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today is gonna suck...

moose eater

Well-known member
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I worked reinforcing concrete and one day a guy showed up who just got out of prison but kept up his dues while he was in there so he got called, He did a duece and said he had 22 impaired driving convictions in his life,he was in his 40's, no shit. At lunch he went right down to the bar and had a cple beers . It shows how helpless some people can be under its power.
There can also be a self-destruction component separate from the alcohol. Like a dog chasing porcupines or tires on a moving car. Sometimes no matter how many times they've had quills in their nose, something drives them to chase another porcupine.

I've known people like that, including a former friend who did federal time for cultivation, but has engaged in repeated stupid shit that had no other possible benefit or outcome than going back into court. He had over 45 cases in the justice system on his courtview online record here well over ten years ago, and I'd already ceased having anything to do with him for other reasons.

When he got out of prison I employed him for cash for a while, prepping our lot for building, taking down trees, etc. He was bitter about what I had and what he didn't have, and one day while I was in town getting hornet spray, the fucker told my crew that if I wasn't here, they should stop working. The guy was simply a conflict or accident waiting to happen.

When he was in a federal pen, and they shipped him around a lot because he was a problem child, I was working as a MH clinician in rural Alaska and got ahold of a radio station's letterhead with my friend's (who worked there) approval, set up an interview on that friend's talk show on public radio, writing the letter to the federal warden at the prison as though I were my friend with the talk show.. (NEVER give me fucking letterhead :) ). (I still have the cassette tape of that interview, btw). They got him a private room, a guard and a telephone. The show was normally 1 hour. He was on the air for over 2 hours. The gist or purpose for me (and I believe for Tom, as well, the inmate) was getting a show on the air that would illuminate the social and economic costs of the drug war; his common law wife, an Inupiaq woman, was pregnant with their baby when he got popped with over 100 plants, so take that scenario forward in your mind. No dad on scene, no income, etc., etc..
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Well-known member
There's been a false dichotomy perpetrated by our society and by the Powers that be. if something has been culturally accepted and prevalent in most of society, then it's perceived as safe. (My mother died of an acetaminophen OD).

Alcohol is correlated to all kinds of nastiness in this world; increased rates of domestic violence, violence in general, property crimes, traffic fatalities, and garden variety accidents, etc.

Banning creates an illegal market with greater abuses and violence, like our dry villages, where 40 years ago someone with a plane would buy cases upon cases of D- grade liquor for $7/bottle and fly it out to dry villages, selling it even back then for $100 to $125/bottle, and with the binge drinking among folks in a dry village, the carnage was often greater than if they'd had a regular supply of booze in the village. Not to mention the economic issues of that kind of pricing in places with little or no economy; something they still contend with today with black-market weed.

I think the answer rests in individual responsibility, which includes individual consequences, and better education that doesn't dress things in cultural biases and preferences or cultural blindness, but pharmacological truth. And this Country, among others, hasn't had pharmacological truth in education since the opium wars started in the early 1900s.

Alcohol kills people. And it's an ugly death once someone reaches alcohol-induced dementia and organ failure in places where home health care can only clean them up once or twice a day, if they're lucky.
Good points Moose and you're probably right. My brother was an alcoholic and the real deal,like in barfly and when you see it in the fam and how destructive it is and what it does to children that adore their parent and can't understand it sure is beyond words.

moose eater

Well-known member
Premium user
Good points Moose and you're probably right. My brother was an alcoholic and the real deal,like in barfly and when you see it in the fam and how destructive it is and what it does to children that adore their parent and can't understand it sure is beyond words.
My mother tried to drink and pill her way through early middle age in her life, suppressing things she wouldn't talk about.

Didn't know for years that she blamed herself for my father's suicide in '68. Instead, screaming into the mirror in her room literally ALL fucking night, naked, and drinking most of a fifth of hard liquor, or all of one in the night, then eat some Rx amphetamines, put on makeup, and go to work the next day, telling her coworkers what bastards and bitches her kids were.

One day standing in the front yard in a subdivision in Pennsylvania with scant landscaping, wearing nothing but panties, tits flopping in the breeze, drink in hand, yelling at the world (literally) about all of her pain and suffering in life, of which she truly had endured a lot.

Getting on the school bus the next day was an exercise in humility and shame and learning early on not to own others' bullshit.

I enjoy a drink, on rare occasion might get intoxicated, but alcohol, overall, is, or can be, ugly.


Well-known member
Damn, that's rough @armedoldhippy. Hope he gets the help he needs, that's a long time. It's one of the main reasons I quit drinking, I couldn't stop my self from drinking and driving or riding. Sober me hated it and always knows that's the wrong thing but after a few beers I stopped giving a fuck. It's impossible to get around down here without a vehicle and the penalties are nothing compared to the US, I have met people who have had upwards of 10 convictions and never seen a cell so it's far to common and the social attitude regarding it is a joke. Luckily I have never harmed anyone or myself, but that was just because of luck, couldn't keep chancing it. Was one of the best decisions I've ever made though, nearly every other aspect of my life has improved because of it.
Surely to God this was compiled by a drunk person? If it makes you feel any better I'm borderline.

What's rough? Not once did you mention the victim. How's she keeping, still alive? What about the family?
What you just did is play the victim and projected the road that you took (Damascus was it?)
You feeling pity for yourself, whats that about?

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
I worked reinforcing concrete and one day a guy showed up who just got out of prison but kept up his dues while he was in there so he got called, He did a duece and said he had 22 impaired driving convictions in his life,he was in his 40's, no shit. At lunch he went right down to the bar and had a cple beers . It shows how helpless some people can be under its power.
When you know people who've done _decades_ in prison, for whatever reason, most people would have different feelings than they express on an Internet forum. (can't really find an emoticon to express sadness/anger)

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Forgive the grammar it's been written on a phone. The original post was about aoh and his friend, of course I feel for the victim, but it was also not mentioned what happened, so I did not assume as that was not the point of the post. I was just trying to relate, I don't feel i was eliciting pity, sorry that you see it the way that you do, but your entitled to your view point. I am sorry if you have lost any one close to you from alcohol or drink driving.
Surely to God this was compiled by a drunk person? If it makes you feel any better I'm borderline.

What's rough? Not once did you mention the victim. How's she keeping, still alive? What about the family?
What you just did is play the victim and projected the road that you took (Damascus was it?)
You feeling pity for yourself, whats that about?


Well-known member
Forgive the grammar it's been written on a phone. The original post was about aoh and his friend, of course I feel for the victim, but it was also not mentioned what happened, so I did not assume as that was not the point of the post. I was just trying to relate, I don't feel i was eliciting pity, sorry that you see it the way that you do, but your entitled to your view point. I am sorry if you have lost any one close to you from alcohol or drink driving.
Respect brother, you put me down the rabbit hole with the Afgan 90 ☯️
Only good vibes..


Well-known member
in one hour, i have to go pick up my best friend of the last 52 years, and take him to the courthouse to surrender & begin serving 10 years, day for day, with no possibility of probation or parole as outlined in his plea agreement. the silver lining, if you want to call it that, is that he will be in a facility where he will get the medical treatment he needs, and away from the worst dangers of our lovely penal institutions here in Tennessee. :shucks:
Sorry to hear of this. Best of wishes for your pal who is fortunate to have you for a friend.


Well-known member
. But not more than one beer in a 1.5-to-2-hour period.
he has two priors for DUI. no wrecks, ever, whether stoned or drinking.
But I've -always- known when I was too fucked up to drive or shouldn't have been behind the wheel.
since his last DUI, i've never known him to drink more than two beers unless he was at home and not going anywhere. i've hauled him most places he went during those 5 intervening years. he had his 2 during their 5 hour saturday pool shooting get-together. panic can strike anyone...like someone else said "there, but for the grace of God, go I" :thank you:

moose eater

Well-known member
Premium user
he has two priors for DUI. no wrecks, ever, whether stoned or drinking.

since his last DUI, i've never known him to drink more than two beers unless he was at home and not going anywhere. i've hauled him most places he went during those 5 intervening years. he had his 2 during their 5 hour saturday pool shooting get-together. panic can strike anyone...like someone else said "there, but for the grace of God, go I" :thank you:
If they're 12 to 16-oz. beers, with 2 inside of one hour, at a minimum of 5% for many beers these days, and some of them much more, you can blow well over .08 even with just 2 beers.

I drink some imperial Russian stouts, one of which is a mere 12-oz. can, but it's 11.2%, and I know for a fact that if I drink one of those, even if I'm functioning well, if I get behind the wheel and get stopped, whether for my driving or for a flickering headlight or license plate illumination bulb, I'm probably fucked.

But we have hundreds of miles of minimally attended highways here. and I know, most of the time, where not to stretch my luck.

I'm sorry you had to deliver your friend to his dungeon. Prisons rarely help too many people. Though they're great for taking away the will to live or hope for many.
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Well-known member
Was one of the best decisions I've ever made though, nearly every other aspect of my life has improved because of it.
i've almost completely quit drinking myself since my marriage, 32 years now. :oops: i still make some shine now and then, and that's all i'll have except for the very rare Jack & coke if out for dinner. i have my wife drive us home . hell, i rarely smoke and drive anymore even. getting old. want to get older, lol...

moose eater

Well-known member
Premium user
'49th State Brewing' in Healy, Alaska, ('Seward's Folly' Russian Imperial Stout, named after the guy who advocated for the US to buy Alaska from the Russians, Secretary of State William Seward, for whom the town of Seward, Alaska is also named), located 12 miles north of the road entrance into Denali Nat'l Park, with a weed dispensary literally more or less in their front yard; both places are seasonally open, closed for the late Fall, Winter and early Spring, and -expensive-, and looking to maximize the lifting of Benjamins from the pockets of needy but gullible touristas..

Good food and beer, as well as weed at both places, however, but have your wallet ready.


Well-known member
My mother tried to drink and pill her way through early middle age in her life, suppressing things she wouldn't talk about.

Didn't know for years that she blamed herself for my father's suicide in '68. Instead, screaming into the mirror in her room literally ALL fucking night, naked, and drinking most of a fifth of hard liquor, or all of one in the night, then eat some Rx amphetamines, put on makeup, and go to work the next day, telling her coworkers what bastards and bitches her kids were.

One day standing in the front yard in a subdivision in Pennsylvania with scant landscaping, wearing nothing but panties, tits flopping in the breeze, drink in hand, yelling at the world (literally) about all of her pain and suffering in life, of which she truly had endured a lot.

Getting on the school bus the next day was an exercise in humility and shame and learning early on not to own others' bullshit.

I enjoy a drink, on rare occasion might get intoxicated, but alcohol, overall, is, or can be, ugly.
It's a shame that you carry that memory,it's sad when children see their parent in such a weak state , I quit before I met my wife and our son never once saw alcohol in the house and today he doesn't drink either. I think it's like smoking, if the parents smoke, it increases the odds the child will.

moose eater

Well-known member
Premium user
It's a shame that you carry that memory,it's sad when children see their parent in such a weak state , I quit before I met my wife and our son never once saw alcohol in the house and today he doesn't drink either. I think it's like smoking, if the parents smoke, it increases the odds the child will.
Al of those things, good, bad, ugly, and weird, made me who I am today. Could I give away who I am? Parts of it?
There are uglier memories than those. Those were just embarrassment and shame as a young'un'. Learning to both resent someone, love them and dislike them at the same time, and to eventually feel for where they come from.

I've told all of my 3 kids that I'm not perfect, sometimes far from it, that I value honor, integrity, and being true to one's words and beliefs, have a short fuse for bullshit, am abrupt and direct, and don't blow smoke up anyone's ass knowingly, and I raised them on horticulture money when it provided enough stress to affect us all, I'm sure. Especially with some of the other occupations or engagements throughout that time. But I've never raped, molested, or beaten any of the family I made. Never threatened to kill them, though a time or 2 during heartbreaks, wished them ill to extremes.

I told them that it's our job to take what we're given, and push that rock a little bit further up the hill. And that if we keep doing that, generation after generation, then maybe one day, however many lines down the tree, we can be who those people might've been had their lives been fairer.

We all come out of the womb wanting food, acceptance, safety, love, and warmth. Not all of us get that. But it's our job to improve on what we did get, who we are, and what we come from.

I've gotta' go kill some more green alder and some balsam poplar or creek/river aspen, or the bunch of salmon fillets I thawed and put in the fridge won't turn into what they were caught for.


Well-known member
as others have already said, put some money on his books barter and trading is what happens in the joint

Here is my buddy getting out after doing almost 20

I stuck with him those 20 years and visited almost every week and made sure he always had money on his books which really helped him do his time

He had another 14 years to go, but our appeal worked its way all the way up to the Kansas Supreme Court, who ruled in our favor by saying he was illegally sentenced and they had to cut him loose ASAP

a max security schitt-hole prison know as Gladiator School in Kansas system

View attachment 19061223
thats hard time.wtf did he do?


Not ICMag Donor
I feel sorry for the person who got run over and was left to die. Shocked to read all the people saying "we all panic, we all make mistakes". Running away after hitting someone with your car, and denying them first aid and help that could save their lives is not a mistake.

It's always "2 beers" with these people by the way.

Edit -
armedoldhippy said:
he panicked and fled the scene
armedoldhippy said:
local DA has a real hard-on for ANYTHING that happens after you have two beers
armedoldhippy said:
he has two priors for DUI
Ok bro🤦‍♂️
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Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
I absolutely love drinking and driving.....MY LAWN MOWER. No excuse to drive cars drunk. None.

Everyone says two beers. I told my wife I only had two beers the other day. She laughed as she was rinsing out the 9 cans. I don't drive after one sip. There is too much to lose and I'm not talking me.

If someone hits my family member and drives off, ten years would be a breeze compared to going feet first into the wood chipper sentence I would provide.

I am also quite shocked no one has mentioned how the victim is doing??? The focus should be the victim not the creep that hit her. What a fucked up world.


Well-known member
This"iv only had 2 drinks so im fine to drive' mentality is what causes the problem,many folks will say iv had 1 drink when in reality theyve had a few,peoples tolerances are different so how can u say 1 drink is fine or 2?some folk can drink like a fish and others hav a mouthful and are pisst.if u drink u dont drive and if u drive u dont drink,simple.76

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