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Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
prophecy - We are not using it for extraction, only for pressing hash from pure glands or finely ground premium buds. You'll need to do your extraction or gland removal by either screen, bubble, tumbling, or other method before pressing.


got it, tried it, should have read your tutorial more because i cranked it too hard and broke it! doh! but it did work great for the few chips i made. thanks for the idea :)


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
Many of the members use the three bag set-up and they work great!

Some folks even do it with a single bag or two, but its a bit more tricky and not as effective.

For the small amount that I produce, I find that dry tumbling or screening works fine and involves little effort.


Helpful Tip:

Helpful Tip:

Hey all fellow Makin's "clay extruder" users I have a tip that may be very helpful to all of you. I Love to press my own stuff, but always got pissed when i tried to separate the dimes that stick together after a good long pressing.
In order to keep the dimes from sticking i make a kinda of plastic barrier from plastic wrap used for food.
You need your makin's green tube, a piece of cork board (bulletin board or one of those hot mats for pots, and plastic wrap like renoylds)
I bet you can see where im going with this :)
1. Tear a piece of plastic wrap off the roll and place it on the cork board.
2. Press the makins tube against the plastic and board firmly X 2
3. Remove the circles made from the pressure
4. Use these circles between the dimes and the material.
This really works, and helps. Lemme know what you guys think!
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Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
ECUG - thanks for the tip. Are you pressing more than one "dime" at a time and using the disks between them? Do you wrap each disk in plastic wrap on both sides? Have you got a picture you can post to give us an idea?

I'm always looking to improve the process. Thanks!


Pipedream - I use 2 dimes, one on each side, I dont use the metal disc's that come with it at all. You dont actually wrap the dimes, you actually make dime sized inserts by pressing the wrap so that you form a sandwich of dime, plastic, material, plastic, dime. I dont have a digital camera so sorry about the pictures, or lack there of. Hope this helped!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well I read your thread and this was just the sort of thing I was looking for, didn't know about the piecemaker but at $300 a pop I would have passed on it anyway. So I hoped in my car, went to a nearby Michael's, got the extruder and here are the results.

I did the thing with the dimes but the image didn't come out so good. I figure I either didn't heat it enough, or and this is more likely, I didn't crank down on it hard enough for fear of breaking it. I did follow the directions you posted and actually went a bit further in that by my estimation I did 7 1/8th turns before heating and then 4 with it heated. The material should have been good as it was from trim not aggressively worked thru a 110 mesh screen.

Anyway I just tried some and it cuts off nice without the piece you cut crumbling excessively and without the piece you cut it from crumbling. That and portability was the main thing I wanted out of this. It smoked very smooth and burned nice and evenly.

All in all I'm pretty pleased and give this device a bit :yes: :yes: Thank you very much for sharing your discovery with us. Had I seen this in the store without having read your review first I likely would have passed it by without really noticing it.

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
Cool, Hempkat :yes:
Nice lil puck you've got there. Yeah, the dime image didn't come out on mine either. I think I'll try ECUG's suggestion of the plastic wrap next time (or cellophane would probably work well). With that method, one would clearly have to be sure to not heat it hot enough to melt the plastic...but that's ok, because I don't use much heat anyhow. I've seen suggestions elsewhere to keep the disks in veg oil or something as a mold release, but your end product would definitely pick up some of the mold release, and I personally aint tryin to smoke any veg oil :yack:
Once again, nice hash, HK :D :yes: Happy smoking, my brother.
Everybody else....hash it up over there!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
cooked cook said:
Cool, Hempkat :yes:
Nice lil puck you've got there. Yeah, the dime image didn't come out on mine either. I think I'll try ECUG's suggestion of the plastic wrap next time (or cellophane would probably work well). With that method, one would clearly have to be sure to not heat it hot enough to melt the plastic...but that's ok, because I don't use much heat anyhow. I've seen suggestions elsewhere to keep the disks in veg oil or something as a mold release, but your end product would definitely pick up some of the mold release, and I personally aint tryin to smoke any veg oil :yack:
Once again, nice hash, HK :D :yes: Happy smoking, my brother.
Everybody else....hash it up over there!

Well really I should be thanking you too, seeing as how you brought this thread to my attention, so good looking out as they say. :yes:

As for the image issue, well it's not that big of a deal. I'm sure if one were to use a better item more geared towards making impressions, it would work better. I don't see me bothering with making dime sized disks of plastic though :chin: I'd rather skip the dimes all together and just press it flat. :joint:


Active member
HempKat said:
Well really I should be thanking you too, seeing as how you brought this thread to my attention, so good looking out as they say. :yes:

As for the image issue, well it's not that big of a deal. I'm sure if one were to use a better item more geared towards making impressions, it would work better. I don't see me bothering with making dime sized disks of plastic though :chin: I'd rather skip the dimes all together and just press it flat. :joint:

You probably don't want to press against just the plunger as it is two pieces and will easily get gummed up.

I find best results when I press against the extruder disk and a dime in the back.

It's too bad the extruder disks are too small to fit down there. Ideally that's what you want - a flat smooth dime sized piece.

got an ICE plant hanging to dry - in a few days I'll be firing up the press for some dry sift and bubble hash.

I also wanted to add that I have just recently vacuum packed my disks for long term storage. I was able to cut and make a nice little 2" square bag and vacuum seal them each in their own bag. I have a 8 or so disks in storage now which I plan on pulling out one every once in a while and enjoying the lot over the next few years :D


Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
woooohoooooo ive found one in the uk....... now i must email and ask if they can get the stainless one in instead.... there are some stainless ones avaliable in uk, but they arent screw types like this, they are just a plunger like a big ass dentists syringe...im gonna get this til i can get a pur press by vapureyes

aaaahahahahahah ive just found the stainless one in uk, 29.99 yeeeehaaaaw
lol, now ill go and clean up the mess i made when i just knocked my tea over punching the air(sad life i must lead huh lol)........
Thanks pipedream......gonna have this just in time for pressing the bubble i make from my trim...
Be lucky
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
sugabear_II said:
You probably don't want to press against just the plunger as it is two pieces and will easily get gummed up.

I find best results when I press against the extruder disk and a dime in the back.

It's too bad the extruder disks are too small to fit down there. Ideally that's what you want - a flat smooth dime sized piece.

got an ICE plant hanging to dry - in a few days I'll be firing up the press for some dry sift and bubble hash.

I also wanted to add that I have just recently vacuum packed my disks for long term storage. I was able to cut and make a nice little 2" square bag and vacuum seal them each in their own bag. I have a 8 or so disks in storage now which I plan on pulling out one every once in a while and enjoying the lot over the next few years :D


Good point on protecting the press from getting gummed up. :yes:

Man, freshly pressed hash vacuum sealed, that would be something you could pass down for generations if you built up enough. Imagine that, a beloved distant relative passes and a few days later a package arrives and hidden inside is this hugh hash stash with disks of all the best strains from the past 40 years or so.

Why yes I've been smoking, why do you ask? :joint: :smile:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Harry Gypsna said:
woooohoooooo ive found one in the uk....... now i must email and ask if they can get the stainless one in instead.... there are some stainless ones avaliable in uk, but they arent screw types like this, they are just a plunger like a big ass dentists syringe...im gonna get this til i can get a pur press by vapureyes

aaaahahahahahah ive just found the stainless one in uk, 29.99 yeeeehaaaaw
lol, now ill go and clean up the mess i made when i just knocked my tea over punching the air(sad life i must lead huh lol)........
Thanks pipedream......gonna have this just in time for pressing the bubble i make from my trim...
Be lucky

Um so the air won huh? :smile:

You might want to keep that to yourself, it's kind of embarrassing? :D


Active member
HempKat said:
Good point on protecting the press from getting gummed up. :yes:

Man, freshly pressed hash vacuum sealed, that would be something you could pass down for generations if you built up enough. Imagine that, a beloved distant relative passes and a few days later a package arrives and hidden inside is this hugh hash stash with disks of all the best strains from the past 40 years or so.

Why yes I've been smoking, why do you ask? :joint: :smile:

oh yeah that would be sweet if you were the beneficiary...

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
im gonna have a word with my friend at the bong factory, one of the top uk brands of bongs and imo the best hitting bong-they make it, im gonna take this to show him and see if he can make me a nice die for pressing and leaving a nice imprint, although just using some lettering stamps like you would use in metalwork is a good way to indicate the strain date made and such.....second thoughts i might just ask him to make me a die without shiwng him, lol if i show him tll probably appear in the headshops next year with his company logo on it and a set of dies lol...... thats why i dont show him my bong and tokers tool designs.....
anyway thanks again pipedream for bringing this thing to our attention, if this works as well as it looks like it does on here i may just forget about buying the Purpress after all..... cheers mate
Be lucky

EDIT For uk ppl wanting this you can get both versions from www.polymerclaypit.co.uk the aluminium one(thats al-ouuuu-min-ee-um not al-oou-min-um :bat: lol) is £15.99 and the stainless is £29.99, for the alu look under polymer clay tools, but for the stainless you need to look under metal clay tools...... actually the stainless is advertised on the front page as new in so scroll down and click...
Getting mine in about 2 weeks...
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