I had a siamese cat that did the same thing. He survived but he lost a leg as a result. When he recovered he was hell on three legs. LOLa cat got behind my fan and the radiator to keep warm..the cat only did it once...
should have called me for back up. Oh well, at least he doesn´t like this Red Bull(sh*t) stuff either. At least this is of some comfort. But we really need to sort his eating habits out, man!He was with Springsteen to comfort him after Clarence passed. He thought you would understand.
Speedy is not very good with cell phones. The screens get slimed and he has a hard time with a digital keypad. No Redbulls for Speedy. He's a White Claw kinda mollusk.should have called me for back up
the make phones with buttons too. I still use one But if all else fails, a courier with a plane ticket and a telegram would have done the job too. excuses, excuses.Speedy is not very good with cell phones. The screens get slimed and he has a hard time with a digital keypad. No Redbulls for Speedy. He's a White Claw kinda mollusk.
It's a flavored hard seltzer water. Some consider it not suitable for "Real Men". It's OK for flying snails to drink because Speedy is a hermaphrodite.I´m guessing it´s a whiskey or something?
I had to google hard seltzer lol. It sounds like the sort of stuff underagers used to drink. Seemingly harmless but still containing some alcohol, so if you have enough you can still get p*ssed on it. Am I on the right track?It's a flavored hard seltzer water. Some consider it not suitable for "Real Men". It's OK for flying snails to drink because Speedy is a hermaphrodite.
PS: Ewww! Slimy buttons.
This time I REALLY mean it. It's not like last time.I never checked Speedys private bits , so I´ll just have to take your word on it
You very well may be, but I have never drunk a White Claw. That would cause my Man Card to be canceled.Am I on the right track?
a snail farm doesn´t sound bad actually. I once watched a little about it on TV once. But I don´t recall any real details. Shouldn´t be too hard to research however. I think you´d need a hell of a lot of them to make any real money though And don´t they require a special diet too?i actually thought of raising snails. french chefs have to pretty much rely on canned snails but some want fresh. last i checked there is only maybe 2 or 3 people in the us supplying fresh live snails to chefs. you better not steal my idea. did you guys know all snails are hermaphrodites? i still wanna do this. who wants to be partners?
oops. didnt notice you beat me to it buzz. damnit! thought i said something no one knew about!
its been a while since ive looked into it but space isnt a problem because my family owns a farm. im pretty sure i know how to do it. its getting the clientele and chefs on board. as far as diet i cant remember. probably cost next to nothing to feed them. im relatively close to Chicago so i would start there. my dads drunk ass thinks he can sell his non existent veggies to chefs. well hes a dumb drunk but hes kinda on board with the snail thing. we had greenhouses and places to do this. the problem is im the only smart one and my dad is a crazy drunk lunatic.he would try to take over anything ive done. sorry its complicated but theoretically could be donea snail farm doesn´t sound bad actually. I once watched a little about it on TV once. But I don´t recall any real details. Shouldn´t be too hard to research however. I think you´d need a hell of a lot of them to make any real money though And don´t they require a special diet too?
i would take 3 or 4 years to leave this guy Man, I do miss having a car sometimes ...Bruce leaned on Clarence, i can see him needing company that would stick close by. who better than a lardass snail for that job? what, he might run off? you could watch him leave for three days...
in warm weather, you could do them free range & let them find their own grub. you'd have to put little tracking collars or bells on their neck so you could separater your stock from the ferals out there.And don´t they require a special diet too?