Active member
Its gonna be funny to see some of you goobers lose your biscuits when Trump wins by a landslide.
Kushner's coronavirus team shied away from a national strategy, believing that the virus was hitting Democratic states hardest and that they could blame governors, report says.
even if trump wins, at least the republicans won't be able to blame a democratic president for trump's fuckups
from the article..........
'Quoting an unnamed public-health expert in frequent contact with the taskforce, Vanity Fair reported that a member of Mr Kushner's team suggested a national plan was unnecessary and would not make sense politically because the virus had hit blue states hardest.'
More fake news.
fake news
Just in Trump signs Executive order with language he is trying to buy your vote. If he gives every US citizen 1 million$ we will vote for you .. Allot of what he said is 100% BS. The 400$ for unemployment is contigent apon the states providing 25% of that. So the Feds are giving 300$ and the states $100. The states do not have the funds to give that $100.
fake news
Its gonna be funny to see some of you goobers lose your biscuits when Trump wins by a landslide.
Its gonna be funny to watch you guys cry about Obama even after Trump is gone. Biden is no prize, not stoked on him at all. But he is a gem compared to the orange turd.
Remember other presidents calling out “fake news”? Nah I dont either. “I dont like what youre saying about me, you are fake news, aaaand you are fake news aaaand this is fake news” how pathetic. He cant even read a chart. He cant form sentences. Enjoy idolizing an idiot.
Since when is a unnamed public health expert considered a reliable source? Perhaps if the shoe fits wear it.
how is this bad for struggling americans.............
The new orders will:
You folk really have nothing, so you have to make stuff up.
- Eliminate the payroll tax. This will kill SSI. Where do you think the money comes from. Rep have been trying to cut SSI. This is not a good.
it would slash the primary source of funding for Social Security.-
- Extend unemployment benefits by $400 per week, down from $600. False its $300.
- Defer student loan repayments through the end of the year. They cant pay anyway with no job
- Extend protections against evictions. If your home address or property name appears in the NHPD and has a property status equal to active, you are covered under eviction protection through the CARES Act. However, please note that the NHPD does not include all housing programs eligible for federal eviction protection through the CARES Act.
I find it hilarious.