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Thyphoon and Dieselryder. It's Dödsknark



Just went though your log. Very interesting as i have just purchased both thyphoon and dieselryder. Good luck to u this year.


Active member
Just went though your log. Very interesting as i have just purchased both thyphoon and dieselryder. Good luck to u this year.

Hi there Bom

We have a load of Typhoon seeds lined up for this year's outdoor grow too, really looking forward to them actually

Can I ask where you managed to buy Typhoon seeds please if you don't mind bud?

Regards, Esskie


Active member
Nice thread, Tagged! Lovin that hash looks amazing bro- i gotta see what the fuckin bud produces if that was 99% leaf, stone the crows! I found a load of Screens available in any micron size, dirt cheap, & used for brewing i think! i was thinking of getting a few home made bags on the go, i know i can get quality nylon material to make the bags, then its all about whats used for the stitching, would need to be real strong stuff, will beat paying through the nose for bubble-bags, so i just have a go at it! G'Luck!


Hi Esskie.

I purchased them at "dcf frøbanken". They are limited and only sell one pack a person. They have some crosses with it to though. I'm really excited about them. I grew early strains from Holland last season, but they didnt have a chance to finnish before frost came. Hopefully this one will do better.


Active member
nice grow man ! i saw your name last week.. an thought... dod sknark ? an then it hit me ! your swedish ! i was born an raised there till i was 8, an have always wondered whats up with the herb over there. glad to see its there : )


Active member
Hi Esskie.

I purchased them at "dcf frøbanken". They are limited and only sell one pack a person. They have some crosses with it to though. I'm really excited about them. I grew early strains from Holland last season, but they didnt have a chance to finnish before frost came. Hopefully this one will do better.

Hi Bom, thanks for the info :)
That's real interesting, all I know about Typhoon is about how "the strain has been bred by a hippy collective in Thy, Denmark" been grown & (inbred?) for almost 25yrs by outdoor growers which has acclimatised it to the weather at 50-60N latitude

Saw the other Typhoon strains you mentioned too, the Purple Typhoon 09 for example.......makes me wonder if it's a genetic thing or environmental?
some of Dodsnark's turned some beautiful colours due to temp during flowering

Do you or anyone reading this know anything about the Royal Dane used in the Royal Dane x Thyphoon 08 at all please?

From what I can gather there seems to be a few different lines of Typhoon around?, that having been said Dodsnark certainly produced some really nice plants with a more than respectable yield.

We have been talking about a RSC Lebanese IBL/heirloom / Typhoon hybrid.....with the hopes for offspring with a good combination of early flowering and disease resistance --- and nice highs...either for hash or for bud

So looking forward to this year's outdoor grow!!

PS: Has anyone here ever done Typhoon indoors in a hydro system?


Im wondering about the same things as you are Esskie as I purchased all of the Typhoon and Royal Dane Crosses. I'm sure there are some danes or swedes out there who know. They are quite sparse on info at DCF. Have u seen the typhoon growlog by "Dyr"? He probably knows a thing or two......

I will definatly make a growlog from latitude 60 this season though. We will then see how it goes and grows here in Norway.


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ICMag Donor
The purple thyphoon is seeds from 1 purple stemmed, August 22. harvested Thyphoon(from the small spot). It is a 3. generation purple :)

All Thyphoon seeds comes from Tanska(my dad) he started spreading them in 07 and some have been growing them since then.

Rd x Thyphoon was made in 08(Not by me or Tanska), the Royal dane in is either 06 or 07 generation, and the Thyphoon is 07.

I have never tried Thyphoon indoors, but it's probably not good for that :)


Hey peeps :)

Thanks for all the kind words! Glad to see you all in here. I got some internet problems but I'll be back as soon as I get them sorted.

Keep the Thyphoon discussion going please. Then I won't have to look around for info ;)

Time for a beer, Cheers!


The purple thyphoon is seeds from 1 purple stemmed, August 22. harvested Thyphoon(from the small spot). It is a 3. generation purple

So purple thyphoon is like an "Early Thyphoon"? I'm so glad to hear that. Means that it has a chance up here in Norway if it finnishes that early in Denmark. I went through a lot of work last year with over 30 plants outdoor. Total harvest out of this was under 10 grams... This was with dutch strains though. I'm so excited about this year, and hope all my Danish genetics will be more rewarding to me....


Here is last years harvest lol.......


Hangin to dry in the barn. Hoping to hang some nice thyphoons and royal danes there next fall.



Active member
Tanska has some good seeds, I grew some last year and the pheno was quite tall but the yield was OK and no mold! Havén´t tried the smoke yet.


Tanska has some good seeds, I grew some last year and the pheno was quite tall but the yield was OK and no mold! Havén´t tried the smoke yet.
May i ask what latitude you grew them on?


Active member
Have any of you guys ever grown Typhoon in hydro?

I ask as the 4 we started have been in 25mm starter cubes surrounded by clay pebbles in small pots, however 1 has been re-potted into all-mix

they were/are being fed only water with maybe a little root stim atm as they are very small still. they do seem very slow to get going?, not sure if this was coz of the passive-hydro or not?

if the 1 in all-mix shows signs of a growth burst over the next week then the other 3 will join it in soil.......hopefully these plants will provide us with clones for this year's outdoor :smokeit:

Dodsnark glad you dropped in buddy, how are these regarding nutrients man?....do they dislike lots?.......your fed yours with chicken manure is that correct??



Never tried hydro. Keep in mind they are kind of auto flowering. Mine started flowering at 60-70 cm.

The chicken manure seems to have been a mistake. They absolutely LOVED nettle water though. Just chop nettles, put in water for a couple of days/a week and water with it. Responded well to BioBizz's recommended dosage of BioBloom and TopMax. Also top fed with some compost. Burnt them a bit with the chicken shit. For no good reason really. I misred the label thinking it was high in P. DOH!

Tanska and Dyr are great! :)

Back soon. Watering, rebuilding ventilation etc. Waiting for my new reflector.


Active member
no probz man,
thanx for the info, I'll make sure to keep it in mind

well I left 2 in the clay pebbles (passive hydro) & the other 2 have been in bio-bizz all-mix for a couple of days now and are looking great but 2 days isn't a longtime in soil as you know

are they all pretty much auto mate or just some?, I thought it wasn't all that turned out to be auto flowering

no worries eitherway though, the main thing is they finish in my crappy weather & I gotta say if we get anything near your beautiful looking sativa type buds then we'll be happy!......must make sure we pollinate a few choice branches!

actually, at the cost of some unseeded bud it will probably be a good idea to leave a male in one or more of the plots to ensure plenty seeds

we want to try a Typhoon/Lebanese IBL cross too as I believe a very quick finishing, mould resistant and potentially high in THC hybrid could be produced by such a cross?.......the Leb grows very vigorously and is a hardy plant with an approx finishing time of 8wks or thereabouts

I'll keep you all updated on the hydro/All-Mix test


New member
How much did you harvest dry?
What NL is this at?
I'm in Norway at 58-59 NL and desperatly needing the kind of yields you danish viking brothers are getting!