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toyota clutch chirps when not depressed.


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acidnI_livE said:
my guess is that it is something minor, but never the less irritating and causeing you concern, like the one guy said the cluth probably needs adjusted. and also check the fluid and all the obvious stuff. if no cure, then take to get looked at, hell its under warranty right?? it is minor though i believe, by the way you say it engages and disengages perfectly fine.

do you "horse" on you vehicles alot, like do you hot rod them and shit. casue when people beat on a regular production car/truck and expect it to perform like one thats been worked over and tricked out, little things break or go loose. but from what i know of you, you got more smarts than to beat up on a brand new car, so i rule that out.

it prbably one of those thing where you go "oh my god thats what was casueing this noise all the time, i cant beleive how easy that was to get fixed"

does the "chirping sound like a little water pump (kind we use to flood tables and deliver water through drip irrigation, hydro pumps) when it starts to get low on water and makes that wierd sound like sucking the last bit of soda from a burger king cup??

hard to describe the sound im trying to compare it to but if you used hydro pump you know the sound, and does it sound like that??

i know its minor thats why i have not dealt with it.

but im curious what it is..

..it's def not fluid or bearing...like i said i know that shit.

its prolly adjustment is all..
...and yeah its under warrenty, so ill go take it in and cry...lol.

the chirp goes away as soon as i push in the pedal....

the FJ was owned by a chick in h-beach california...it hasnt been offroad.

ive done more damage to it throwing my bike and toolboxes and dogs in it than she did.

Bubble Puppy

In an older vehicle i had the clutch foot petal is on a spring ,when the petal is pressed the clutch engages ,the gear is shifted ,then release the petal and it returns back up.

Well the return spring for the petal was busted ,so just sitting at idle ,the petal. was touching the flywheel ,So i would hear a consistant tappity tappity . It was really annoying.I don't know if thats yer problem,but good luck anyhow...

Could be as easy as a petal adjustment