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top of the heap to third world status in one generation

moose eater

Well-known member
Millions of Electric Car Batteries Will Retire in the Next Decade. What Happens to Them?

The quest to prevent batteries—rich in raw materials such as cobalt, lithium and nickel—ending up as a mountain of waste

Shortly after the uptick in electric car ownership, more than a few years back, Fire Depts. and EMS workers held trainings re. addressing extraction and other rescue issues, due to their previous protocols re. extractions using 'Jaws of Life' etc., stood to encounter some electrifying and/or hazardous outcomes. Zzzzzzzztttt!!!


Well-known member
Millions of Electric Car Batteries Will Retire in the Next Decade. What Happens to Them?

The quest to prevent batteries—rich in raw materials such as cobalt, lithium and nickel—ending up as a mountain of waste

anything made from here on (excepting food) needs to be recyclable. we can't just keep doing the same stupid shit, no matter the profit margin. "because someone figured out how to get rich" is no longer a valid reason on its own.


Comfortably numb!
anything made from here on (excepting food) needs to be recyclable. we can't just keep doing the same stupid shit, no matter the profit margin. "because someone figured out how to get rich" is no longer a valid reason on its own.


Why are you arguing your POV here? Ever take a stand in your life son?


Well-known member
i thought it was pretty relevant to his post. please post and point out what you think is incorrect, room for lots of opinions on here. let's have yours. oblique often?


Active member
The elite do have population kulling events every now and then, humanity had 2 big ones in the last century, so I expect another major kull is brewing and will be arriving before too long.

This comment aged so well that some would suspect that he posted it while floating mid air in a smokey room and staring intensely into a crystal ball


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Millions of Electric Car Batteries Will Retire in the Next Decade. What Happens to Them?

The quest to prevent batteries—rich in raw materials such as cobalt, lithium and nickel—ending up as a mountain of waste

Ford jolts auto industry with $11.4 billion investment in new electric vehicle, battery plants.. Electric cars are coming in full force.


Active member


Comfortably numb!
i thought it was pretty relevant to his post. please post and point out what you think is incorrect, room for lots of opinions on here. let's have yours. oblique often?

anything made from here on (excepting food) needs to be recyclable. we can't just keep doing the same stupid shit, no matter the profit margin. "because someone figured out how to get rich" is no longer a valid reason on its own.
Not necessarily recyclable, we currently have recyclable and look where that has gotten us. Renewable is not only a more palatable "word" it doesn't wind up in a landfill, regardless of what that product is. Anything that creates waste, should never be on the table, unless there is no other option/last resort.

Companies need to start building stuff that lasts, not this repair by replacement philosophy, which has many pitfalls:
  • not only does it create massive amounts of waste, we have to deal with, it creates unemployment;
  • we have lost the skill set to fix stuff, since we no longer have stuff to fix;
  • the companies have created a "consumer society" and although the stock market might be "artificially "booming"", there isn't any more "disposable income";
  • only the companies benefit with and by RxR, not the consumer;
  • once again sending the funds from the avg Joe, to the richest 1%;
  • what are we going to do with the massive amount of lithium batteries, which comes from the soil but cannot be entered back in it. Uranium comes from the soil, but we sure can't place spent fuel rods back in the soil.
Is climate change real, absolutely. The latter word is much more "sell (able)" than "global warming". The truth of the matter is, in my humble opinion is that the planet as a "whole" has reached its maximum "carrying" capacity, via the industrial revolution... waste, cement, asphalt, etc... No longer planting cover crops for the land to rejuvenate itself. That cannot be accomplished without reducing the population densities, that require the very polluted food that is produced from these toxic lands, in order to feed the masses. Look at all the pesticides and herbicides we employ just to get a crop. Like Gypsy says, we are "again " due for another "culling".

Remember the pictures across the world during the lock downs. Mother nature does know how to look after herself, she doesn't need human interventions. You must have seen the "time line" movie to what becomes of the planet after man leaves? It fixes itself, as it is free from man's intervention and further pollution as a whole.

In closing, it is not just one thing/segment(s) but, rather the culmination of things that screw the pooch!There are so many "quotes" I can toss in here... I'll save that argument, which BTW is a "nasty" word these days. The narrative has replaced it with an alternate POV.


Well-known member
Poor N95 manufacturers feeling left out, everyone is wearing a mask but noone is wearing theirs..
Absent love and care all are left feeling short changed.


Well-known member
Masks Protect Schoolkids from COVID despite What Antiscience Politicians Claim

Florida governor Ron DeSantis and politicians in Texas say research does not support mask mandates. Many studies show they are wrong

Expected to see them cheap out and not do a damned thing to upgrade AC systems in public schools.

Not at all surprised they ignored suggestions to reduce class size.
Given the above, it was irresponsible not to use masks. These comments are my own, Gry

moose eater

Well-known member
Masks Protect Schoolkids from COVID despite What Antiscience Politicians Claim

Florida governor Ron DeSantis and politicians in Texas say research does not support mask mandates. Many studies show they are wrong

The Arizona School study, the Bangladesh study, and more, including The Lancet (and the cumulative reports from a significant number of countries all across Europe and elsewhere) point to the dishonesty in their statements about masks not being functional protection, yet, presumably for political mileage, they continue spewing their bullshit, while infection rates soar.

Look up the Anchorage Mask Mandate meeting with the Mat-Su Borough the other night, where masking opponents adorned themselves with gold stars of David, to theatrically/histrionically imply that there was a correlation or parallel between Nazi Germany's labelling of Jews and marking them for gas chambers with gold stars, versus persons who are trying to enforce standards that are meant or intended to keep persons healthy, and for which there are numerous stuudies clearly outlining their effectiveness..

I received the evil eye for my P100 and surgical mask combination at the store last night (in the same town where brain-dead, delusional motherfuckers now protest Docs and nurses at the hospital, where Docs and nurses have been verbally and physically assaulted by these miscreants, presumably for encouraging safety and protocol news/standards), because adhering to safety standards is now the mark of a political divide that wreaks of delusions and bizarre (paranoid-conspiracy) group-think... One irony being that I'm so far from being a partisan lackey that I have alienated myself from a number of party-oriented groups of people over the years... as a former organizer and activist in MANY actions over the years.

The socio-political climate in this Country has become so bizarre, that I've concluded, in all sincerity, that we honestly deserve what ever karma we come to inherit from all of this crap.


Comfortably numb!
The Arizona School study, the Bangladesh study, and more, including The Lancet (and the cumulative reports from a significant number of countries all across Europe and elsewhere) point to the dishonesty in their statements about masks not being functional protection, yet, presumably for political mileage, they continue spewing their bullshit, while infection rates soar.

Look up the Anchorage Mask Mandate meeting with the Mat-Su Borough the other night, where masking opponents adorned themselves with gold stars of David, to theatrically/histrionically imply that there was a correlation or parallel between Nazi Germany's labelling of Jews and marking them for gas chambers with gold stars, versus persons who are trying to enforce standards that are meant or intended to keep persons healthy, and for which there are numerous stuudies clearly outlining their effectiveness..

I received the evil eye for my P100 and surgical mask combination at the store last night (in the same town where brain-dead, delusional motherfuckers now protest Docs and nurses at the hospital, where Docs and nurses have been verbally and physically assaulted by these miscreants, presumably for encouraging safety and protocol news/standards), because adhering to safety standards is now the mark of a political divide that wreaks of delusions and bizarre (paranoid-conspiracy) group-think... One irony being that I'm so far from being a partisan lackey that I have alienated myself from a number of party-oriented groups of people over the years... as a former organizer and activist in MANY actions over the years.

The socio-political climate in this Country has become so bizarre, that I've concluded, in all sincerity, that we honestly deserve what ever karma we come to inherit from all of this crap.
Sir! I salute you :tiphat:

I lost a 45yr fiend to CNN. He believes everything they say is verbatim. I an retired and do a lot of research during the day on a myriad of topics, while that is going on, CNN is running in the background. But what i see and hear during the day, as been nipped and tucked by the time it hits Cuomo's time slot. BTW, he is not the only one. But my friend said he was the bestest anchor on the news and glued himself to that screen nightly. BTW, it is not only CNN that is culpable to this argument. But they are the worse! e.g the histeria wrt horseman "whipping" migrants. The dude that took the picture, debunked that statement but, not until the damage was done. By both Maxine and the "rock star". There is so much hypocrisy on both sides, I fully support your statement. You reap what you sew.


Well-known member
Sir! I salute you :tiphat:

I lost a 45yr fiend to CNN. He believes everything they say is verbatim. I an retired and do a lot of research during the day on a myriad of topics, while that is going on, CNN is running in the background. But what i see and hear during the day, as been nipped and tucked by the time it hits Cuomo's time slot. BTW, he is not the only one. But my friend said he was the bestest anchor on the news and glued himself to that screen nightly. BTW, it is not only CNN that is culpable to this argument. But they are the worse! e.g the histeria wrt horseman "whipping" migrants. The dude that took the picture, debunked that statement but, not until the damage was done. By both Maxine and the "rock star". There is so much hypocrisy on both sides, I fully support your statement. You reap what you sew.

What are you guys watching up there? CNN International, or regular CNN?

You watch that shit all day? In... Canada?

That's even more strange than an American watching CNN all day, especially when they don't like it.

How's the Trudeau coverage on Canadian CNN?