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top of the heap to third world status in one generation


Active member
Leaker of drone secrets gets 45 months in prison

Former Air Force intelligence analyst Daniel Hale will serve nearly four years in prison for sharing information on U.S. drone operations with a journalist.


Look ur bois locked a man in a cage for 4.5 years for releasing information about extrajudicial assassinations (a crime committed at the behest of the us govt) to a journalist (at the intercept?)
nothing says america like punishing those who stand up against the illegal indiscriminate mass murder of brown folks.
Anyone who has ever been associated with the cia should ride the lightening (after a trial by a jury of Pashtun afghanis of course)

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
The YouTubers who blew the whistle on an anti-vax plot


Sounds to me like a Deep State propaganda "wrap up smear" (as Nancy Pelosi might say) with BBC. Who is the "client who wished to remain anonymous"?? Someone interested in creating a story for BBC? To smear "anti-vaxxers?"

"In France, science YouTuber Léo Grasset received a similar offer. The agency offered him 2000 euros if he would take part. Fazze said it was acting for a client who wished to remain anonymous.

"That's a huge red flag" says Léo.

Both Léo and Mirko were appalled by the false claims.

They pretended to be interested in order to try to find out more and were provided with detailed instructions about what they should say in their videos.

In stilted English, the brief instructed them to "Act like you have the passion and interest in this topic.""


...stilted english?? So, Iranian, Ukrainian, Chinese??


Active member
93% were, indeed. did you even listen to what that guy said? cause it sounds like you're still falling for the right wing 'ganda. because you're still buying into the narrative that it wasn't peaceful and that's solely based on the far right constantly reporting on the few instances of violence that were recorded. or the far right straight up with the police were instigators against the protestors.

"The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) analyzed more than 7,750 Black Lives Matter demonstrations in all 50 states and Washington D.C. that took place in the wake of George Floyd’s death between May 26 and August 22.

Their report states that more than 2,400 locations reported peaceful protests, while fewer than 220 reported “violent demonstrations.” The authors define violent demonstrations as including “acts targeting other individuals, property, businesses, other rioting groups or armed actors.” Their definition includes anything from “fighting back against police” to vandalism, property destruction looting, road-blocking using barricades, burning tires or other materials. In cities where protests did turn violent—these demonstrations are “largely confined to specific blocks,” the report says."

oh wonderful, only some people were killed and only some blocks Were arsoned into ash heaps.
thanks but I’ve seen the 93% peaceful stat before….
i was making fun of the cnn headline of fiery but mostly peaceful protest… in regards to the blm protests in Minneapolis last summer.
I don’t think most of the people at those protests are violent seditionists (but some were)
same thing with the capitol protests…
Shades of grey everywhere


Well-known member
it's almost like the police murdering people has consequences and people take that threat very seriously.

police brutality and systemic racism = very real problems
capitol rioters = made up problems

one is rooted in reality, the other is not. there is literally no comparison between these two events.


Active member
it's almost like the police murdering people has consequences and people take that threat very seriously.

police brutality and systemic racism = very real problems
capitol rioters = made up problems

one is rooted in reality, the other is not. there is literally no comparison between these two events.

police kill far more white people than black people. White men are the only group to have had a decline in life expectancy over the last 5 years (pre pandemic).
the middle class is gone. Manufacturing jobs are gone.
to say that the capitol rioters have no problems to protest is a value judgment…. One that is very easy to make from afar but imho isn’t worth much.
Imho it’s just as retarded for me to claim people at blm protests have no real problems to protest.
Every group has its issues…some valid some less so.


Well-known member
police kill far more white people than black people. White men are the only group to have had a decline in life expectancy over the last 5 years.
the middle class is gone. Manufacturing jobs are gone.
to say that the capitol rioters have no problems to protest is a value judgment…. One that is very easy to make from afar but imho isn’t worth much.
Imho it’s just as retarded for me to claim people at blm protests have no real problems to protest.
Every group has its issues…some valid some less so.

Are you even being serious here?

Please post your source for this assertion because I'm pretty sure that you're just doing that white man/victim stuff again.

U.S. life expectancy dropped by 1.5 years in 2020, biggest drop since WWII

  • The CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics showed that life expectancy dropped from 78.8 years in 2019 to 77.3 years in 2020.
  • Hispanic Americans experienced the largest decline in life expectancies in 2020, followed by Black Americans.
  • Covid deaths accounted for nearly 75% of the decline.


Well-known member
I even went the extra step to get the cdc info for you! I'm looking forward to seeing your supporting evidence.

Vital Statistics Rapid Release 010. Provisional Life Expectancy Estimates for January Through June, 2020



Active member

there is also a New York Times article if ur willing to pay $4 a month to those hacks.
I mean I guess you could call it doing the “white man victim thing” as you so eloquently put it… but I would posit 1. I’m not a white man and 2. Trust the science bro.. lol.
The article is based on a peer reviewed study by Princeton phds… it shows a disturbing trend where urban folks life expectancy is growing and rural people’s life expectancy dropping ..
all of this done pre pandemic (2019 publish date) so newer stats I imagine will show a decline for all groups but I think it’s interesting at the least that the group supposedly at the tippy top of the hierarchy is dying from deaths of despair (od, suicide) at greater rates than any other group.
anyway real sorry to throw a wrench In ur pretty little racist narrative.

oh and honestly fuck anything the cdc publishes…most corrupt organization in the world. I wouldn’t touch anything they publish with a ten foot pole. (So I didn’t bother to read what u reposted from the cdc)
All of the people at the cdc are imho lying scumfuks


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
sigh...i wish we attracted a better class of trolls here...like some who actually went to class and had the faintest understanding of what they were talking about or were doing something more than regurgitating oan chiron lines


Well-known member

there is also a New York Times article if ur willing to pay $4 a month to those hacks.
I mean I guess you could call it doing the “white man victim thing” as you so eloquently put it… but I would posit 1. I’m not a white man and 2. Trust the science bro.. lol.
The article is based on a peer reviewed study by Princeton phds… it shows a disturbing trend where urban folks life expectancy is growing and rural people’s life expectancy dropping ..
all of this done pre pandemic (2019 publish date) so newer stats I imagine will show a decline for all groups but I think it’s interesting at the least that the group supposedly at the tippy top of the hierarchy is dying from deaths of despair (od, suicide) at greater rates than any other group.
anyway real sorry to throw a wrench In ur pretty little racist narrative.

oh and honestly fuck anything the cdc publishes…most corrupt organization in the world. I wouldn’t touch anything they publish with a ten foot pole. (So I didn’t bother to read what u reposted from the cdc)
All of the people at the cdc are imho lying scumfuks

The assigning of flawed morality to others has long been a reliable indicator in itself.

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