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" THE WHITE " / " Triangle " pics

Grandpa L

I just today recieved my White clones from Krome. They will be mated with a Jacks Cleaner 2 male. The seeds will be given away as freebies and at charity auctions.Peace, Grandpa L


krome said:
and i love what CC did with the FFA. if you can't already tell, that's what i tried to do with the white. i sent her to a LOT of people personally because i wanted to share her near and far. she's all over now and i'm just glad that people are enjoying one of the biggest blessings in my life. i really didn't want people to go and make money off of seed with the white, but that was something that was inevitable. i can't control people nor do i care to.

out of all of this, i just hope that Rez puts out his beans at an affordable price for people especially after witnessing the whole chem debacle. have you seen now how he's basically just told people that the chem project was a complete washout and should just be forgotten. i just hope he doesn't put out white crosses for $100 plus only to find out 6 months later that the sour d made that shit super herm.

cornbread and i have spoke about this on many occasions and he explained it perfect. we've got mouths to feed and don't need to be famous for making seeds. if, in the near future i get the space available to me to do a couple of breedings i most definitely will. and the price for any of those seeds will be an astonishing $free99. we're too blessed down here to worry about anything but staying out of trouble and cropping big all day every day.
AS Krome is Not on the net anymore ~i guess this is his mission statement as i doubt alot will hear from him for a long while ~ As last i talked to him he was over the internet....took the blue pill and left the matrix
Word Up ~enough said !!!!!! C-Ya

as i have a feeling the white is gonna be Like the DAWGS hyped By a gang of cyber flavor flavs,breeder groupies and asshats
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The Vermonster

Active member
If you dont have the white.....its just not right....lol........70 days and decent yield.....only have run her once but have a mom and im ready to do something w/ her soon........my pics arent like Joes or Kromes but you can get the idea.....good luck finding her bro she is one of the easiset to procure these days.......if you top or lst her there is virtually no popcorn!!....peace all

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cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
no widow what so ever in the white.
it tastes like str8 hash.
if you kno what your doing w/ her, she'll put yer dick in the dirt :bashhead:
for the record, the white is EVERYWHERE!
99% of the time, good karma will land this too you.
i found mine laying on a table at a flea market.
who woulda thunk it?


krome said:
we're too blessed down here to worry about anything but staying out of trouble and cropping big all day every day.

Based on this quote I'm liking this dood alot... and I'm sure I'll be enjoying his work sometime in the near future.

Stay up big Krome, whatever your doing.

And does anyone know the lineage, havent seen it discussed as of yet.

Great pics Vermonster & NYCDfan! Awesome!
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Those buds look killer vermonster!!!!

I've smoked Joe's white and I think it's straight up old school afghani-kush!!!! Now that's just my opinion don't quote me!!!!!

Be careful if you smoke it it'll slap you up side the head real quick.



ICMag Donor
nycdfan042 said:
the whites smell and taste are incredible!!

check nyc out....your rockin some of the best picks there

so this "white" has no widow in it

when you say this "white" tastes like strait hash it makes me think of a pheno of "pot of gold"....any ideas on whats its parents are??


I think it was named the white b/c of the way the buds look!!!! Look at how white they are with crystals!!!!


The Vermonster

Active member
Ty for the props guys and it sucks someone is making loot off of a gifted strain and profiting from it........Krome should get a piece of the action since he was the guy who spread the love. CF i agree w/ ya bro Karma will take care of everything!!!
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Damn... I seriously wish I could get a cut of this. I've even been toying with the idea of making a clone run all the way to cali and driving the cuts back. I don't think I could keep them alive long enough though :badday:.

The Vermonster

Active member
Elephunk said:
Damn... I seriously wish I could get a cut of this. I've even been toying with the idea of making a clone run all the way to cali and driving the cuts back. I don't think I could keep them alive long enough though :badday:.

Sure ya can bro......np at all.......all u need is a cooler, ice, paper towels, a baggy, and some decent water........peace......sounds like a plan if you have a connection in Cali......gl


ICMag Donor
i think this is a widow hybrid....it seems to show it`s other sides in different enviroments.....cheese changes when you subject it,..

this first one looks like [TFD] "Royal Orange"...very candy like

this is what it would look like if i grew it ....lol

hmmmm..this is my cheese....
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Quoted From Krome:::

My strain "the white" has no relation to white widow to the best of my knowledge. It's called the white for one reason only. The color of the buds when finished. Looks like they were just rubbed in confectionary sugar or something. The real name of the strain is "Triangle." Got the name from being a 3 way cross. Has nothing to do with location, as I'm far away from Cali and to the best of my knowledge, it was born and raised in my home town. The triangle kush is another local strain that's been around for years. I really don't want to get into it's origins as it always seems to start a heated debate.

Should be getting some white very soon here. I can't wait.


don't worry guys, krome is still lurking the net. i haven't talked to him since he got banned and then he pops in out of nowhere in one of my threads at another site a couple weeks ago. he says he's working on a blockhead x white. all you peeps who paid attention know those are his 2 faves, so that shit is gonna be dank as fuck.

i need to get some white ASAP! once i get the cut, i'll make sure to spread it because i know how much it sucks to not have it... hahahahaha!!!


ICMag Donor
well said bro.....lets get a uk link.....wink wink

i wish i had confidence in transport...you guys have all the good ones...you even have our good ones..lucky buggers..lol

my fish and chips taste funny..do yours...lol
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ICMag Donor
doing a fem outcross like....white x selfed cheese polen...or cheese x selfed white polen ...this would be my 2nd/3rd move

i saw that edit..it makes me look like im turbo posting as usual...lol
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Active member
I wish Krome could get the cash he deserves, He gifted the white and block head to me just before he left the boards, fucking leo took them and more when I got raided. I see ograskel is releaseing the white x his fire cut og kush, should be next week, that should be a super cross and one I will spend the money to get.


ICMag Donor
wow....yeh man....white x ogk fire.....

i here the fire is everything an og is suposed to be.....beets the sfv hands down

is it a fem project??