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top of the heap to third world status in one generation


Well-known member
Let me start by saying that I have long thought of Major General Smedley Butler as one of the most admirable of American men. He wrote a short but magnificent book "War is A Racket" https://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/warisaracket.html . If you have not had an opportunity to read it, it is well worth the time to do so.
There is a wealth of other interesting material on that website.
On to stolen history, along with who and why.
I would like to touch for a moment on the Administration of Woodrow Wilson: Birth of A Nation, need I say more ?
Give me the child for seven years, and I shall show you the man. Aristotle
A senior member of the Wilson Administration was given responsibility over three young siblings from within his family. Two boys and their sister.
These three children were turned into the most effective double agents that the world of intelligence has
ever known.
What is a 201file, and why does it matter : https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/search/site/201 File
We are at war, and have been for some time. It was not something we chose or wanted, it was pressed upon us, by the most fortunate and blessed amongst us, our own Uberclass.
From the bottom up. I trust that I don't need to explain the class war statement to anyone.
Next up we have the 201 file. What is a 201 file?, and why does it matter ?
It was a means of tracking employees, within the CIA. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/180-10142-10413.pdf
Why does it matter ? It shows that Lee Harvey Oswald was an agency employee, which is the opposite of what they claimed for so long.
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Jericho Mile

Well-known member
In as much as there is no greater fear monger than DJT himself, the thought of you doing a goose-step two step for him is a quite the cake taker.

And here again….no matter how many times I say it : I do not support Trump or his party or the democrats and their party. I do not vote. I’m happy either way.

I mess with you because you are freely passing propaganda and opinion as fact.

I mess with you because you are programmed. I do not care about your political affiliation. It does not matter.

I mess with you because you are attempting to spread fear and loathing

And you do this because misery loves company
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Well-known member
And here again….no matter how many times I say it : I do not support Trump or his party or the democrats and their party. I do not vote. I’m happy either way.

I mess with you because you are freely passing propaganda and opinion as fact.

I mess with you because you are programmed. I do not care about your political affiliation. It does not matter.

I mess with you because you are attempting to spread fear and loathing

And you do this because misery loves company

Each of the things you incorrectly accuse me of has in fact been done by our President.
Odd how when you actually watched him do so you of course, had no comment at all.
Which one might expect from a text book definition of an appeaser.
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moose eater

Well-known member
Premium user
At current rates of decline, the Canadian dollar will be worth .50 cents USD by mid-summer, on the way to around 25 to 30 cents by year end. It will get much worse.

Trump has not even focused reciprocity on the banking sector yet. It will get much worse for them.

I just got back from the Yukon Territory and purchasing CAD twice before leaving, not to mention routinely using www.xe.com for rates of exchange world-wide, and the Canadian dollar is relatively stable for the last 3 weeks to a month, and the difference declined very quickly after you posted it as being about $1.49 CAD to the US dollar.

FOX News, by chance?


No, look for yourselves.

Speaking of propagandists.....
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Jericho Mile

Well-known member
Each of the things you incorrectly accuse me of has in fact been done by our President.
Odd how when you actually watched him do so you of course, had no comment at all.
Which one might expect from a text book definition of an appeaser.
And again : I do not watch news. I am not on social media (except here when I have a grow). I do not scour the internet for links and memes concerning politics. I have not heard a president give a speech since the early 2000’s. I do not vote. I do not believe….never have.

What I find interesting is the manipulation of almost an entire population via propaganda.

This stuff is making you sick. You then…on your own accord.. spread the disease.

And then you deny it. Read your own thread. See what you yourself post and repeat. There is no denying. You can not pass the buck because a politician does it.

You do this every fucking day. Ask yourself why. Is it healthy?
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it's more about learning, and sharpening my own tools (oh right, it's also fun).

like you, i don't do any social media nor do i watch the news (except for a few specific channels on youtube that i sometimes watch... and actually am open about here, so inb4 'bUbBlE, tRibE' b.s.), why are you here exactly? honestly asking, not a rhetorical device this time...
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Jericho Mile

Well-known member
it's more about learning, and sharpening my own tools (oh right, it's also fun).

like you, i don't do any social media nor do i watch the news (except for a few specific channels on youtube that i sometimes watch... and actually am open about here, so inb4 'bUbBlE, tRibE' b.s.), why are you here exactly? honestly asking, not a rhetorical device this time...
Strictly to question people’s motives on why they allow themselves to be herded into pens. I don’t understand the emotional math work behind this desire to be manipulated.

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