I would be interested,too. Tagged.
Edit: Found it.
Credits go to Gunnaknow who posted this on ICMAG:
Originally Posted by bounty29
I used 24/0 for the first and second grows, but then I saw someone that did a pretty good comparison of veg times. They used all the same clone, and did some with 24/0, some with 20/4, some with 18/6, and maybe one other timing. The ones that vegged with 20/4 yielded the most, so that's what I use. The only difference it is to me is I have to plug the timer in for veg too, not too big of a deal.
Sorry I don't have that comparison, I think it was on another forum somewhere and I have no idea where to start looking. If anyone else has seen it maybe they can post it.
Hi Bounty, perhaps you were referring to a post on another forum by Oldtimer1? He tested veg light cycles on different sativas. The best veg light cycle for indicas and crosses might be different, however. Here are his findings...
We did a lot of experiments with light times a few years back using known sat and sat dom clone lines.
With Vegging ie under hid lights.
20/4 produced the most sturdy growth and the most bulk. Best final yield, taken as 100%.
22/2 Less of both. yield 88%
18/6 Studier than 22/2 but slightly less bulk. yield 87%
24/0 Much lighter in all aspects than 18/6. Yield 79%
16/8 The weediest plants. yield 67%
Plants vegged to final pots under fluorescents at 20w per sq ft on 18/6 yield 49%
Have not tried 36 hrs dark but did try 48 hrs from 18/6 veg. The final yield was down between 15 and 20% by var the pure sats the biggest loss in final weight and caused the odd herm, [sats] it did reduce the flowering time by 5 to 8 days.
For the mum lines we have 20/4 to 12/12 gives the best crop weight and bud quality, really thats all I’m interested in.
ICMAG thread: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=64312&highlight=20/4+100%.
Original discussion was apparently on Overgrow, continued here: http://www.uk420.com/boards/index.php?showtopic=35728&st=15&p=334916&#entry334916
thanks! i can see my % numbers were off considerably. i can remember everything that happened 30 yrs ago, but can't remember shit from yesterday. thanks for the links.