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Top House Republican complaining that Obama administration is not fighting drug war h

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BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Hmmm...say, Bacchas...do you happen to know what the current administrations spending numbers are?

I love how all these anti-obama people jump on that he "has spent more than any president in history" yet don't care to mention (or realize) that a large majority that was "spent" was actually loaned and not only saved 1mil+ jobs but is getting repaid in full with interest.

Once these "small government - less tax" people want to admit that our national defense is absurdly over budgeted, then I will take into consideration their cries. But when you want small gov and lower taxes and absoultely refuse to reduce the 800-900 billion a year that is spent on our military, I just cant take anything else you say seriously.
Wait, what? The fact that we borrowed and printed like crazy makes that better? Bottom line, our new govt wants us to tighten our belts but shows no sign of slowing down. Decrease defense, really? I tell what I do agree with you on though, it for sure is time to bring our young heroes home and let the middle east sort their own crap out. They will still sell us oil.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Once these "small government - less tax" people want to admit that our national defense is absurdly over budgeted, then I will take into consideration their cries. But when you want small gov and lower taxes and absoultely refuse to reduce the 800-900 billion a year that is spent on our military, I just cant take anything else you say seriously.

Most of the small government, less tax people don't realize that by advocating for a large national defensive they are being progressive. True conservatism (pre WWI) means an isolationist foreign policy. But considering that academia is almost totally lost everyone associates a large national defense with being conservative which is ridiculous. That's Neo-Conservative which is another word for Progressive.

Not only is our defense over budgeted much of it needs to be disbanded. Starting with the CIA.
Both sides make strong arguments.

Know who argued a lot, Hitler?


How did we get so far off topic? Damn left vs. right dichotomy polarizing everyone. Perhaps we can narrow the poo slinging.

GOP: Obama wants to feed our kids the drugs and legalize heroin enemas!

Left: The GOP could use a few drugs! No wait lets just throw money at the problem. You guys are mean!

Green: And you guys think I'm the crazy one? *takes bong hit*

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
They're pretty good at doing neither. :biglaugh:

I think it's blatantly obvious the WOD has failed but nobody has a good idea with what to do with all of those employed.

This bothers me because I think they'd rather just keep things rolling along.
They're pretty good at doing neither. :biglaugh:

I think it's blatantly obvious the WOD has failed but nobody has a good idea with what to do with all of those employed.

This bothers me because I think they'd rather just keep things rolling along.

Indeed. Why disrupt the momentum of the money train? And why give up all that control over other powerless human beings?

I think the only way to do it is to find something more profitable, but I'm worried that might not be enough if they can't get their jollies ordering people around and dehumanizing them.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
"What this says to me is that too many whites are getting away with drug use. Too many whites are getting away with drug sales. Too many whites are getting away with trafficking in this stuff. The answer to this disparity is not to start letting people out of jail because we're not putting others in jail who are breaking the law. The answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them and send them up the river, too."
-- Rush Limbaugh show, Oct. 5, 1995

What did this fat bastard get for his law breaking drug use?
"What this says to me is that too many whites are getting away with drug use. Too many whites are getting away with drug sales. Too many whites are getting away with trafficking in this stuff. The answer to this disparity is not to start letting people out of jail because we're not putting others in jail who are breaking the law. The answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them and send them up the river, too."
-- Rush Limbaugh show, Oct. 5, 1995

What did this fat bastard get for his law breaking drug use?

Wow. Hypocritical guy is hypocritical.

Even if we did arrest more white guys, the penalties between crack and powder cocaine would still let the white guys off with a slap on the wrist compared to the alternative.

I don't think he honestly believes most of what he says. He speaks to get a rise out of people. There's an interview floating around online of a young Rush Limbaugh explaining his tactics of getting people riled up so they would listen to him. That fantastic business model has seen a lot of use by many pundits on certain 24 hour news...er entertainment network.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
He didn't serve time.

He can't even help turn the crank on the system... pathetic.

I don't even know what the government really expects us to think about these policies.
He didn't serve time.

He can't even help turn the crank on the system... pathetic.

I don't even know what the government really expects us to think about these policies.
Those were prescription drugs, though! Those are the ones our government has decided are ok because big pharma and the FDA have colluded to make an enormous profit from. Huge difference from the evils of natural substances which threaten many entrenched and powerful industries with their potential for practical use.

They don't think the majority of people connect the dots, and they're largely correct. It's only when the public outcry comes that things get done. Unfortunately recent public outcry has been reserved for judging the love between two same sex adults, and judging the choices a woman makes for her own body.

Meanwhile the per capita prison population is exploding with non-violent offenders, and there seems to be no shortage of new laws which create criminals out of previously law abiding citizens. I wonder what percentage of our population needs to be incarcerated before we are shamed into removing, "land of the free" out of the anthem. Heh. Shame is probably not an emotion the collective leadership is accustomed to...
Just the fact that yall posted the Limbaugh issus shows his brilliance, he even reached you. He does a lot of sarcastic humor. People run with it not (↑) not realizing that they too have been had.

← Listens and laughs at Rush every day.


If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers.
Thomas Pynchon


Its easy to sell to the masses... Joe out of work , no skills, just wants a "job" is really a criminal and needs to be locked up.This cost us around 50k a year to house and take care of .The public has no stomach for Joe is down on his luck and needs a hand up that costs 50k a year.
Public seems to think Joe deserves whatever, if he was smart, honest and good he would have money.

Most like to feel warm, fuzzy and safe and do not see prison/police as BIG FRICKING HUGE GOVT.

Remember when in doubt "BLAME THE VICTIM". Works every time and builds consensus.

Ben Tokin

In 1937 the F.D. Roosevelt administration crafted the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act, the first US national law making cannabis possession illegal via an unpayable tax on the drug.

Now, back to the cannabis law.

The obvious facts, readily available online, show that both political parties are hypocrites. Both have ignored the blatant violence associated with cannabis prohibition. It is the special interests of greed and corruption that fuel the violence we have been witnessing for decades all around the world.

Prohibition of alcohol in the 1920's coincided with the increased production and use of the automobile and the internal combustion engine. Almost every farmer, at the time, had a still to produce alcohol. This alcohol was used to fuel the internal combustion engines at the time. Then prohibtion was enacted and all of these stills had to be destroyed. Mr Getty and Mr Rockefeller became legendary in the petroleum industry shortly after. Please note their political affiliations.

The precedent of alcohol prohibition got others thinking. Synthetic fiber, chemical pharmaceuticals, the reintroduction of alcohol, logging industry and others advocated for prohibition of cannabis.

It was mainly the Democrats that presided over this fuckover of the American people. The politics of greed and control are instilled in both major parties, but it is the Democrats that control the media. The MSM controls the people.

When will we all see clearly how media, rich special interests and payed off politicians are fucking us? As Spastic Gramps has repeatedly stated, the division of the electorate by media and puppet politicians is a planned fraud to make us fight against each other and ignore the reality of being played by a few greedy and evil assholes.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I just read Rush Limbaugh and brilliance in the same post.

We've all been had.

Anslinger was a Republican.

Hearst was a Democrat.

DuPont is the Devil.

Ben Tokin

How's this for your boy in Washington? :wave:

Feds Warrantlessly Tracking Americans’ Credit Cards in Real Time

By Ryan Singel December 2, 2010

Federal law enforcement agencies have been tracking Americans in real-time using credit cards, loyalty cards and travel reservations without getting a court order, a new document released under a government sunshine request shows.

The document, obtained by security researcher Christopher Soghoian, explains how so-called “Hotwatch” orders allow for real-time tracking of individuals in a criminal investigation via credit card companies, rental car agencies, calling cards, and even grocery store loyalty programs. The revelation sheds a little more light on the Justice Department’s increasing power and willingness to surveil Americans with little to no judicial or Congressional oversight.

For credit cards, agents can get real-time information on a person’s purchases by writing their own subpoena, followed up by a order from a judge that the surveillance not be disclosed. Agents can also go the traditional route — going to a judge, proving probable cause and getting a search warrant — which means the target will eventually be notified they were spied on.

The document suggests that the normal practice is to ask for all historical records on an account or individual from a credit card company, since getting stored records is generally legally easy. Then the agent sends a request for “Any and all records and information relating directly or indirectly to any and all ongoing and future transactions or events relating to any and all of the following person(s), entitities, account numbers, addresses and other matters…” That gets them a live feed of transaction data.

DOJ powerpoint presentation on Hotwatch surveillance orders of credit card transactions

It’s not clear what standards an agent would have to follow to get a “Hotwatch” order. The Justice Department told Sogohian the document is the only one it could find relating to “hotwatches” — which means there is either no policy or the department is witholding relevant documents.

The Justice Department did not return a call for comment.

Every year, the Justice Department does have to report to Congress the numbers of criminal and national security wiretaps undertaken, as well as the number of National Security Letters issued. Tens of thousands of NSLs are issued yearly — most with gag orders that forbid ISPs or librarians from ever saying they have ever been served with such a subpoena.

But the Justice Department does not report or make public the number of times it got real time or historic cell phone location information, nor how often it is using these so-called “hotwatch” orders.

Here is the link for the power point document: http://www.scribd.com/doc/44542244/...rveillance-orders-of-credit-card-transactions
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