sometimes called is able to shut its self down for simple mediation. Ever stare out a window and get lost in your thoughts and have a shut down ? Some people report this as well and it is a natural form that all living breathing creatures need from time to time. Another good example is driving 30 miles but having no recollection of it at all.

I came to those conclusions about TM even after this instructor called me with a seconds attempt offering me a scholarship of all things lol. I was polite and I simply told her that I would rather vision quest while fasting on a hill as I have been taught then follow their cult. Her reply , I am sorry you feel this way. Click end of conversation and my interest in TM , even though I do like the brilliancy and kindness spoken by Maharishi.

I love the ancient Indian cultures of India and I find them to be beautiful regardless of the modern times and negatives impacting this country and its people. They too have suffered the fate of being colonized and it is evident yet today.

And for the records their are sacred holy men in India who use Ganja everyday for decades but it is not for recreation. They are overcoming this herb and its effect by gaining control over it. The Sadhu leaders often use for 30 years or more before it is their time to lead the rest of the clan around in their sacred journeys.

So how can they really preach about cannabis use knowing that it can be used to open the consciousness to deeper levels. Again I think it is more cult like than anything and this indicated it again when I learned such.

Finally in time I was able to speak with others who took these courses and 99.99% were not practicing any longer. Most said they just lost interest or again felt pressured by the club they had joined. I also spoke with a woman who lived on their campus and she compared the whole ordeal to her friends that where Jehovah Witnesses. She said once she finally had a way out that she ran and never looked back at this cult like organization.


The Mad Monk
Access, if you can try to find a copy of Transcendental Meditation by Jack Forem. He has revised it a few times but I've only read and own the first edition subtitled 'Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the Science of Creative Intelligence'. It might be helpful in providing you with an understanding of TM and whether it's something you would want to do. I don't agree with all of it, like the suggestion it could replace sleep or that each individual needs a specific mantra and that some can be detrimental, that sounds like a good way to get someone's money because, lo and behold, only special centers have the 'right' mantra for you. Meh.

Anyway, the book is an interesting read and it should only cost maybe 5-10 bucks, I found my copy at a used book store for 5 bucks. Lot cheaper than one of those classes, which does sound a little scam-ish to me, and you can get sky high while reading it.


Active member
Daily meditation is a great practice. It is about stillness, in the present. Let your mind be completely free and boundless, focus on nothing, and float away. 30 minutes can feel like a nights worth of sleep. I typically smoke before I meditate, then yoga. Much like the Shiavites, I suppose.



Active member
Weird : i thought thc was psychotic and cbd anti psychotic



3rd-Eye Jedi
your right i had them backwards

i was trying to visualize the chart from memory

Slim Pickens

Well-known member
I tried the TM back in the day.It never really "took" with me.Not that is isn't helpful for others.

Mainly I use Cannabis nowadays.

Cannabis,It's my Transcendental Medication.


Active member
Id really like to try some high cbd weed

Seems like there are a lot of benefits and the whole antipsychotic quality id like to experience


I don't believe there is anything special about TM when compared to other meditation models. All meditation is useful. After the Beatles met with the Maharishi TM became very popular in the West and of course some tried to capitalize the movement and build a TM empire. The flying shit is just stupid. Every city has a Zen group. Look one up. It will be free. They will have a beginners night. Zen is no bullshit. Sit on a cushion. Count breaths, or work some other simple mind puzzle. No one will sell you anything. No commitment or obligation. It is a very solitary action. There might be a few rituals like tea drinking, or chanting but it fits in and doesn't make you feel awkward. If you are interested one of the most beautiful little books ever written, "Zen Mind, Beginners Mind" will capture the essence of Zen and give some guidance.


Hi ho here we go
I have. P.H.D. In Metaphysics .. What is..is...

I have. P.H.D. In Metaphysics .. What is..is...

I found my inner peace forty years ago.
My early L.S.D. experience opened my mind forever.

I live my life in peace.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I appreciate all the input folks have put in thus far.

Anyway, I did find a 'competitive' system of meditation that appears to be the same thing without all the mystical mumbo jumbo:


This guy was taught by the Maharishi himself and then got all chapped that the TM organization was pushing the mysticism and other sorts of behaviors that alienated folks interested in the technique.
So essentially this is a rogue TM instructor that struck out on his own, created another organization and pulled the curtains back on the nonsense that seems endemic with TM.

BTW: here's a link to a torrent site containing an older version of the audio file and manual. It was updated in 2012 and I grabbed one offline last night after paying the $25 fee. They offered the 'older' one that is found via the link below but suggested using the newer file that I just had paid for.


G.O. Joe

Well-known member
There are no books, no youtube videos, no torrents, no DVDs, nada.

In the early 80's I found a book on it in the school library, I think by MMY. I skimmed through a few pages, cleared my head, and used the faintest sound of air coming through a vent as my mantra. Mindblowing, still amazing waking dream ensues, transported to another place also with an air conditioning vent. That's all it is, the knife-edge of conscious and unconscious.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

tried it in '72, "empty your mind" they said,
to the guy with a case of undiagnosed adhd.



if it smells like fish
1/2 hour here and I am ready to go..my other spot is in the middle of a stream on a boulder...sometimes I catch dinner too...I don't miss the city one damn bit


Active member
I think the guy with adhd could benefit from meditation , like the guy with ocd as well as others

Its just about doing it

I wake up in the morning (just did) and i dont feel like doing anything at all

I asked for some antidepressants they didnt want to give me any


if it smells like fish
them anti meds can be a bitch bro...I let my doc subscribe some to me ,,,regretted it..first one was like speed took me a week to calm back down,,,second one made me gain a lot of weight and tired even at half dose..there was like one other before I said fuck this.....and your pills
Stay away from the cults like TM. We shouldn't have to pay for meditation or spiritual experience. It's nice to be part of a guided meditation like in a yoga group but it's not needed.

There is no secret to any of this. Just sit, relax, breathe deeply and let go.... then repeat... once you attain enlightenment... go about your day :) go to nature.

“Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.” ~Zen proverb

If you want to have a true out-of-body experience, practice meditating for awhile then eat some edibles that aren't too noidy (maybe some cbd's in there) and then go to one of those isolation saltwater float tanks :Bolt:.

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i highly doubt anyone in western society can achieve any enlightenment.our food supply is contaminated so that everyones third eye aka pineal gland in our brains has been calcified. higher states of being cannot be achieved unless you have been living off some uncontaminated food and water source on earth far from any other humans.i bet some tribe in the jungle somewhere has the right idea but these clowns who go and meditate and try to reach some other state forget all about it later on when there out driving,throwing trash out,using electricity,and living a western cultured life.none of what we do as a culture has anything to do with meditation.our culture is about instant gratification not reaching higher states of being these people are all fooling themselves.im included in this list im not just having a tirade against everyone.