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The Smells of Winter: FT's 600w Organic Bonanza


natural medicator
Random picture update

Random picture update

StrawDxNYCD >No veg plants=hopefully enough for a few nice Js





Where the babies came from > StrawDxNYCD plant from seed


Spice of Life-Adventurously Mixed >my lone female


Sour Diesel x OG Kush in the foreground


(Left to Right)
Sour Diesel x Miss. Mud * Spice of Life-Adventurously Mixed * Sour Diesel x OG Kush * JEM


Left>Sour Diesel x Miss. Mud
Right> JEM


Sour Diesel x Miss. Mud


Mossy's JEM






Bubba Kush bx1 (I cropped out a little burnt leaf nastiness to leave you all with the nicer lookin part)



natural medicator
Just took tester buds today off 5 or 6 of the girls.....

Hoping they'll be dried with a 2-3 day cure by 4/20

I was trying to poke the stems of the buds into these holes in cardboard to suspend the buds........but with the SDxOGK I ended up decimating some trichs on the lower part of the tester bud......I enjoyed smellin my fingers after that.

Probably will end up with a few grams of testers for a few nice bowls on 4/20.
Did I mention It will have been about 5 1/2 weeks since I've smoked if I can smoke on 4/20??? :rasta:
Might have to delay my holiday.........need to get back on my feet before I can smoke.......but that'll just give me longer to cure the testers :joint:

Most aren't close to done. Lots of 100% clear. Hey, I'm only at ~day 48 of 12/12.

The surprise is the SOL A.M. plant. That one has about 10-20% amber. Even if its done, I'll probably take it a little long just to fight for whatever extra yield I can get out of her.

Another side note:
The Mossy plants are fairly distinct.

My 6B, the super purple plant, smells like lots of grape with a hint of spice (typical JEM)
6A is more just spice and possibly other smells,despite a lil hint of purple, I can't pick out any grape smell.
Doesn't mean its not there, my olfactories are slightly(very) diminished from a stupid tobac habit.....

All those testers just wreaked though...........and that SDOG was coooooaaated


Ah haha I see some nice colors in there sir...just a few weeks time or so and they'll be all blown out. You know I spent 10 yrs of my life chasing 1st tracks, then I got so jaded that if even one set of sticks beat me to a spot I'd weep..so I started hillclimbing snowmachines with a board on my pack.Now it's been about 6yrs since I've seen real nice snow.Enjoy the weed when you start up again, it's always nice to take a break, I do it all the time, but, cough, cough... not tonight...:joint::joint:


natural medicator
Hi Lilly :wave:
I'm liking the spicy/grapey smell even more than the purple right now, but it is nice IMHO to have at least one colorful flower in the garden.

Can't wait til they fill out even more.........sometimes I check on them throughout the day to see if they've puffed up at all.....even though I know the more I check, the slower the process seems to happen

Did you ever pick up a splitboard for hiking and riding? I see that some guys are doing that, but the sleds definitely seem to be preferred by many. I want to get a nice sled sometime and put on an extended swingarm deep treads, and maybe even throw a turbo in there. That's a little dreaming though...

Breaks are nice for a while, but this one is beyond old. I actually gave my buddy a tester nug last night because I couldn't smoke any of the test nugs I pulled. I had to squeeze it down to compress it a little and I did make sure to dry it completely and cure it for 4 or 5 days if I remember correctly.
He seemed to enjoy it. Said it had a unique taste/smell that he couldn't place. I held back from taking guesses for him since he knows I haven't smoked in a few minutes and I had to tell him it was from a friend who said it was some better stuff.

After that I was left with the half of the nug that was too much for him to smoke and thinking how it would perfectly roll into a little spliff or pack a bong bowl.

Hope you enjoyed your 420!

be well


Fast tracks...i my humble opinion...i think you are burning your plants. You already have a solid organic mix in the containers...AND you are feeding them guanos, etc. This is overkill. That is why the leaves on a few of the pics above are showing the signs they are showing. That is MASSIVE nute burn. If i were you, i'd run the same exact soil mix next run...and try using only EWC + molasses for your feedings. See how that will do ya. I had this same exact issue a few grows ago.


natural medicator
thanks for your input.
I mentioned a few pages back that I was well aware I burned my plants by using the bat guano and molasses. Since that one fateful watering I've stuck to straight tap water (allowed to sit to allow the chlorine to dissipate).

To be honest, with my mix, I don't think I need any additional boosters whatsoever. My plants were super happy before I tried to boost them, they just aren't quite recovering. all the way. Very aware that it was a huge mistake to fertilize as I did, I just didn't realize it before I did it.

this is from my post on 3/27

I messed up.
It appears I got overzealous with the molasses and bat guano. should have used one at a time and started in small(er) amounts so I could learn how they worked.

Ended up burnin 3 or 4 of my plants. I keep forgetting I have some light feeders in there. I already started a small flush......just a 1/2 gallon or gallon of straight water first. TOmmorow, after my water has had time to de-chlorinate, I plan on a full flush. May wait til they dry out again first, but I just want to clean them out a little.

when I say i burned them, I yellowed and crispied up the leaves near the top on some of the plants.

I'm afraid this is going to stunt their growth........and a little worried that it might have stressed some of them enough that the Diesel/sativa genetics in them go hermy on me.

Should I water in some dolomite lime to slow things down or would that have a chance of just hurting them again?

Any help would be appreciated.


So sorry FT, didn't catch that...i kind of "skimmed" thru the text. Well, i'm glad you got it figured out...and if you didn't know...it would be cool to add the EWC and molasses, because the EWC add beneficials and the molasses will feed those, as well as those already present in the soil. EWC tea is so mild, that it won't burn plants in amended soil. Just a thought. Happy growing. Again, sorry for beating the dead horse earlier.



natural medicator
Thanks solarz.
Appreciate the advice. Maybe I'll try the ewc and molasses next time around on a few plants and see how they like it.
I don't really expect people to go through the whole thread, and just appreciate getting visitors, so don't worry about beating a dead horse or whatever.

be well


Hey FirstTracks, thought I'd drop by and say what's up. I love you strain lineup. I grew out JLP's SD x OG and loved it. I'm pretty sure I told you that already on a different thread. And that SD x Miss. Mud is looking nice. Can't wait to see how those two turn out for you.


natural medicator
Bubba Kush Bx1 and SOL Adventurously Mixed

Bubba Kush Bx1 and SOL Adventurously Mixed

Just a few tester buds that finished a 2-3 day dry and are off to the jar for some curing until I can smoke or decide to give more away to friends...

Bubba Kush Bx1 is on the LEFT
S.O.L. Adventurously Mixed is on the RIGHT




natural medicator
Spice of Life >Adventurously Mixed

The room was getting way too hot today. Noticed later that my ducting came untaped from the light....temps were up to ~95F. I decided to check the SOL AM and it had at least 20% amber and hasn't appeared to put on any weight for about 2 weeks so I decided to chop.

Unfortunately for me, I forgot for a moment that I was going to re-veg the plant. I have clones, but wanted to reveg and take it outdoors....

That's the story on that.
Cut it in half for easier trimming. Hoping I got a 1/2z + off this. No scale to check wet weight.

Any guesses?

Just something random:

Please be sending positive vibes towards Dan Woody today, he was raided :badday:

Before trimming


After trimming




natural medicator
had a heat wave that did it's best to kill my plants...
everything looks nasty at this point.

My veg cab with my 150........the pc fans set up to cool the light died sometime between yesterday and today............hopefully just a wiring issue I have to find......though i'm going to have to un-tape a lot of stuff.

I'll probably just post up trimmed/dried pics after this..........my plants look like poo


natural medicator
chopped and trimmed up everything today

my SOL AM plant that is curing at the moment (cut last week) dried too fast I think (2-3 days) and I think I lost the smell on her.

Because of that, I'm drying in a cooler area in paper bags to start. I'll monitor the progress and see if things are drying too slow or not fast enough.

I was motivated to chop everything becasue I wasn't able to control the temps well as ambient outside temps increased. This basically caused everything to dry up/stop showing any new growth. Before shopping, I checked the ladies and most showed a good bit of amber, varying from maybe 10% to 60%.

I'm definitely a newb still, as I only got probably 1/2oz or less from most plants. The two b. indys from Mossy were my biggest yielders it seems, and those probably came in at 3/4-1oz each. Very grapey smell with a hint of spice on one, with a 50/50 split grapey/spice smell on the other, less purple one.

I'm probably going to convert the 600w room to a veg area now (or soon) and switch the cycle to nights to keep temps better under control. Might get an A/C in there too.

The pollinated StrawDxNYCD clones will probably be moved under my 150w to finish flowering (probably 4-6weeks left, more if needed for seeds to mature). They're only about 6" currently, and I'm hoping for a little more stretch/stacking, though I'm not so sure that's going to happen.

The original StrawDxNYCD plant went to crap quick as temps increased and I might end up turning that all into ISO hash/BHO.

Gotta try to find a local source for some good butane.

It's still going to be at least a couple weeks until I can smoke again......still need a job. For that reason, everything should get adequate time to dry cure. I also have the remainder of the tester buds (the bit I didn't give away to friends) and the SOL A.M. plant (probably a SWT#?, but maybe blockhead) to smoke, as that's been curing for a few days now.

I'll probably post up pics when things are dry.


natural medicator
buds n such

buds n such

Took some pictures of samples from the stash. My photography skills aren't stellar, but you can get an idea with at least some of them.

If people are stopping through, maybe I'll throw up some comments on the individuals.

be well all



Strawberry Diesel X New York City Diesel​



Sour Diesel X OG Kush​


Sour Diesel x Mississippi Mud​


QWISO from mixed trim (LWISO? I mixed for at least 30sec-1min)​



Bubba Kush bx1 .c​




Bubba Kush bx1 .b​


Black Indica aka JEM.GrapeSpice​



Black Indica aka JEM. Grape​




natural medicator
that Mississippi mud cross looks huge!

Thanks GG

the bud itself is maybe 8-14g (no scale, so just ye olde hand weigh) and was pretty dense for the pic before I chopped it down a little.

That plant was actually one of my lowest overall yielders. I think my temps were just too high and I didn't veg long enough. With closer nodes, it would have been a really nice yielder pumping out a ton of golfball type buds.


Take Five...
Hi FT, I was interested to see your 600 grow as that is what I have. You have some very nice plants there.

If I may suggest, next soil mix reduce the blood meal. It is super strong N and you aren't vegging long enough to use it all. When you flower, the excess N delays finishing, promotes veg not bloom and affects taste. Your plants are mighty green throughout and too green at finish, IMO. Reduce the N, and also feed more P during bloom with your watering. Bone meals breaks down slow and I don't think your plants are getting enough, affecting your yield. 600 is a lot of light for blooming. I am assuming of course that these plants are in the same mix for veg and flowering.

One big reason I switched from organic soil mix to straight coco and liquid nutes is once you mix that soil, you can't change it. If it is too hot, or not the right ratio for the particular phase of growth, or the temps go up and nute requirements go down, you are screwed. Burning my entire garden taught me quick....With liquid, you can make small changes as the plant needs it.

All the best :wave:


natural medicator
Thanks peat.
I'll definitely keep that advice in mind next round.
People seem to be loving the taste of everything......at least the BK bx1, B.Indy, and sweet tooth..........but that's the only big pro I see to organic right now.

I'm thinking of switching either to coco or back to dwc setups with GH nutes. I love hydro just because if something is off, I can correct it almst immediately. I got really frustrated not being able to fix my organic mix during flower. I knew it was off.......but there didn't seem to be a whole lot of options in controlling it.