I will not warn anyone again. Keep your offline activities that require personal info to be exchanged off the site. Don't push it. Thank you.
I apologize KG, I did ask if our test was in violation of ICM rules. When I saw your earlier post without addressing my question, I assumed that it was ok. Yeah I know "assume"... Huh.
What about just going down to Starbucks, getting some coffee, having a seat in them comfy chairs and ordering some seeds? Theres always a private seat. Use a hotmail acct., and the Visa gift card from a store at the other end of the mall?
Can they trace from a laptop that way? Im with bulldog and know squat about this, but Im trying to understand. I dont order seeds but I do like the idea of security.
Look folks I honestly think the techno mumbo jumbo is leading everybody away from the point altogether...
It's really this simple: If you order something from a company that the USA has flagged as a terrorist or criminal or whatever. When the mail reaches U.S. borders it is scanned by the machines which then relay the info to Homeland Security or whoever.
The originating location is already know. Now they have it in the computer right? That is how parcel tracing works. Computers scan it at every post office or postal distribution station it goes through.
So the parcel and the company's locations are already known.
Now if YOU log onto USPS and check the status of your parcel then the "Government" can trace your IP. Hackers and Crackers have been doing it since the creation of Internet, I guarantee you that the government can.
The damn parcel has a destination address printed on it. Now all the gov. has to do is take the parcel to the address and make arrests.
This isn't anything new. Even a noob knows who Marc Emery is and the way the US gov is screwing him over for "just selling seeds".
Now all of this debate and discussion about Tor is really stupid... I have been seeing Tor mentioned in threads for awhile now and when I saw this thread I couldn't resist addressing it.
Some people swear by Tor and hundreds of other privacy/security apps and sites. The absolute indisputable fact is that Tor tells you exactly what I and others are saying: "Tor does NOT work". Period.
Now before you click on that rep button go read the literature from Tor or go back and re-read my posts because 99% of my posts regarding Tor is copied from the Tor website.