and what the hell are the WILLIES? where did that expression come from lol
Yesterday Connecticut declared a state of emergency granting itself the power to detain anyone, quarantine anyone, do medical experiments on anyone, take anyone anywhere they see fit at anytime, to any facility, camp or dungeon, for as long as they want, if they decide you are a risk. Several days ago a building in Paris was barricaded with 70 people inside because they SUSPECTED 4 people inside MIGHT have Ebola. The illusion of Civil Rights will crumble quickly when spotty outbreaks pop up in random areas. What about when someone at your work is suspected? Will they barricade you inside? What about your kids at school? Will they board them up?
People who argue that Ebola is not airborne are misguided and rely way too much on Government lapdog media. They have known about airborne Ebola since when the Hot Zone episode in Reston occurred. The key is "close contact". Like in a school, or on a bus or subway, or in a pub or restaraunt, or in your house sitting around with your family and friends. There was never a definitive"not airborne" scenario. They are just saying this to downplay risk and avoid panic. The infection math continues. Ebola cases double every 28 days. Exponential functions are a bitch.
Flu season is upon us again. The symptoms are exactly the same as Ebola, for a while. How will the Ebola police deal with millions of snotty nose, hacking, fever running, achey breaky multitudes all flocking to over stressed, understaffed, and soon to be abandoned hospitals? Because, believe me here, my wife was a nurse for 35 years, the doctors, nurses, EMT's, nurses aids, PA's and everyone else will do as they are doing all across west Africa: fleeing for their lives.
(1) Regulations prescribed under this section may provide for the apprehension and examination of any individual reasonably believed to be infected with a communicable disease in a qualifying stage and (A) to be moving or about to move from a State to another State; or (B) to be a probable source of infection to individuals who, while infected with such disease in a qualifying stage, will be moving from a State to another State. Such regulations may provide that if upon examination any such individual is found to be infected, he may be detained for such time and in such manner as may be reasonably necessary. For purposes of this subsection, the term “State” includes, in addition to the several States, only the District of Columbia.
Hey GW,
Care to add anything useful to the discussion or do you just want me hauled off to the Fema camp. My "radical, extremist view"?? The way I see it, you are a loudmouth dumbass who doesn't have a clue about Ebola, Connecticut, or anything else for that matter. So you think I am wrong? Well good for you. Are you basing your argument on anything other than what a bunch of insider hacks are telling you? That CDC Director has changed his tune along with El Presidente several times already regarding how one gets infected. And how close exactly did you say you need to be when hacking, puking, shitting. bleeding Ebola victims are nearby?? Since you don't know in the end you don't know mare than me. The difference is that you are quite certain of yourself and seem to be easily swayed by public officials. I could post thousands of links to all the shit I have ever read about Ebola, including the fact that the Reston monkeys were separated by rooms and cages and still all died after they disinfected the facility, twice. Also recent articles quoting CJ Peters, who led the team at the Reston facility and was in cahrge of USAMRID at the time says airborne cannot be ruled out. Maybe you can get back to calling me a terrorist now, eh?
New Ebola vaccine will be worthless
With 368 mutations already found, there will be no vaccine that will work. Any pushing of an ebola vaccine will be for something other than providing immunity for Ebola, and for anyone who is aware of the recent CDC bust of vaccine links to autism, that "other" is not likely to be good.
It may not even be Ebola at all, and is likely to instead be some sort of engineered hybrid.
Prior to this outbreak, Ebola had a very high genetic stability and remained unchanged through multiple outbreaks. In fact, Ebola has been so stable that it was considered remarkable for this. Why then, with this outbreak, are there so many mutations of this new type, when in past outbreaks NO mutations have been noted at all?
Additionally, this new outbreak has none of the characteristics of previous outbreaks
There is something missing in this Ebola outbreak, and it is the bloody eyes and ears, and bleeding through the skin. This time all the bleeding is internal and nothing shows outwardly. All the bloody blistered skin photos on the web are from previous outbreaks, with this particular strain people look outwardly normal up until death and die from internal bleeding, vomiting up blood and having massive stools of black goo from internal bleeding. In this way, the new Ebola is mimicking Parvo in dogs, and I would at least tenuously bet that traditional Ebola has been merged in a lab with a different virus that is known for causing only internal bleeding, possibly parvo.
368 mutations in a previously stable virus screams BIO LAB
This is where things may go amiss. Previously, Ebola was a stable virus that could have had a predictable cure. The current strain is mutating so rapidly that if all the recorded cases were added up and divided by the number of mutations, each mutated strain would have only infected an average of 20 people. That is a phenomenal mutation rate, which will render any vaccine attempt useless.
And how could it have happened other than willful intent? The answer is obvious - a lab created this new strain, that lab did not have endless people to kill to prove their virus stable and they just let it go in live tests, out in the wild. And because it was not stable, they now have a mutating monster on the loose. That is the best explanation there could possibly be for why Ebola, which has remained stable as far back as records go, suddenly became a chameleon. This new bug is an unstable bioweapon, possibly more unstable than its creators intended.
Beware of history rewrites, which will provide plausible deniability for whoever did this
Watch out for any news saying how Ebola mutates continuously without mentioning that prior to this outbreak Ebola was VERY STABLE, and question strongly WHY this new strain is so different from past strains, from outward symptoms, to incubation times, to mutation rates, it is all far too different for this to have happened naturally in a formerly stable virus. Someone did this and the question WHO DID THIS should be kept front and center until we get the answer. We know an American biowarfare firm was in this area "testing Ebola detection kits", I suggest people start with that.
There are very few pictures of people infected with this new strain, and none show the normal bleeding. Why?
Take a look at a google image search with all photos dated a year or more old, and compare them to a google image search of pictures dated to within the time frame of THIS OUTBREAKAND NOTICE THAT EVERYTHING OUT THERE FOR THIS OUTBREAK THAT IS RECOGNIZABLE AS EBOLA IS JUST A REPEAT OF OLD EBOLA PICTURES with anything new just showing people without any blisters.
Almost all of what we are seeing is body bags which show NOTHING, with all other pictures showing none of the classic symptoms. The picture to the left is a prime example, this man who reportedly is an Ebola victim is showing NOTHING that would indicate he ever had Ebola at all. So why is this so different? People in Africa could certainly publish pictures to the web, why then is all we are seeing is pictures of something that is obviously not normal ebola? Pictures dated to before this outbreak clearly show what ebola looks like, I challenge you to find any photo at all from this new outbreak that looks even remotely similar to traditional ebola.
The symptoms say it all
Here are the symptoms from the current strain,
•Fever (greater than 38.6°C or 101.5°F)
•Severe headache
•Muscle pain
•Abdominal (stomach) pain
•Lack of appetite
In other words, the current symptoms mimic the flu (except for the noted internal bleeding this outbreak has). Now for the classic ebola symptoms:
"After 3-4 days of non-specific symptoms and signs, patients typically experienced progressively severe sore throat, developed a maculopapular rash, had intractable abdominal pain, and began to bleed from multiple sites, principally the gastrointestinal tract. "
And the pictures of this current outbreak prove the classic ebola is not what we are dealing with this time around. The biggest thing in common is gastrointestinal bleeding.
Recovery times also indicate this new ebola is more like a souped up flu than ebola
Usually, with ebola, recovery takes months and sometimes never happens completely because the liver, kidneys and other organs including the brain get damaged. Yet we see in the media pictures of ebola "survivors" that are up and about only two weeks after having it. This is not possible with real ebola, this outbreak really is more like a really bad flu than anything else
The bottom line is that the symptoms are not consistent with classic ebola. Recovery times are too fast, and the current CDC list of symptoms does not match the old list except when the CDC combines the new list with the old list to muddy the water. Something is amiss with this, and the new vaccine can only be bogus with so many mutated variants. There is no way any vaccine can be real, we are dealing with a bioweapon this time around which makes that impossible, avoid any "vaccine" like you would the disease itself.