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top of the heap to third world status in one generation


nothing yet, why do i have to have something negatively affect me personally before i decide whether or not it's bad?

i possess a conscience, as well as the ability for abstract reasoning


actually, now that you mention it... iirc, my grandma's on social security and is pretty frigging old and it's scary to think they might just rip the rug from under her feet, but like i said, nothing PERSONALLY affecting ME yet... good thing i have an imagination and empathy, fuck man i would be lost without those.

Jericho Mile

Well-known member
actually, now that you mention it... iirc, my grandma's on social security and is pretty frigging old and it's scary to think they might just rip the rug from under her feet, but like i said, nothing PERSONALLY affecting ME yet... good thing i have an imagination and empathy, fuck man i would be lost without those.
You possess too much free time on a free ride

Jericho Mile

Well-known member
what free ride?

i contest that said ride exists and demand to know its location if it turns out that it does
Entitlement. You don’t want my answer. As I don’t believe a word you say.

Go spread your good faith onto some gullible sap….stick it to the roof of your mouth and try to swallow what I’m conveying


Well-known member
…..every election. Not just this one.

How have you been screwed over? You yourself?

I mean I lost a job over budget cuts. What did you lose?
Classic example of blaming the victim.
I find it nauseating that you are so ill informed, that you deny that he has suffered any loss at all.

Jericho Mile

Well-known member
Classic example of blaming the victim.
I find it nauseating that you are so ill informed, that you deny that he has suffered any loss at all.
I’m not surprised that you are nauseated. Not all. You should well be. You’re sick.

Who exactly do you believe I was blaming? And for what?

That fool lost nothing because Trump was elected except more of his mind. Where is this information I should know? Do tell.
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Well-known member
If you follow the thread up a few posts, you will see that it is nepaint21, that Jericho Mile is referring to as a fool. Which is why I reported the post.


Well-known member
We have all been showered with an abundance of the most sophisticated and effective propaganda on
earth, I find it almost sad that we have someone here who believes they are immune to it, as they repeat
said content, over and over.

Jericho Mile

Well-known member
We have all been showered with an abundance of the most sophisticated and effective propaganda on
earth, I find it almost sad that we have someone here who believes they are immune to it, as they repeat
said content, over and over.
Over and over ? That’s funny. The irony.

Reporting 😂


Well-known member

The mountain is high, the valley is low
And you're confused 'bout which to go
So I flew in to give you a hand
And lead you into, the promised land
Come on and take a free ride
Free ride
Come on and take it by my side
Come on and take a free ride!
All over the country, I'm seeing the same
Nobody's winning, at this type of game
We gotta do better, it's time to begin
You know all the answers
Must come from within
Come on and take a free ride
Free ride
Come on and take it by my side
Come on and take a free ride!
All over the country, I'm seeing the same
Nobody's winning, at this type of game
We gotta do better, it's time to begin
You know all the answers
Must come from within
Come on and take a free ride
Free ride
Come on and take it by my side
Come on and take a free ride!
All over the country, I'm seeing the same
Nobody's winning, at this type of game
We gotta do better, it's time to begin
You know all the answers
Must come from within
Come on and take a free ride yea, yea, yea, yea
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Dan Hartman