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this is giving me the willies


aka "Doc"
Two movies to watch that might make you wonder about your government--

"Outbreak", 1995, starring Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo, Morgan Freeman.


"A virus similar to Ebola & Lassa is discovered in Africa in 1969. 25 years later, it resurfaces - and Col. Sam Daniels of the U.S. Army is sent in to investigate it. When he returns he warns his boss, Brigadier-Gen. Ford, of the lethal nature of the virus and wants to put out an alert. Ford, who had been one of the men who first dealt with the virus, insists the virus is contained and unlikely to show up in the U.S. What neither man knows is that the host - a monkey - has been brought into the U.S. by freighter. Through an under-the-table bribe, a young man gets the monkey out of the animal-testing lab it was bound for. Soon, the man is infected - and Col. Daniels' ex-wife, Dr. Keough - now with the CDC - is called into Boston when the young man is brought to a hospital in critical condition. Dr. Keough discovers that the man has died from the virus, and at the same time - on the other side of the country - a new outbreak is starting in a little California town. A quarantine is set up to stop the virus from spreading, while Ford's boss, the sinister Major-Gen. McClintock, has his own agenda in mind - to harness this lethal bug for use as a bioweapon. With the President about to order a fuel-air bomb to be dropped on the little town to stop the outbreak, Daniels must find a way to unravel McClintock's sinister plan..."

And, "Contagion", 2011 starring Matt Damon, Kate Winslet, Jude Law


"The executive Beth Emhoff returns from a business trip to Hong Kong with a stop over at the Chicago airport, where she has sex with her former lover. Beth feels ill but she believes that the problem is jet leg. She travels back home to Minneapolis and spreads the virus to her son Clark and her husband Mitch. When Beth and Clark die, Mitch goes in quarantine where the doctors realize that he is immune to the mysterious virus. Meanwhile in Hong Kong, London and in a small province, people have the same disease. The American CDC and the World Health Organization give their best effort researching the virus that is spreading in a geometric progression. The outbreak is threatening the worldwide population of annihilation, unless a vaccine is well-succeeded. The scientists begin a fight against time. "

Info cut and paste from "imdb.com".


Active member
yeah its called predictive programming, plus the fucked up scum behind this have some kind of legalese shit whereby they warn you of their intentions before doing it. If you do fuck all they think its game on and you're fair game, silence is consent.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
anybody notice that an ebola vaccine was just patented 3 years ago in the good old USA?
how fucking convenient i'd say!!


aka "Doc"
Knowing what I know and who I know/knew...flash back to 1976 (when Ebola was discovered). The presidential election was between Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford, James Callaghan was PM of UK (who was later followed by Margaret Thatcher), "Silly Love Songs" by Wings was Billboards top 100 song of the year, the cold war was alive and well, nuke race was full on, Viet Nam War had been lost a few years earlier...and us "hippies" had zero trust in our government (got the picture?).

So....the million dollar question is, which country(s) weaponized Ebola? When virus/bacteria are weaponized, both the cure (antidote) and poison (bioweapon) are developed and stockpiled. If the shit hits the fan, watch how fast the "antidote" is released.


Well-known member
well, obviously the poor guy was not "important"/rich/influental enough...

if i remember right, during the bird flu scare in europe there was a shortage of meds for treatment or the vaccine, and oddly enough the german government first stashed enough away for the politricians! (was even official and in lots of newspapers), hence WHO really knows?

all we can do is just speculate and rely on the (des)information we get, obviously the colported "facts" seem to start changing rapidly -> no wonder folks start asking questions...



Active member
well, obviously the poor guy was not "important"/rich/influental enough...

if i remember right, during the bird flu scare in europe there was a shortage of meds for treatment or the vaccine, and oddly enough the german government first stashed enough away for the politricians! (was even official and in lots of newspapers), hence WHO really knows?

all we can do is just speculate and rely on the (des)information we get, obviously the colported "facts" seem to start changing rapidly -> no wonder folks start asking questions...


are you kidding me ? he was a media goldmine, If there was a vaccine he'd have gotten it.....


Active member

Honestly I think they let the guy die. If they saved him, every man/woman/child with enough $$$ to hop a plain and grease some local palms for a visa would be on their way to USA.

That being said. I also think that in about 2 weeks there double digit ebola patients being treated in hospitals in Dallas alone.

The cop who served the Quarantine warrant fell ill... Him and a couple other cops, and health care workers were in the apartment... No masks, no gloves, no nothing...

Also the family went out for "supplies" when they were under quarantine...so hope y'all haven't been shopping at Wallmart lately.


Active member

Honestly I think they let the guy die. If they saved him, every man/woman/child with enough $$$ to hop a plain and grease some local palms for a visa would be on their way to USA.

That being said. I also think that in about 2 weeks there double digit ebola patients being treated in hospitals in Dallas alone.

The cop who served the Quarantine warrant fell ill... Him and a couple other cops, and health care workers were in the apartment... No masks, no gloves, no nothing...

Also the family went out for "supplies" when they were under quarantine...so hope y'all haven't been shopping at Wallmart lately.

put your money where your mouth is....I'll bet you and win.Cop not sick so you made that up,Family not sick but what do you care right ? you got fear mongering to do......paranoia will destroy ya...and it goes like this


Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
1,600,000 estimated worldwide children and adult deaths due to AIDs in 2012.

1,200,000 of them in Africa.


Active member
Now what happens if some crazy Terrorist decides him and 10 of his buddies are going to drink some infected bodily fluids, fly over to USA and start spitting on door handles everywhere they go...ATM machines...etc. etc.

now now
don't give them ideas


Well-known member
Ebola is the West key to gain back entry access into Western Africa....

Time to exploit some Minerals and act like we are there to save everyone from the Virus created in a Western Laboratory.....

China is moving in on Africa with the quickness ...building infrastructure and highways in exchange for exploring oil/mineral rights....

someone get this man a chicken dinner :tiphat:

when NAY-TO when into LIBYA , was blown away to see how many Chinese workers and contractors, etc were evacuated


That article is NOT from the CDC or the World Health Organization.

Why don't you read the actual reports instead of posting this fear mongering bullshit?


Here is the a section from the FIRST "reference" link in the OP.

Not an airborne virus

Ebola virus disease is not an airborne infection. Airborne spread among humans implies inhalation of an infectious dose of virus from a suspended cloud of small dried droplets.

here is the NEXT and final section- out of three. And I didn't add the bold text for emphasis. The original author did.

No evidence that viral diseases change their mode of transmission

Moreover, scientists are unaware of any virus that has dramatically changed its mode of transmission. For example, the H5N1 avian influenza virus, which has caused sporadic human cases since 1997, is now endemic in chickens and ducks in large parts of Asia.

That virus has probably circulated through many billions of birds for at least two decades. Its mode of transmission remains basically unchanged.

Speculation that Ebola virus disease might mutate into a form that could easily spread among humans through the air is just that: speculation, unsubstantiated by any evidence.

This kind of speculation is unfounded but understandable as health officials race to catch up with this fast-moving and rapidly evolving outbreak.

To stop this outbreak, more needs to be done to implement – on a much larger scale – well-known protective and preventive measures. Abundant evidence has documented their effectiveness.

The whole thing was maybe 20 paragraphs.

The author of the original article is intellectually dishonest or an idiot. Or both.

Don't be intellectually lazy. It took me 10 seconds to check the reference, scan it and understand that what it says is the exact OPPOSITE of what the idiot who "cites" it claims.

This is the same type of baseless rhetoric and hyperbole that started and continues to maintain the drug war.


aka "Doc"
Some tidbits from the researcher that discovered/named the Ebola virus--

Do you think we might be facing the beginnings of a pandemic?

There will certainly be Ebola patients from Africa who come to us in the hopes of receiving treatment. And they might even infect a few people here who may then die. But an outbreak in Europe or North America would quickly be brought under control. I am more worried about the many people from India who work in trade or industry in west Africa. It would only take one of them to become infected, travel to India to visit relatives during the virus's incubation period, and then, once he becomes sick, go to a public hospital there. Doctors and nurses in India, too, often don't wear protective gloves. They would immediately become infected and spread the virus.

The virus is continually changing its genetic makeup. The more people who become infected, the greater the chance becomes that it will mutate ...

... which might speed its spread. Yes, that really is the apocalyptic scenario. Humans are actually just an accidental host for the virus, and not a good one. From the perspective of a virus, it isn't desirable for its host, within which the pathogen hopes to multiply, to die so quickly. It would be much better for the virus to allow us to stay alive longer.

Could the virus suddenly change itself such that it could be spread through the air?

Like measles, you mean? Luckily that is extremely unlikely. But a mutation that would allow Ebola patients to live a couple of weeks longer is certainly possible and would be advantageous for the virus. But that would allow Ebola patients to infect many, many more people than is currently the case.

But that is just speculation, isn't it?

Certainly. But it is just one of many possible ways the virus could change to spread itself more easily. And it is clear that the virus is mutating.

You and two colleagues wrote a piece for the Wall Street Journal supporting the testing of experimental drugs. Do you think that could be the solution?

Patients could probably be treated most quickly with blood serum from Ebola survivors, even if that would likely be extremely difficult given the chaotic local conditions. We need to find out now if these methods, or if experimental drugs like ZMapp, really help. But we should definitely not rely entirely on new treatments. For most people, they will come too late in this epidemic. But if they help, they should be made available for the next outbreak.

Source: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/oct/04/ebola-zaire-peter-piot-outbreak

And some tidbits from WHO--

The Ebola virus has also been detected in breast milk, urine and semen. In a convalescent male, the virus can persist in semen for at least 70 days; one study suggests persistence for more than 90 days.

Saliva and tears may also carry some risk. However, the studies implicating these additional bodily fluids were extremely limited in sample size and the science is inconclusive. In studies of saliva, the virus was found most frequently in patients at a severe stage of illness. The whole live virus has never been isolated from sweat.

... Theoretically, wet and bigger droplets from a heavily infected individual, who has respiratory symptoms caused by other conditions or who vomits violently, could transmit the virus – over a short distance – to another nearby person.

This could happen when virus-laden heavy droplets are directly propelled, by coughing or sneezing
(which does not mean airborne transmission) onto the mucus membranes or skin with cuts or abrasions of another person.

... Speculation that Ebola virus disease might mutate into a form that could easily spread among humans through the air is just that: speculation, unsubstantiated by any evidence.

This kind of speculation is unfounded but understandable as health officials race to catch up with this fast-moving and rapidly evolving outbreak.

Source: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/ebola/06-october-2014/en/

I think the guy that discovered Ebola knows what he is talking about....I question/challenge WHO's position on Ebola, since politics is part of their game.


Yesterday Connecticut declared a state of emergency granting itself the power to detain anyone, quarantine anyone, do medical experiments on anyone, take anyone anywhere they see fit at anytime, to any facility, camp or dungeon, for as long as they want, if they decide you are a risk. Several days ago a building in Paris was barricaded with 70 people inside because they SUSPECTED 4 people inside MIGHT have Ebola. The illusion of Civil Rights will crumble quickly when spotty outbreaks pop up in random areas. What about when someone at your work is suspected? Will they barricade you inside? What about your kids at school? Will they board them up?

People who argue that Ebola is not airborne are misguided and rely way too much on Government lapdog media. They have known about airborne Ebola since when the Hot Zone episode in Reston occurred. The key is "close contact". Like in a school, or on a bus or subway, or in a pub or restaraunt, or in your house sitting around with your family and friends. There was never a definitive"not airborne" scenario. They are just saying this to downplay risk and avoid panic. The infection math continues. Ebola cases double every 28 days. Exponential functions are a bitch.

Flu season is upon us again. The symptoms are exactly the same as Ebola, for a while. How will the Ebola police deal with millions of snotty nose, hacking, fever running, achey breaky multitudes all flocking to over stressed, understaffed, and soon to be abandoned hospitals? Because, believe me here, my wife was a nurse for 35 years, the doctors, nurses, EMT's, nurses aids, PA's and everyone else will do as they are doing all across west Africa: fleeing for their lives.

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