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The Sweet Tooth Clone


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
In the Noughties Sweet Tooth exploded onto the global scene, with High Times Cannabis Cup wins in 2000 (people’s cup) and 2001 (Cannabis Cup) it became one of the best known and sought after strains for a few years, but despite this global fame there is very little info out there about ST’s origins as a commercial strain in the ‘Emerald Triangle’ cultivation hotspot in California.
Recently a member here gifted me The Sweet Tooth clone.. the one that made ST famous in the first place, and the one that was, for many years, a major producer for the cannabis Farmers in that area - formed by Mendocino, Humboldt, and Trinity counties.
The clone dates back to 2001 and my contact, who regularly traveled to the states and was immersed in the Cali / biker /hippy scene back then, bought it back to the UK with him in 2017 and has kept it safe ever since. He gifted me the clone with a view to ‘preserving’ it for the community.

Sweet Tooth:

This has prompted me to research the origins of the line and, with some help from him, talk with the original breeder/creator of ST, who my contact often visited in Mendocino, and tell his story…

It seems that the growing community in the Emerald Triangle back then was made up of tight-knit groups who kept things very low key - partly due the the attentions of the C.A.M.P. (Campaign Against Marijuana Planting) who were government backed and way out of control at that time, the heavily armed group once launched an RPG in the hills above Shelter Cove - they were dangerous and the scourge of the canna farmers.
The original breeder of Sweet Tooth, before the seedbank bandwagon, was called Chas. he is in his 70’s and by his own admission his memories are hazy - but was happy to ‘set the record straight.’ as best he could remember. Here is what he said.-
“..from what i recollect I crossed a top notch sativa with an indica to make the Sweet Tooth, don't remember what they were, in the late 90s I was experimenting with so many different strain…..Some were seeds from excellent bag weed and some were from other countries that I acquired through the internet.. the boom of the internet with trading seeds had just begun..Started getting seeds from Mexico, Panama, Columbia and even from Thailand with exchange from seeds I had here in Mendocino and Sonoma county..Back then many breeders in my area were creating some wonderful new genetics..I just got plain lucky I guess..I grew out this one cross I made that blew away anything I'd ever messed with, had a male and female and made thousands of seeds… ..A friend of mine said why don't you name it Sweet Tooth and the name stuck, not only was it Sweet but the buds were frosty and powerful as all hell.
Back then I knew so many growers and passed it around, eventually the word got out and I had this guy from Amsterdam come visit me who had a seed bank there.. I sold him a few thousand seeds for I think 2000 bucks and kept about 100 for myself… . next thing I know someone told me that my ST got published in High Times with a pic of a bud grown under lights and got voted #1 for that year's publication for high, taste and looks..Kind of took me by surprise.”
Around that time Chas got divorced and decided to concentrate on making some money so he could build a house on the Land he’d just bought in Mendocino where he was living in a trailer.
“ first year I grew 25 ST plants, from which i cross pollinated the plants and got a lot of seeds, sold the pot and decided to plant more next year
The next year I grew 50 and, tired of pulling males, selected the best females, saved clones of them, grew them again the next year and settled on the best plant and kept it,
““..breeding was fun for awhile but then started to focus on my gardens and make some money, living in trailer for 4 years got old and need money for building a house and traveling the world. I started doing big outdoor grows on my property here in Mendo,
“ I just kept 4 moms under lights of the ST for years and made clones, passed them around to friends here at home. I did mail cuttings out to other states but gave up on that, too much hassle with packing and shipping
“, did save some $$..but as you get bigger there are more and more expenses such as trimmers, fencing, barns for harvest, fans, dehumidifiers, etc..the list goes on..It was a fun ride and now I'm retired, can't do the work anymore and with legalization ya can't sell it anymore”
“ sometimes when messing with crossing, breeding, genetics ya just get lucky which was what happened in my case..was so happy to pass it around..”

Here is the same plant at 1 week flower. It's just in a small cab under LED and i've trained the canopy flat. Temps are cold but i am heating the rootball a little with a propagator base


Further to the info from the breeder Chas, another neighbour, S_ , also in his 70’s but more clued up on the specific genetics around at that time, tried to recall which strains were being grown in the area which may have contributed to the ST (which has officially been described as a containing Nepali, Hawaii and Afghani) again these are hazy memories from an old man.. but interesting nevertheless.
“There was an Affie brought down from Garberville, everyone was growing it “(Possibly he was taling about the famous ‘Black Afghan’ )
“The Nepalese was Nepal Jam from Sensi Seeds in 98? “(Nepjam was originally offered by CBG and used the Nepalese originally sourced by Reeferman)
“Hawaiian was from dirtboy and came from Hilo
There were a few people who crossed these out in Mendo.”

So, all a bit confused, that tells the story as best as i have been able to research it, we may find out some more as we go on.

More soon, the plant is at 3 weeks flower currently.
VG :tiphat:


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
My contact also very kindly sent me a small sample of Sweet Tooth buds
The smell is sweet and berry-ish with a putty-like organic smell, and a background sharper fruity edge that i recognise from the Lemon Thai (Hawaiian) . Like a grapefruit smell but without any obvious citrus.
Taste is sweet as would be expected, with that putty-like sweet berry smell coming through very pleasant on the tongue.
High is quite potent, very happy and blissful, 'kind weed', long lasting. More on the 'indica' side with great painkilling and relaxing properties but also quite lucid and functional.
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Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Hi @PetePrice i wasn't sure if it was Barneys Farm or SOL who first released Sweet Tooth seeds, they were definitely amongst the first, but i'd presumed that the plant that won the Cup was grown from the seeds that Chas mentioned selling to a dutch seed bank in the description above.
This Clone i have is the 'commercial' Sweet Tooth clone from the area that ST originated, and it is also claimed to be the original Sweet Tooth variety that everyone started talking about (and made the seedbanks want to track it down or offer their version of it)
Barneys farm say Sweet Tooth is Hawaiian x Afghani x Nepali as do other seed banks but yes SOL's one was said to be SPG x BB

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Well-known member
Steve 1st released it in the 90's possibly 95/96 or a lil later, not sure if he termed it sweet tooth back then but everything else came after, but with you tasting grapefruit and blueberry and it has the look of a SWT/SPG. So yeah I wouldn't believe a word of Barneys description.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
@PetePrice yes i read it was Chimera that made the BB / SPG cross for Steve ?

as far as i can see the ST that won the HT Cannabis Cup is the Barneys Farm version. I could certainly believe it has Hawaiian in it from the grapefruity smell - which is present in the Lemon Thai ive been messing about with (LT is not Thai but Hawaiian).
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Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Pretty sure Barneys used Steve's sweet tooth #1 to win the cup... Chimera also made and released the same cross after Steve, but not the same.
thanks, Barneys certainly seem to claim that it was their ST that won the cup
"Sweet Tooth #1 from breeder Barney’s Farm was introduced in 2000 and has a history of being a multiple Cannabis Cup winner, including in 2000, 2001, and 2002"
(from the description at herbies head shop)



Well-known member
@PetePrice yes i read it was Chimera that made the BB / SPG cross for Steve ?

as far as i can see the ST that won the HT Cannabis Cup is the Barneys Farm version. I could certainly believe it has Hawaiian in it from the grapefruity smell - which is present in the Lemon Thai ive been messing about with (LT is not Thai but Hawaiian).

He did the 2nd release I think it was, 1.1 and his release were the same using a different male (B130?) reckon you'll know if it has SPG in it, maybe this clone is the same one Barneys had? both appear 2001 (just read above Barneys is around in 2000 pos before)


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
He did the 2nd release I think it was, 1.1 and his release were the same using a different male (B130?) reckon you'll know if it has SPG in it, maybe this clone is the same one Barneys had? both appear 2001 (just read above Barneys is around in 2000 pos before)
Thanks, yes that makes sense (that it was the Barney's variety)


Active member
It's been a while, but when Barney's farm won the cannabis Cup with Sweet Tooth back in 200 or 2001 the genetics were listed as Nepalese, Hawaiian, and Afghani if I'm remembering correctly.

Spice of Life's Sweet Tooth was the Sweet Pink Grapefruit clone crossed with Blueberry and carried forward through different generations and backcrosses.

Have tried and grown them both. really liked them a lot.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
It's been a while, but when Barney's farm won the cannabis Cup with Sweet Tooth back in 200 or 2001 the genetics were listed as Nepalese, Hawaiian, and Afghani if I'm remembering correctly.

Spice of Life's Sweet Tooth was the Sweet Pink Grapefruit clone crossed with Blueberry and carried forward through different generations and backcrosses.

Have tried and grown them both. really liked them a lot.
Yes, and Barneys have made sourcing West Coast US genetics and bringing them to Europe a big part of their draw...
Folks from across the pond are more likely to know primarily about the SOL Version.. especially as Steve was such a larger than life, well loved character on the scene.

The guy who bought the clone over to UK and gifted it to me says he used to buy ST from dispensaries in the states and it was the same. He thinks it is important to preserve this heirloom for posterity and he doesn't want anything for it except anonymity and a few S1s if i can make them .
I've always wanted to try a really good ST so this is a cool project for me.. especially as the seedlines seemed to lose their way and get a reputation for mold problems etc after a few years.



Well-known member
In the Noughties Sweet Tooth exploded onto the global scene, with High Times Cannabis Cup wins in 2000 (people’s cup) and 2001 (Cannabis Cup) it became one of the best known and sought after strains for a few years, but despite this global fame there is very little info out there about ST’s origins as a commercial strain in the ‘Emerald Triangle’ cultivation hotspot in California.
Recently a member here gifted me The Sweet Tooth clone.. the one that made ST famous in the first place, and the one that was, for many years, a major producer for the cannabis Farmers in that area - formed by Mendocino, Humboldt, and Trinity counties.
The clone dates back to 2001 and my contact, who regularly traveled to the states and was immersed in the Cali / biker /hippy scene back then, bought it back to the UK with him in 2017 and has kept it safe ever since. He gifted me the clone with a view to ‘preserving’ it for the community.

Sweet Tooth: View attachment 19159901 View attachment 19159902

This has prompted me to research the origins of the line and, with some help from him, talk with the original breeder/creator of ST, who my contact often visited in Mendocino, and tell his story…

It seems that the growing community in the Emerald Triangle back then was made up of tight-knit groups who kept things very low key - partly due the the attentions of the C.A.M.P. (Campaign Against Marijuana Planting) who were government backed and way out of control at that time, the heavily armed group once launched an RPG in the hills above Shelter Cove - they were dangerous and the scourge of the canna farmers.
The original breeder of Sweet Tooth, before the seedbank bandwagon, was called Chas. he is in his 70’s and by his own admission his memories are hazy - but was happy to ‘set the record straight.’ as best he could remember. Here is what he said.-
“..from what i recollect I crossed a top notch sativa with an indica to make the Sweet Tooth, don't remember what they were, in the late 90s I was experimenting with so many different strain…..Some were seeds from excellent bag weed and some were from other countries that I acquired through the internet.. the boom of the internet with trading seeds had just begun..Started getting seeds from Mexico, Panama, Columbia and even from Thailand with exchange from seeds I had here in Mendocino and Sonoma county..Back then many breeders in my area were creating some wonderful new genetics..I just got plain lucky I guess..I grew out this one cross I made that blew away anything I'd ever messed with, had a male and female and made thousands of seeds… ..A friend of mine said why don't you name it Sweet Tooth and the name stuck, not only was it Sweet but the buds were frosty and powerful as all hell.
Back then I knew so many growers and passed it around, eventually the word got out and I had this guy from Amsterdam come visit me who had a seed bank there.. I sold him a few thousand seeds for I think 2000 bucks and kept about 100 for myself… . next thing I know someone told me that my ST got published in High Times with a pic of a bud grown under lights and got voted #1 for that year's publication for high, taste and looks..Kind of took me by surprise.”
Around that time Chas got divorced and decided to concentrate on making some money so he could build a house on the Land he’d just bought in Mendocino where he was living in a trailer.
“ first year I grew 25 ST plants, from which i cross pollinated the plants and got a lot of seeds, sold the pot and decided to plant more next year
The next year I grew 50 and, tired of pulling males, selected the best females, saved clones of them, grew them again the next year and settled on the best plant and kept it,
““..breeding was fun for awhile but then started to focus on my gardens and make some money, living in trailer for 4 years got old and need money for building a house and traveling the world. I started doing big outdoor grows on my property here in Mendo,
“ I just kept 4 moms under lights of the ST for years and made clones, passed them around to friends here at home. I did mail cuttings out to other states but gave up on that, too much hassle with packing and shipping
“, did save some $$..but as you get bigger there are more and more expenses such as trimmers, fencing, barns for harvest, fans, dehumidifiers, etc..the list goes on..It was a fun ride and now I'm retired, can't do the work anymore and with legalization ya can't sell it anymore”
“ sometimes when messing with crossing, breeding, genetics ya just get lucky which was what happened in my case..was so happy to pass it around..”

Here is the same plant at 1 week flower. It's just in a small cab under LED and i've trained the canopy flat. Temps are cold but i am heating the rootball a little with a propagator base
View attachment 19159910
View attachment 19159911 View attachment 19159912

Further to the info from the breeder Chas, another neighbour, S_ , also in his 70’s but more clued up on the specific genetics around at that time, tried to recall which strains were being grown in the area which may have contributed to the ST (which has officially been described as a containing Nepali, Hawaii and Afghani) again these are hazy memories from an old man.. but interesting nevertheless.
“There was an Affie brought down from Garberville, everyone was growing it “(Possibly he was taling about the famous ‘Black Afghan’ )
“The Nepalese was Nepal Jam from Sensi Seeds in 98? “(Nepjam was originally offered by CBG and used the Nepalese originally sourced by Reeferman)
“Hawaiian was from dirtboy and came from Hilo
There were a few people who crossed these out in Mendo.”

So, all a bit confused, that tells the story as best as i have been able to research it, we may find out some more as we go on.

More soon, the plant is at 3 weeks flower currently.
VG :tiphat:
Hiya Bro

First of thanks! Yes thanks for bringing such a wonderful story and for acquainting us with Chas the man behind a legend strain. Salut, respect and amazing job!


Well-known member
thanks, Barneys certainly seem to claim that it was their ST that won the cup
"Sweet Tooth #1 from breeder Barney’s Farm was introduced in 2000 and has a history of being a multiple Cannabis Cup winner, including in 2000, 2001, and 2002"
(from the description at herbies head shop)

Barney's has been lying as long as I can remember. The Dutch take a different approach to business and cannabis ethics (no offense intended to you). I remember it as described above, though I would have thought they got their mitts on the #4 cut. They did the same thing with multiple strains. I think they learned business ethics from Arjan (kind of joking here, but only kind of). I mean, how many cups did they outright buy?

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