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Tom Hill Haze


Well-known member
I would like to know your opinions about medical value of haze? it has zero body effect, so I guess that it can work like antidepressant? but antidepressant is that it is kind of calming, while real haze hahaha:LOL: is racy and heart beating, electric, paranoia inducing, very introspective, it can be scary even etc... I would not recommend it to people with depression... not really sure about what kind of medical value it has?

anybody uses real haze, now I dont mean g13haze or any other aghanhaze like piff, for their medical issues?

At the end of the day even pure O. Haze has a considerable amount of THC which is well established to have incredible medical value. FDA approved uses for pure THC (dronabinol) are chemotherapy induced nausea and AIDS related weight loss but there are many other uses in reality. The psychological, heart rate, blood pressure related side effects are real and need to be taken into account of course. But in a medical setting the idea isn't to get peeking through the blinds high...


atomizing haze essence
At the end of the day even pure O. Haze has a considerable amount of THC which is well established to have incredible medical value. FDA approved uses for pure THC (dronabinol) are chemotherapy induced nausea and AIDS related weight loss but there are many other uses in reality. The psychological, heart rate, blood pressure related side effects are real and need to be taken into account of course. But in a medical setting the idea isn't to get peeking through the blinds high...
well sure it has thc, but gorilla glue too and gg4 is much more easy to grow with much shorter fowerig time, right? and it has relaxing effect without those effects you mentioned... Ohz should have some really special medical value to grow it, do you agree?

well I met guy at some council, who is practicing curing clinical depression with psylocibin... but it is assisted with doctor presence... funny is that they use some shamanistic ritual after in taking... and monitor brain activity the whole time... so yeah using psychedelics can help to cure depression...


da boveda kid
Microdosing equatorials might be a thing, it is for me as far as i can tell from my own experience.
Small doses leave me clearheaded, makes stuff a tad more interesting and pick me up.

Never had anything that came as 'pure haze' to me though, just once i was gifted something with haze in the name and it was dark purple brownish almost black. basically bract upon bract, and the effect was fantastic, made me do stuff and stimulated my mind in a positive manner.

Unfortunately most commercial herb doesnt do me good even in very small amounts, gets my head foggy, what a shame.

Had treatment with anti depressants twice. The ones i took were quite activating, like having bees in your butt or ants in your pants but not in a bad sense. At first it didnt feel like that, or even good at all, made me angry, but once you start to get better you can make good use of it.
At the end of the treatment it had gotten annoying though, feeling wound up all the time like you cant get no profound relaxation no more.

And having a schizophrenic in the family all i can say is, that its a complex disorder with symptoms of other disorders overlapping. He was given antidepressants, yes, but also with additional antipsychotics and whatnot.
Weed was always a bad thing for him, always. Even before the psychosis.

Maybe in small doses it would have been helpful, but i'm not sure.

Soooo, if you smoke just a tiny bit of OHaze, what does it do?


Well-known member
hard to patent something you cant explain the existence of or replicate from scratch. i suppose you could patent a brand name, but it would end there. . might not stop them from trying.
its hard for me to understand how a cannabis patent on a strain could ever really be enforced or meaningful beyond a trade name or retail sale. all the genetics are already out in the world you cant patent nature. the rest is just descriptive if someone knew how to recreate haze id hope they would have done it by now. theres alot that goes into real botany/breeding yet to be accomplished. such as qtl linkage maps, identity by desent alleles etc thats the stuff we should be working on its a prerequisite for improvement on a molecular level. i would start with the 5 thc synthases. the best clue so far is that alaskan ice and haze both have thc synthase 2/1 which outside of haze belongs exclusively to korean landraces. synthase 1/1 is the common one from reference genome. that leaves 2/2 2/3 and 4 left to be figured out. so far no one has found any plants besides haze which have these synthases.
I dont doubt about medicinal value of skunkhaze, but we were talking about original haze. do you understand the difference?
wow thats a pretty dickhead comment man. you ask for information on medical haze traits and i answered it. these compounds arent present in skunk so it stands to reason its coming from the haze side. theres like 30 results from haze and haze hybrids from piffcon. its pretty simple to look thru them and identify patterns. cbl and cbt have huge medical capabilities and are found nearly exclusivly in these lines.
also if you take some time to understand what basal cannabis means, you would understand why your comment about "haze hybrids" is completely irrelevant. a basal line is sister to all others in the species. meaning that if you make a cross with a basal line and more recent line, the homogulous chromosomes between the 2 lines will segregate together, its called transgressive segregationn. a phenotype will occur not found in either line. that phenotype will represent traits the shared ancestor the 2 have in common. this is a great way to understand relation and open up new profiles.
the best example ive seen on this forum is when mac crossed a5 to sams haze. this plant popped out. according to you his would also be a "haze hybrid" your arrogance is unreal.

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Well-known member
answer? and was that attempt successful? and based on what? and compared to what?

I would like to see some statistics, like this % of users prefer Ohz as antidepressant over other choices like og kush for example... some real results.

I dont doubt even that for "somebody" it can work like antidepressant, but how frequent is such case? so we can say, yes for this % of people it really works as antidepressant...

some real testing was done? as I guess that if they wanted to patent it as anti depressant, they had some study to it?

for example schizophrenics are using conventional antidepressants, but can they use pure sativa like Ohz as antidepressant? with its psychoactivity? as conventional antidepressants dont have this psychoactivity as Ohz, right?

and so on and so on....
I don't know exactly why you started this ohaze and clinical depression thing, but here goes my case... Depression and anxiety since puberty, some pretty strong streaks. Medications did nothing (they did nothing good, many side effects) and little by little I made my way to marijuana, leaving the medications, which helped me a lot to make my day to day less hard. And already at the beginning of 2000 I met the haze hybrids... the best thing that could have happened to me in my life is knowing these varieties, pure joy and motivation, super positive, and depending on which plant, I can even use machines in the workshop, programing etc Todd's haze are a bx or hybrids, but not ohaze, they remind me a lot of bad specimens of super silver haze or neville haze in early 2000s. I haven't tried pure ohaze yet, but soon thanks to madmac. to ask about the antidepressant effect of ohaze is to generalize too much, each plant has a very different chemotype from the other(in the final effect). And I imagine that what works for me doesn't have to work for someone else.
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Well-known member
well sure it has thc, but gorilla glue too and gg4 is much more easy to grow with much shorter fowerig time, right? and it has relaxing effect without those effects you mentioned... Ohz should have some really special medical value to grow it, do you agree?

well I met guy at some council, who is practicing curing clinical depression with psylocibin... but it is assisted with doctor presence... funny is that they use some shamanistic ritual after in taking... and monitor brain activity the whole time... so yeah using psychedelics can help to cure depression...
There's really a number of things here. First of all the question was does Original Haze have medicinal value. The answer to that question is, without any shadow of a doubt, yes. It has incredible medicinal value.

Now is it the most efficient way to maximize the yield of medicine for a commercial producer? Well no. That would probably be extracts from fields of auto/early strains. The Moroccans have certainly proved it an efficient method during the last 50 years or so.

That does not mean that Haze wouldn't be a good option for someone growing their own medicine. Especially since growing the plant is part of the treatment. And at least Haze hybrids can be quite viable even for commercial purposes in some circumstances due to reasons like short veg requirements and mold resistance, who's to say some phenos of pure Haze wouldn't be.

And if we come to the effects then you really bring up the key points yourself. Some strains do have a more relaxing effect but that might not actually be wanted in many cases. The same goes for a lot effects that are generally considered positive. And for the psilocybin example, if you want to look for an option for psychedelic therapy from cannabis, without wanting to open a Pandora's box on the elusive acid pheno, surely Original Haze could be something worth considering.


Well-known member
If anyone wants anti anxiety / anti depression THH, its all just a matter of selection and numbers. I would recommend to go for the Colombian dominant phenotypes as the Thai will most likely make things worse.
The Colombians in THH are not that common it seems, this is the reason I mentioned numbers. Just grow more plants, dedicate your time and space to this line and you will find the gold. Growing few plants means one relies on pure luck.
Years ago, I made selection from just 13 females and found several memorable plants, the Thai and Colombian phenos stands out to such extend, that I consider the Colombian one of the best effects I have ever sampled. Especially grown under the sun, small joint between two people and the day was completely transformed to a blissful state of mind, no matter what. Strong psychedelic experience similar to low dose of shrooms, yet not a trace of any negative feeling during the high and after. It was something else truly. You can argue that true Haze is stimulating, heart-beating, anxiety inducing experience, but Haze has many expressions and you can select what you want. Its that simple.

THH (Colombian)


Well-known member
answer? and was that attempt successful? and based on what? and compared to what?

I would like to see some statistics, like this % of users prefer Ohz as antidepressant over other choices like og kush for example... some real results.

I dont doubt even that for "somebody" it can work like antidepressant, but how frequent is such case? so we can say, yes for this % of people it really works as antidepressant...

some real testing was done? as I guess that if they wanted to patent it as anti depressant, they had some study to it?

for example schizophrenics are using conventional antidepressants, but can they use pure sativa like Ohz as antidepressant? with its psychoactivity? as conventional antidepressants dont have this psychoactivity as Ohz, right?

and so on and so on....

Longer answer this time. :)

The patent application is suspended and I have not looked much into it, as I believe they cannot have enough experience and knowledge to know what they are doing. Also for me, living beings shouldn't be patented, but that's a personal opinion. Basically tried to patent the OH with antidepressant effects as an invention, that we have been discussing here on icmag in 2020, when antidepressant effects were getting reported from Mac's Seedsman OH repro... and my inbred Seedsman OH lines. What we call also the great high. The feeling of greatness when you have a real good one.

And I wouldn't compare its antidepressant qualities to conventional antidepressants. But more to herbs and spices that are known for their antidepressant proprieties. They often share the same terpenes. I would also prefer NL1 or medicinal Sour Bubble phenos to OG, because of their cleaner high and certain OH types over everything else for their energetic, clear high with no ceiling.... Having a passion for phytotherapy, I did a study about the most antidepressant Haze type 2 years ago, that does reek almost identic to an african spice that gets used in traditional medicine to treat some major effects of depression. And the nearest terpene profile I have found, has been a Columbian Gold.

Personally I would find irresponsible to recommend OH for depression, as it might worsen the condition. Especially of people with schizophrenia. Some OH types or sativas definitively increase the heart rate and that's not good combined with certain effects. Often seen people panicking, alone becasue they miss the body effect of what for them is "normal" weed or hash. I did smoke some OH once after a marathon run, thinking it was the best for recovery ...... Had low sugar and mineral levels, completely exhausted. And had the worst experience with cannabis or psychedelics in my life, using my favourite cannabis plant ever for depression or anxiety. Therfore I would be careful on recommeding OH for depression or anxiety.

I remember also very well the first and probably only true OH that got sold in Coffeeshops, in the early 90s. Something I am still hunting 30 years later..... Got it gifted the first time from my uncle, as he didn't like the effect. Was to strong for him....... Made him feel unconfortable and caused headaches to a lot people. And the older guys in the NL were used to the very best sativa imports....

Had Metal, soapy, woody, resiny and floral (similar to mahonia) terps, that I do reek almost every spring, since 30 years in the nature. Possibly was haze19, at least according to the infos I got from Sam and few others. But I believe TomHill thinks differently and I usually trust him. Therefore I don't know...

And Nevils Hazes did increase the paranoia levels when they first appeared in Holland. :ROFLMAO: Often made people pass out and/or fall from their chairs. Especially one cupwinner selected by Nevil. Not recommended for depression too... And I guess Tom is clear about the effect of the incense OH types, being not as clear and I add more introspective too. Nevertheless I do like them more than the Hazes that make you to much 🚀🚀🚀

But of course due to their potency, Nevils best Hazes had definitively a medical grade. Longest duration of effect I have ever come across. But as you love to say Maha. Sligthly to much mentally couchlocking.... Until the next day, also at work, with hangover too.... Kind of effects you don't see people reporting very often nowadays.

and so on and so on.... :)

Tom Hill

Well-known member
Me, and Sam, and others, been saying it for decades. THC rules lol. Depression pain whatever. You are looking for relief. You are looking for "where are my keys! Oh here they are in my hand lol. What was I doing again? Oh yeah I was reeling in pain lol. Those brief moments are fucking precious.


Well-known member
And no you can't patent a line drug type cannabis is far too complex for that. You can patent a clone like strawberries or apples or peaches.

This is a cannabis patent, for some people it seems it is not too complex to patent a living entity

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