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The Smells of Winter: FT's 600w Organic Bonanza


Well-known member
First Tracks, I saw you lights on and thought I would stop in and see whats new on your menu.

It sounds like one hell of a nice line-up you have in the game!



natural medicator
Just so I know what the clones are coming from.....
forgot to differentiate males and females here, I'll hop on that later....
4B (SD x MM) and 3E (BKbx1) are slated to be future dads, so I took pictures of those two.

4B 31" Good pollen sack production
3E 20" Good pollen sack production, extremely bushy naturally
6B 16" shows hairs quick after flip
4A 23"
3D 16" poor development
2B 16" good development, single cola potential
3C 15" Compact
3B 15" Compact
6A 20"
3A 17" slow to show sex/hairs (barely showing hairs at this point, if any)
5A 19" Slow to show sex/hairs
1B 14"
2A 17" good development
5A 21" Very good development
1A 18" Good development, sativa leaning, nute sensitive

All known males were chopped today. 3A is a BKbx1 that is taking forever to show sex/reach maturity so it was left there. Hoping that one ends up being a female.

my pics are poor quality and my camera battery died right after I took the first overhead shot of one of my females.


natural medicator
took a few pics before the males were removed from duty...




BKbx1 male...........not sure if its not the BK pheno...but it was pretty branchy soooo


(more low quality pics of) the garden



gettin a little creative



natural medicator
Clone update:
Some showing good roots!!!!

some of my clones are showing roots (in rapid rooters on heating pad ~25-30cm under a 33w warm white fluoro bar). water used is 1gal straight tap water, non-pH corrected, .25mL GH micro and .25mL GH bloom per liter. Bottom feed every day or two, mist between once every 2 days and twice a day (same mixture bottom feed and mist). humidity most likely near 100% and temps around 80 in the chamber. No air movement except when I blow on them.
Not perfect but it seems to be working.
Autoflower update:
good surprises and bad surprises...

Something I have to complain about a little. This could be the tight holes of the rapid rooters, it could be the beans, it could be somehow my fault, I can't place blame at this point.
AF beans were put in rapid rooters in same conditions as clones.

1 of 3 Lowlife auto AKs popped out healthy and quick after 48 hours, 1 popped with a full shell on (had to break off shell by hand) after ~5days. 1 has yet to pop.

the Auto AKs not popping mostly didn't bother me that much as I was expecting poor germination rates from reading about them. To be honest, I was surprised to see the 1 pop so quickly.

The bad part.....
3 of 3 Bluestreaks from Mdanzig popped..........all upsidedown with tap roots poking straight up. I have NEVER had this happen before and I've germed quite a few (98+) seeds in my day. I came back after being away a couple days and they had popped like this with tap roots upside down and turning green. the babies wre forming, just upside down. I couldn't believe it. I gently pulled them out and flipped them over, re-inserted in rapid rooters to see what would happen. 2 of the 3 are trying hard to recover, though I'm not sure if any will.
I am severely disappointed so far to say the least. I now need to pop several more of them and am about a week behind schedule on making f2s for outdoor.

Due to this dissapointment, I also need to hold onto my entire stock of ~60 Nigerian Nightmare x Black Indica beans (part of which i was planning on donating to the 4/20 auction) because I need to make sure i have some quick finishing seeds for the summertime and my previously planned seedrun looks like it will be delayed, at best. I'll find some other stuff to give away at some point, but I need to lock down my summer outdoor first.

The 600w show:

23 days into 12/12

My 8 females (out of 15 strong survivors from the original 20 seeds and 18 seedlings)
are doing quite well.

Everyone is packing on the weight quite nicely.

>Mossy's AF (F3 I think)
I have 2 of these. Not sure that they're autoflowering plants, but they're packing on the hairs faster and growing almost more vigorously thatn most of the other ladies. I'm quite happy with their development, AF or not.

>Bubba Kush Bx1
Also 2 of these. One is slightly taller than the other. both phenos are single cola dominant so far. One of the males with skinnier leaves was super bushy, but he wasn't gonna get a chance to dump his jizz on my ladies. the 2 ladies have nice wide dark leaves. Seem to be fully accustomed to the organic mix and just loving it now. One of them in particular just has super-tight internodal spacing and has packed on the hairs between a few days ago when I saw it last and earlier tonight.

>Strawberry Diesel x NYCD
This girl seems to be thriving as well. It shares the dark waxy-leaved look of the BK bx1 plants but has a little more stretch to her. Still packing on the hiars, just looser internodal spacing, especially towrds the middle of the plant where the strech occured most. This one is looking promising.

>Sour Diesel x Miss. Mudd
This one is the tallest of the group. She stretched the most going into flower but is really doing what she can to throw some hairs out. Loosest internodal spacing of the group here, but looks promising. I'm worried about how long she's gong to want to be in flower.

>Sour Diesel x OGK a.k.a. SDOG
Still can't tell for myself (though I'm sure with adequate pics, you all could tell) if it leans towrds the SD or OGK side. Seems like quite a middle of the road plant as far as indy/sat balance, but thats just from what I see of her. She's performing well enough, but I just read a smoke report on her tonight and I'm getting a little excited inside.

>SOL Adventurously Mixed pack
The leaves are lookin skinny like a blockhead and I'm hoping hoping hoping that my little girl has a big future. SHe's packing on the hairs and has a beautiful balance of internodal spacing. tighter than any of the diesel crosses but slightly more spacious than the BK bx1, leading me to believe that this one might be just loose enough to keep off the mold, yet fast enough to beat the wet weather if planted outdoors. this one has narrower leaves than the majority of the plants I grew in the SOL Ad. Mixed pack a couple seasons ago so i'm thinking it might have some of that African sativa sittin in it. Time will tell (and so might pictures if I ever get them up here...).

That's the update for now. Hopefully i'll get a chance to take some more pictures and get them up here sooner rather than later.


natural medicator
Picture update: Day 26

Picture update: Day 26

Thought I'd share some pictures with y'all.

If anyone can help me identify the phenotypes (especially with the Spice of Life Adventurously Mixed plant), I'd really appreciate it.

All the girls are pretty dry now, so will be watering with a plain tap water (left to sit to dissipate chlorine in the water) with 1 tbs of Blackstrap molasses and a little flowering bat guano.

Mossy AF (6B)



Mossy AF (6A)





Strawberry Diesel x NYCD





Sour Diesel x Mississippi Mud




Bubba Kush Bx1 (3C)




Bubba Kush Bx1 (3B)




Spice of Life-Adventurously Mixed



(I left out the SDOG.......or just labeled one of my pics incorrectly.....gotta amend that sometime)
looking good man- ill be sure to keep an eye on this thread. Are you sure you killed those males quick enough? i see open flowers but regardless, great looking plants


natural medicator
Thanks for stopping in bro!
Nah, i'm not sure I killed them quick enough, but a few surprise seeds aren't gonna hurt me any bit. Didn't see nay yellow dust (pollen) flying, so hopefully all good). I'm revisng my plans and considering fully pollinating one of the plants, though not sure which one yet. I have clones of all (except possibly 6a, one of the AFs from Mossy, as the rapid rooters for those dried out a little too much during cloning), so even if I do a seed run this time, I'll be fine later on. My bluestreak and auto AKs aren't looking promising, in fact, very dissapointing so far for the most part, so I'll probably end up trying to get 50-100 seeds off one of the BKs on the lower branches.

come back to visit anytime!

be well


natural medicator
Just added 4 Strawberry Diesel x NYCD clones which were fully rooted in their rapid rooters.

These are supposed to take 11-12 weeks from clone (from what I've read on other people's grows), so I'm planning on these being done mid to late June.
I'm hoping to yield between 1/2 and 1oz per clone, assuming I get some decent stretch with them and they survive the transplant alright.

All 4 are sharing a 3gal container with the same organic mix I was using before. I watered them in with 1 gallon of water with around 1/8 tbs Blackstrap and ~1/8 tbs flowering bat guano with high P and a dash of K. Everything they need should already be in the mix, but I already had the water mixed up from my earlier watering in which I used ~1 tbs/gal of Blackstrap and bat guano.

just to reiterate, I would love it if anyone with any experience or just some good ideas could help me I.D. which phenotypes I'm running (if you're good at identification based on leaf structure/stretch.
Thanks :wave:


natural medicator
I messed up.
It appears I got overzealous with the molasses and bat guano. should have used one at a time and started in small(er) amounts so I could learn how they worked.

Ended up burnin 3 or 4 of my plants. I keep forgetting I have some light feeders in there. I already started a small flush......just a 1/2 gallon or gallon of straight water first. TOmmorow, after my water has had time to de-chlorinate, I plan on a full flush. May wait til they dry out again first, but I just want to clean them out a little.

when I say i burned them, I yellowed and crispied up the leaves near the top on some of the plants.

I'm afraid this is going to stunt their growth........and a little worried that it might have stressed some of them enough that the Diesel/sativa genetics in them go hermy on me.

Should I water in some dolomite lime to slow things down or would that have a chance of just hurting them again?

Any help would be appreciated.


Nice updates FirstTracks. What do you know about those Digital Greenhouse Systems 600w grow lights? I was looking into them. Pretty cheap at htgsupply.com. Are they quality? Definitely curious on that.

Props on a good show. Keep it up.



natural medicator
Nice updates FirstTracks. What do you know about those Digital Greenhouse Systems 600w grow lights? I was looking into them. Pretty cheap at htgsupply.com. Are they quality? Definitely curious on that.

Props on a good show. Keep it up.


Hey dyren:wave:
thanks for stoppin in again!
Not many other people seem to visit over here....
Maybe its cause I always smell a lil skunky....:joint:

From what I read, the standard Growbright bulb that comes with the standard package doesn't work well with the DGS ballast. I talked to one of the employees and brought up my concern. I asked if I could get an agromax upgrade at no additional charge, but that wasn't possible with my small purchase.

I'm using the Agromax hps bulb with it and its working great. The ballast runs really cool. I can hold my hand comfortably on it even at the end of a 12 hour cycle and its warm......maybe 90-100 degrees, but nothing more than that. It runs really quietly (i can't hear any nuance of a hum) and hasn't given me problems yet.

I can't speak on the long term quality of these, as I've only been running mine for a couple months now.

The girls are recovering alright from my burn incident with the blackstrap and bat guano.

I just watered in some dolomite lime, so that will hopefully bring things back to a chill pace.
My pretty dark green leaves are no more though...........to much yellow crap mixed in :badday:
O well, live and learn.

The BKbx1s are packin on the weight.

SDxMM is throwing hairs like no other but no calyxes have swelled yet at all

Mossy's AF, which has turned out to be not so much of an AF, is doing well....well there are two.
6B is my favorite. She's showing hints of purple at the bases of the hairs and I'm thinking she might be as purple or almost as purple as my JEM aka black indica, from the same awesome guy.
the great thing about both 6A and 6B (seeds from Mossy) is how they're developing just a little ahead of everyone else.

Other plants are catching up. I'm seeing the potential for lots of stacked calyxes.

I left the camera somewhere else, so no pics for a few more days.

be well all


natural medicator
just got a 60x-100x microscope
who the hell needs TV when you can stare at trichs all day!!!!!!!!!????!!!!?:rasta:


natural medicator
wow man hella nice gene list
and even better grown plants :respect:
way to keep it green

Thanks Brother Bear :wave:

Plants have stopped burning since I watered in the dolomite lime.

my SDxOGK never burnt and is looking quite nice and has that almost iconic narrow leaf look.

The strawdiesel x NYCD isn't liking the slowed down nute uptake from the lime though, its bottom fans are starting to lighten up more than I'd like. It was one of the few that didn't mind the molasses and bat guano originally.

I promised my ladies today I wouldn't try to push them anymore (too much :joint:). Gotta have a happy crew dontchaknow

still having fun with my lil microscope..........just hafta hope i don't pull off every single little leaf to get a look at trichs


natural medicator
SOL-Adventurously Mixed-showing one single amber head on a trich!!!! this is only day 39 flower or something like that.
Probably just something that got burnt. I know this isn't close to being done......but it was awesome through my microscope anyway :joint:
FirstTracks nice to see everything back on track - I've been lurking as I do.

Pictures are nice and all but your writing fills in those holes quite well.

I'll drop back in soon I'm sure, and until then grow on mate!


natural medicator
Some updates

STDxNYCD clones (no veg)








Mossy 6A







4.5 Little canopy shot

4.5.Bubba Kush bx1 (two of them) one's lookin crispy (its recovering now)



4.5.bagseed. keepin this going for my buddy (needs some water)

4.5.Auto AK


4.5.6b Mossy purple:woohoo:







natural medicator
FirstTracks nice to see everything back on track - I've been lurking as I do.

Pictures are nice and all but your writing fills in those holes quite well.

I'll drop back in soon I'm sure, and until then grow on mate!

Nice to have ya in BesideHimself!
I was without a camera for the week, and I habitually don't update with pics anyway.


I think i'm getting into a bad habit of forgetting to take many pics of my SDxOGK..........one of the healthiest looking ones of the bunch (though not the most developed by far, feels like lots of SD in there). Not really sure whats wrong.......my camera apparently just avoids that one.

Its alright, i'll just let you all see the plants i burnt to a crisp with the molasses and guano.

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