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The X-Files: UFO's, Aliens, anti-gravity...


Active member
This is one of my favorite videos out there, it was held at the National Press Club in 2001 and every media outlet was there filming this event... it is called The Disclosure Project and it will blow your mind!!!

this movie includes some of the following...

-testimony and documents of countless inter-government witnesses who worked within NASA, CIA, NSA, etc
-the weaponization of space
-classified propulsion systems
-reverse engineered anti-gravity craft
-black projects
-and much, much, MUCH more!!!!

All of the witnesses that you will see were willing to testify under oath to congress that this is nothing but the truth. However, in September of 2001 a "State of Emergency" was declared in the United States following the attacks of 9/11 on the World Trade Center. Coincidentally, the Congressional ballot or priority list was wiped clean and "disclosure" was put on the back burner, once again... conspiracy? Perhaps!!!

Watch this video of the 2001 NPC Disclosure Project, which was practically filmed by every major media corporation and journalists from around the world. Why isn't this stuff making headlines on every news channel, well perhaps if everyone knew about this then the government would be getting massive pressure to disclose the TRUTH about extra terrestrials and the advanced, free-energy propulsion systems they utilize... The government is scared, that is why!!!

here is the link: download it and watch the whole thing!


It would be cool to have a discussion and see some comments from all you people...

The Truth Is Out There! (X Files music) lol....

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Make No Mistake....take the time to view this!

Make No Mistake....take the time to view this!

I had no idea when I clicked on this thread that I was going to be presented with what seems to be the "PROOF" that many have been waiting for. I figured it was gonna be another slightly crazy, unbelievable, scenario that most often follows links like this one. But this one seems to be legit, and with very, very competent investigators, and seemingly rock solid evidence.

If you have an open mind about the possibility of intelligent extraterrestrial beings visiting this planet, then watch this thing, because it is the evidence you have been waiting for. If you are a skeptic, who has never seen a UFO story that had any legitimacy at all...then you should watch it as well, because this may very well finally open your mind to the possibility.

Hell, I have only watched about 20 minutes or so, but what I have seen so far has convinced me that this press conference is for real and that it holds quite possibly the most earth shattering information to ever hit humanity.

Just watch the first 15 minutes....then decide whether you should invest more time in it.


The National Press Club has weekly forums with single or multiple speakers. Good Stuff. Haven't listened but they are a legit organisation.


Im gonna have a look soon as my kid gets off the phone. He'l show me how to turn the volume on the video and down load it and alla that. I seen them befor when I was a kid. Blue and whit football shaped lighted luminesent noisless craft that looked like fuzzy white and blue light shaped like a fat football with the blue light bands revolving around it. It moved way faster than anything I ever seen before and zig zaged harder than anybody inside could stand. They were in there tho. They were in there driving. I think they were drivind threw time somehow too. How elce could they manuver the way they were? They couldnt have been goin as fast for them as they were for us. Il come back and look when my son gets off the phone.


I just noticed that this press conference took place in 2001....sorry, I'm a bit stoned...but what the hell? Why the hell hasn't this been in the news?

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
yea this is old

more proof?

www.scroogle.org (google scraper) ->Montauk Project, Preston Nichols, Al Bielek, Duncan Cameron, Dr John von Neumann

http://www.v-j-enterprises.com/montauk.html or

As to whether there's Alien's on planet earth, why did President Eisenhower sign the Greada Treaty with them in 1954?

http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/alien-treaty.htm or
http://www.abidemiracles.com/56789.htm or

Why does the US Government occupy a secret underground installation with Aliens?
http://www.all-natural.com/dulce-11.html and
http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/dulce-basepics.htm and

The more I read, the more curious I became.





keep going down the rabbit hole....

oh and there is always Regan and the aliens:

A good speech about the DMB's (deep military bases) comes from Phil Schneider.

"Evidence: The Case For NASA UFO's"
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Active member
There are actually many countries that are in contact with Aliens. Granted they arent entirely willing i believe to listen to what these other beings have to share.

They are here to help us. Remeber that. Dont buy into the FEAR, false evidence appearing real. The reason why the gov. doesnt want their presence known is the fact that everything will shift dramatically, the global consciousness will change so rapidly it will be truly amazing. We'll go from the fear based way of living, to a way of living together as a global community, in Peace and Bliss. Together we will create, and the old idea of having a fragmented society will be a wash.

Anyone have any experience with abductions>? I dont feel like going into detail but when i was two years old i was abducted from my room in the middle of the night. It was quite the experience. And of course, the thought "well how do you remember what happened when you were two?" my response would be, stay conscious =)

And Hal, of course it wouldnt be in the general news, do you know who runs the world>? 32 families. do you know what runs this multidimensional universe? Light, Energy, Vibration, God, Goddess.

great things are happening and we need to realize that! so thanks for sharing this info, the more people that realize the truth, the closer well be to all experiencing it.

O, almost forgot, thanks for the link sherrif bart, i love the "rabbit hole" reference ;-P

infinite Love


Active member
Hello good people,

thank you ever so much for having a quick look and then posting some positive replies... It is quite re-assuring that people are researching this stuff, and interested in it. This is my passion and I will not die until the world knows the truth, and there is disclosure, in which I will continue to share the evidence we have with others. Most people are 'asleep' on their feet and can not escape the bounds of consensus reality-- the reality painted by the mass mind control of the corporate possessed industrial / military complex. Extra terrestrials are real, some are here, and I believe many are here to help us, just make sure not to be caught up in Hollywood's big and bad "Independence Day" scenario-- the 'bad' aliens come and exterminate the humans! Perhaps re-examine your religious texts of the many religions and in that you will see that they will save us (well maybe the good people, lol :wave: )

As for disclosure... The world could take such a different direction with the release of anti-gravity propulsion to the public, imagine FREE, limit-less amounts of energy to fly your vehicle around!

No more fossil fuels! NO more internal combustion engines! Energy would not be capitalized on anymore, free electricity to power the whole world!

One of the biggest things about disclosure is that it would crumble the socio and economic infrastructure of the world as we know it, armies would crumble, all of the basic foundations of governments would crumble... because our modern, human society has been built upon the illusion of money. War has been the tool for fueling the economy-- the infamous military / INDUSTRIAL complex and if you listen to Eisenhower's address- his words will rattle you.

The reason you don't really see much of this on the media is because "disclosure" was about to be presented to Congress when the attacks of 9/11 happened and because it was a "State of Emergency" the ballot was wiped clean and the Disclosure project was put on the backburner. The Bush family made damn good sure of it, GWB with 9/11, now Iraq, and daddy-- George Bush Sr. was the head of the C.I.A the longest.... All of the recent presidents were denied access into the UFO/E.T. phenomenon, nothing to hide???? Yeah right!

So regarding the Disclosure Project movie I have shared with you guys--- There were several witnesses who have told about NASA and other secret government compartments "sanatizing" satellite images, antigravity propulsion tests, alien reproduction models (reverse engineering)...

Here is a video of Gary McKinnon, he was caught hacking into NASA's computer systems and is now being extridited to the United States and is getting sentenced with 60 years to life. He saw first hand secret documents like "filtered vs. unfiltered" satellite imagery, antigravity technology, and a lot more...

I really think disclosure will be within the next 5 years, it just has to happen because it's inevitable...

More people should know and research this, it would bring science and religion together, it would bring people together, and it would bring about a harmonious change...



Babombeez said:
I really think disclosure will be within the next 5 years, it just has to happen because it's inevitable...


Hmmm....wouldn't THAT be interesting....


My guess is the aliens are concerned about the direction the world is headed in.

They obviously have superior intelligence.

Maybe one will run for the next president of the US and straighten this SHIT out!

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
there are some that like us, and we are necessary in their energies. the pleidians i believe have this, as their galaxy is connected energetically (its possible peeps, google video "thunderbolts of the gods" and you will see)

but then there are the greys and the reptilians and there are some greys i belive which are alright but many are rougues and they are the ones doing al the aducting and shit. their genes suck basically, they may have been created genetically by the reptilians, like us. theres a lot of shit out there to go though. its crazy to say the least. you dont have to believe (in fact you prob shouldn't for your safety) so take it all w/ a grain of salt but never say its not possible.....


Id just love to speak to some ofem. Id love to hear what they have to say. I think thats what happened back round the 30's. I think they came and spoke to some world leaders after we started test blasting nukes. I think they came and told us just how fukkt up we're headin. I think they warned us about petrolium use and global warming, and about the dangers of nuke wepons. I figure thats when we told them to get the fukk out of here and leave us alone. I think the govt knew they were tellin the truth but just wanted them to leave so they could keep makin money. They sold the welfare of the entire planet for some falce personal profit. I think theres some changes commin soon. I pray theres some change commin soon.


Mother Nature's Son
Probably not, the Gelgamec vagina is 6 feet wide and filled with razor sharp teeth!


Active member
mark6699331 said:
Are their women good in bed??

Ok, this topic is supposed to be pretty serious and although I do appreciate humor I think we should stay on topic... and besides, extra terrestrials are more of an androgenous sexuality, meaning they are neither male or female, but share qualities of both.

If you want some really good insight into this subject you should pick up the "Law of One" series, it is extraterrestrial channeling through the social memory complex or "collective conscious" called Ra, who has been karmically bound to help humankind since they tried to teach by direct contact in approximately 10,500 B.C.E and failed due to the distortion of the teachings by the elite. Due to the repricussions of their direct contact, Ra feels it is entangled in the fate of humankind and is watching over us, along with the Guardians, but they cannot come down and help us because it would violate the collective "free will"...

Many people want these benevolent ETs to come down and save us, but it is very complicated and once the square of the number of people who believe outnumber those who do not believe then they will return, that is why the time frame for the return of our star brothers will be approximately around 2012. These extra terrestrial channelings were conducted by L/L Research in the 1980's... This material is intrinsically connected to the Edgar Cayce material and there are too many connections to ignore.

Anyways, that is waaaay to complicated to even get into.

But in the meantime, watch that Mckinnon video link I posted...

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