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The X-Files: UFO's, Aliens, anti-gravity...


Active member
I would be interested in trying ayahuasca...

You just hit the nail on the head Sheriff Bart, you said "can we just sit back and wait or do we need to get off our asses and try to make a change in ourselves?"

According to Calleman's article, was saying that we are all ONE with the cosmic intelligence. And this is so true! The Maharishi Effect demonstrates that we are all interconnected in this invisible, yet very real, energetic web. The very point is to make the change within yourself, and in making this small change within just yourself, you have made a change within the collective consciousness, and ultimately the One.

Have you ever heard of the DNA Phantom effect discovered by two Russian scientists?

What do the skeptics usually want? Science! Well the science is here! And when you say "sometimes though, I think people get too caught up in this," what do you mean by that statement? Like the Mayan calendar? Extra Terrestrials?
The way I feel about these things is to really be truthful kind of along the same notion of "what is the meaning of life." This is the meaning of life to me, to search, and strive to understand the mysteries in life, because what is really real? Your stereo system, your car, your house, you bank account? No... these are the just illusions, really.

On the other hand I can agree with you some people can get caught up, in a more negative way. Perhaps maybe one will get caught up with preaching "gloom and doom," in a religious sense, like condemning someone to hell because they don't believe in something that you do. I believe that everything we see out there in the world has the "potential" to reside within our very selves, so in other words the world is our mirror.

So back to your question... make that change within yourself, stop repeating old patterns, break away and I think settling into this new consciousness that the Mayan Calendar prophesies about will be much easier on you than if you don't grow as as person. Really I believe the whole point of life is to learn how to love unconditionally. And in that same statement I believe we are ALL human and still have much to learn, the lessons seem like they are coming fast these days.

I resonate with Calleman's notion that "time will appear as if it is moving faster." It just seems like this year flew by soo fast, and the events on tv, like Brittany Spears, Lindsay Lohan; this stuff is as joke and I think it is a wake up call to the world, just like 9/11 and the war in Iraq. Just one thing after another, the collective mind-state of the world is really in a weird place right now.

But anyways, returning to our old ways I believe is going to be crucial, money is just an illusion and all that we have built, technology, our economy, everything... It's all built on lies.

I could go on for days, ramble over for now...



Active member
love the mayan post.....i'm looking forward to 12/22/2012 for sure, that's all i know....

Ok, so, once when i was on mushrooms, i had a vivid flashback to being in a room bathed in blue light....behind a rectangular window were 4 small blue beings, and the being on the far right was somehow the oldest of the four, i don't know how i knew that but i did.....when i awoke from the trip, i was trying to tell my friends that i had somehow had an experience with alens.....

Anyway, chalk that up to hallucinogens, right?

Well, four years later, on October 31st (Halloween night if you believe that), i went to bed normally but suddenly woke up in a panic. I was swatting at something with my arm, and i have an eerie vision of a small being looking at me while i tried to swat at it with my arm. Another being was in the hallway, i could see, and there was a strange blue light around it. This memory i have is basically like "one single slide in a slideshow", if that makes any sense. I woke up covered in sweat. I looked at my pillow and there was a triangluar pattern of tiny brown dots on my pillowcase. The triangular pattern was somehow "burned through" all three cloth layers of the pillowcase and the pillow itself. Then i realized that there was a tiny lump about the size of a grain of rice on the left side of my neck.

So this all sounds crazy, am i right? I mean, i could convince myself that the aliens i saw was just a dream (because i watched sci-fi movies), but here i was with this implant in my neck!!!! I remained calm for most of the next day, but when everyone had gone to sleep i began to worry about this implant in my neck. So, i made the decision to take a clean insulin syringe (mom is a diabetic- i was not using any IV drugs) and try to poke this implant to try and get it out of my neck. I vividly remember inserting the syringe ALL THE WAY into the half-rice-kernel shaped implant. I heard a "crunching" sound kind of like cartilidge breaking when you get your ears pierced, but to my suprise I DID NOT BLEED AT ALL. I swear to you, i stuck this syringe all the way in my neck and it did not bleed. I was like, what the heck is going on here?

Then, for the next couple of hours, i sat in front of my computer and was researching alien implants and abductions on the computer in the den of my house after all my family had gone to sleep. I remember it was about 1:22 in the morning and i was staring at that screen when, all of a sudden, i hear in the background the sound of "childrens voices." It was as if there were children laughing right behind me, only the voices were on some kind of echo-delay effect or something. Then i heard a brief sound which reminded my of Tibetan prayer bells. At this point, without turning around, i thought in my head "Oh, thats just the aliens again. I'll just whistle to somehow greet them." I put my lips together to start whistling, and then.....

Suddenly, its 6:00 in the morning and the birds are chirping outside. There was a thought repeating over and over in my head which was one sentence: "Don't F*** With It." Over and over again. "Don't F*** With It," in my own voice in my own head, as if i was saying it to myself over and over again. I felt my neck and the implant was gone. Then i realized that somehow they thought i was going to hurt myself trying to take out this implant, so they took it out for me and then used my own vernacular to tell me "Don't F*** With It." Trust me, that is totally my expression. If we were partying and you were about to break my bong, i would exclaim "Hey! Don't F*** with It" in an attempt to avoid hurting the bong. Its weird how they used my own thoughts to communicate with myself, but i swear there's no other way to describe it.

So, its 6 am in the morning and i have had these weird experiences. Usually i go to sleep around that time, but for this night, it was 12 or 1 pm until i felt sleepy at all. Somehow, they had stolen 6 hours from me and my body's natural sleep-cycle did not even know it. Thats why i felt sleepy at 1 pm instead of 6 am, because i had experienced the phenomenon of "stolen time."

So thats the whole story.....

Let me add that i know the grand-daughter of a very famous country music star, and she absolutely swore to me that the whole family had been visited by alien beings. There is a book about rock stars and aliens called "Elvis and the Aliens" by Michael Gluckman which has some interesting information....

"Rock Stars & UFOs
Founder of the Cosmic Majority, Michael Luckman presented stories of various rock stars’ obsessions and experiences with UFOs and aliens. Here are some of the tidbits he shared:
David Bowie had a telescope mounted on the top of his limousine which he used to search the skies for UFOs between concert engagements in the 1970's.
Sammy Hagar reported having an ET-type encounter where he felt a presence of light and the sensation that the material in his brain was being downloaded.
Jerry Garcia said he was locked in a futuristic spaceship for two days where he saw "insectoid presences."
Michael Jackson had a UFO sighting when he was in the cockpit of a plane, describing lights of many colors in a crystal shape.
Cat Stevens said he was vacuumed up into a flying saucer and then let go later.
Mick Jagger had a "flying saucer detector" installed at one of his estates in England and it was said to go off all the time.
Ace Frehley reportedly filmed a UFO and a 27 ft. burn trace it left behind.
Luckman theorized that ETs, may in particular, communicate with rock icons in order to influence popular culture. He said he is planning "Signal to Space" concerts for 2006, where a musical message of peace will be beamed to our solar system and beyond. Luckman can be reached at [email protected]."

Also i have met a girl who had similar experiences as I had, such as telepathic communication with alien beings, being on mescaline and seeing these beings, and experiencing the phenomenon of "lost time." I also talked with another friend who had a freaky UFO experience. She was driving and all of a sudden the car shut off and all the electrical systems went dead. Suddenly she came upon a "football-field-sized UFO" which scared the hell out of her and silently took off. Soon, the car's electrical system came back on, leaving her and her friend scared out of their minds.....

That reminds me, on the day these "beings" came back to take out the "implant" from my neck, every single one of the light bulbs in one room of our house strangely were all burned out. And i swear i had just changed 2 of the bulbs only a few weeks ago....

I think thats about it.....i don't know what to make of it, but thats the whole story...

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:
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Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
guineapig, damn!

crazy shit

what i mean by getting too caught up in it is, people dont see now, they see the future. thing is, all that exists is now, and it seems to me a lotta people got their heads up in the clouds in the magical la-la land where its all gunna be alright because 2012 will come and it doesnt matter what happens in between....cant recall where i read it either but i heard that this 2012 thing can go either way (death or life) depending on humanities energies at the time. so all im saying is i like to look at today, and whats coming today, what i can do today, not 2012 because we might not even make it to then...


Active member
check out this video clip...

check out this video clip...

I hear ya Sheriff...

Have you guys ever seen this Fox News story on the Guadalajara, Mexico mass UFO sighting in 2004? This was released by the Defense Ministry of Mexico....

(Pretty interesting this was on FOX, they are so conservative)

Watch this on You Tube!


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Active member
Remember hearing about the UFO spotted hovering over a hangar at the O'Hare Airport in Chicago late last year, in November? Well there wasn't much follow up at all... it just made headlines and then was gone, *POOF*

The UFO was hovering for several minutes, and when it left it burst through the thick cloud layer and punched a circular hole in the cloud cover and you could see blue sky!

Here is an MSNBC news story that is post "follow up":


THis is a follow up interview with the Chicago Tribune, this is a MUST SEE!


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Active member
I always enjoy researching other documentaries...

Here is an excellent one I found on You Tube, it's 97 minutes long, great if you have some time to watch it...

Here is a little sneak peak-

And you might recognize the picture of Dr. Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project video I posted as the introduction to this thread. I post these pictures, which in case you didn't know are screen snapshots, and they give the length into the movie where I took snapshots, sort of like a little reference...

Anyways, enjoy the video:


Comments/questions welcomed!

I'm surprised more people haven't!

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Active member
Has anyone checked out the first link I provided? The Disclosure Project at the National Press Club held in 2001???

If not you should check it out, the proof the skeptics have been waiting for...

Just copy and paste this link into your web browser, or just click here:


Beez :rasta:
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Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
Babombeez said:
I hear ya Sheriff...

Have you guys ever seen this Fox News story on the Guadalajara, Mexico mass UFO sighting in 2004? This was released by the Defense Ministry of Mexico....

(Pretty interesting this was on FOX, they are so conservative)

Watch this on You Tube!



These vids weren't from guadalajara. They were filmed in Yucatan by mex pilots. They later came on tv and said they were the oil wells in the gulf of mexico. Fact.


I remember seeing a picture of the clouds after the O'hare UFO punched through them. A perfect circle. Does anyone know where I can find that picture again?


Buzz Aldrin never ever admitted there were space ships following them haha.Thats the problem here,too much disinformation.And I believe in ET,I just dont believe when people twist things for their own agenda.Buzz Aldrin concluded it was an ejector panel and nothing else following the ship,and the physics explaining it can be found in black and white.I've listened to the tape and read the transcripts,he never said he was followed by a ship and never believed he was followed by a ship.He did say if he announced on the air he was being followed by an object,people would jump to conclusions...