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The Speakers Corner's Funny Pictures Thread


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- I realize that there are arguments both ways - nothings been proven just yet - but I do feel that Assange and Snowden gave us all more of an insight into government manipulations and atrocities - than we would have had without them - so is that a good thing? - or are we better off not knowing?

I don’t need to know everything. All of our agencies have built in redundancies and safe guards. We have whistleblowers, we don’t need thieves. Micro managing by 328 million citizens all watching different news opinion is pretty much out of the question.


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I find it funny that trumpublicans appear vehemently opposed to being “forced” to buy health insurance, but are silent when “forced” to buy auto insurance, home owners insurance or mortgage insurance, etc AND are equally silent about the law (EMTALA) that requires hospitals to provide services to those that choose to not carry insurance. SMH



ICMag Donor

Well she may not have said it, but she was thinking it :biggrin:

His mom was brutal in insults to her sons and daughter, very critical of them, lambasting them. The dad wanted "tough" men, men to carry on his legacy. DJT lost $$$$ by the millions, frittering it away. He was NOT an investor, a real estate mogul. Look at ALL the TRUMP products, endorsements, real estate that have imploded.


Active member

Funny meme.
Speaking of which, i recently read that Grover Norquist is coming out of his four year hibernation. He slept through trump’s massive tariffs. I wonder why grover doesn’t mind tariff taxes but made a huge scene over having to pay taxes on aspirin during Obama’s early years.