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moose eater

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moose eater

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I just bought a 'new' vacuum storage tank/cannister for my van on eBay. Seems to be the last new one in the entire Country, as far as I can tell.

Let's hope I don't receive a Hoover or a Kirby instead.

Now I simply need to figure out why the vacuum pressure was so stout that it imploded the hard-plastic vacuum tank (OEM) that I had in there.


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I am shopping for a new sliding patio door. Ours was old when we moved in in the late 90s. The old one was the usual aluminum. The new ones are all reinforced PVC with some wood in the frame to make it sturdier. It is looking like it will be over $3K installed. If I wasn't a bodily quasi basket case, I would do it myself with an $1.8K Home Despot door. But no, I must deal with the nest of thieves and charlatans that call themselves window and door installers. I had Home Despot send a guy and his quote is the highest so far. He works for a contract outfit that does all windows & doors for HD in our greater area. They must use the HD approved supplier - which is different from the product on the floor. The salesman - who was a nice guy but a lying bastard of course - told me that the ones in the store are crap etc etc etc. It seems that you want a fresh door - just like a head of lettuce. Those old doors on the floor are all loose and warped . . . :rolleyes:


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The cigar store in Holguin. You may note that the girl is inspecting a storied Trinidad Fundadores cigar. I bought a selection of different cigars for the week and we stopped in on our way to the airport for a final buy of my favourites to take home. Bolivar Belicosos Finos and the Montecristo #2 were the top of my list. And yes, I do kick myself for being a dumbass and not buying one of those cool Che T-shirts . . . :rolleyes:

Btw . . . all Cuban cigars stores are owned by the army.


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was surrounded by a herd of over two dozen the other day. walked by us on the road so close that you could have reached out and touched them if you were of that mental capacity, lol. most of the cows had calves and we were watching them running around and i looked up to see a bull as tall as my truck...about two feet from my grill. photographs of those big mfs do not show you just how damn large they really are. :oops:


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The headlines are dire:

Customers bracing for possible LCBO strike
Countdown to LCBO strike
LCBO says stock up on your drinks now ahead of Friday’s strike
LCBO threaten “dry Ontario summer” amid strike talks
Two weeks booze-free: LCBO contingency plans if strike goes ahead
LCBO strike would be the 1st in Ontario liquor store’s history

Since LCBO = Liquor Control Board of Ontario, this means that all liquor stores in the province will be closed. Beer will still be available in beer stores and supermarkets and wine in the latter as well. But booze? Stores will shut for 2 weeks and then a limited number of stores across the province will reopen with limited hours. And . . . it would appear that since this strike is only the whiny retail staff, delivery may still be an option . . . but with a healthy $22 delivery fee. edit: It would appear that it might be free delivery . . . hmm . .

And why are they going on strike? Who gives a shit? . . . is my first response. Fire the fucks. Is my next response. It would seem that they are pissed that our Premier (who is the brother of the late crack smoking mayor of Toronto) is opening up liquor retail and he will break the sacred liquor covenant and allow convenience stores to sell liquor. Yeah, really? Convenience stores? I am still trying to figure out Premier Dougie's angle here because convenience stores are all owned by Koreans or Sri Lankans so they are not an important voting block. I betcha by the time it happens it will include the supermarkets and the chain drug stores and they are owned by the real money of Canada.

Anyways . . . before we go any further . . . rest assured that my cub scout training did not go to waste. I am prepared. I am well-stocked. I have rum. I have vodka. I have wine - both my 'day' wine and a healthy supply of cellar wine.

Not to forget my herbal inventory . . . :rasta:
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Kanna has my eye. I'm not a legal highs guy, but when someone says it's like molly, I have to look up.

Anyone been there, done it, got the T-shirt?