She was traditionally conservative and anti-gay marriage. Then paired with Bernie, and I think that was a mostly strategic pairing.Ms Gabbard has chosen to leave the democratic party.
In parting she offered that she believes AOC and Bernie are
less than legitimate.
I don't think that I am the only one who always wondered
ms Gabbard, as well as the outfit which has backed her efforts.
Tulsi Gabbard’s ties to secretive cult may explain her perplexing political journey
Dr Caroline Sinavaiana Gabbard toldThe Independent in an interview that her niece’s career is all about the pursuit of
If they're ot intentionally running male-female teams, they're running conservatiove/moderate, or liberal/moderate teams, etc.
Like Sarah Palin, I always thought Tuslsi was -quite- attractive and fairly bright.
In Sarah's case, I used to tell folks that intimate time with her would be difficult, likely shattered at a prime moment, because just as soon as things started to roll, she'd propbably say something about lip-stick on a bulldog, or show up in an Easter Bunny outfit, or a Grateful Dead bear suit maybe, and that would be all that was necassary to spil any moment.. (Sarah, by the way, was a major pot head as a young woman in Wasilla...)
Tulsi is bright (far brighter than Sarah), and not nearly as much of an air-head, but it's your smarter opponents a person ought to be more concerned with.
Her history with gay & lesbian rights left me wondering how the hell Bernie ended up with her on their ticket, other than for the previously mentioned strategic pairing to satiate appetites in the polls.