I am starting this thread because occasinally I like to RANT, or VENT about shit that bothers me...and I don't like when people tell me to stop RANTING!!!!! Sometimes, it is good to get stuff off your chest. My RANT today is COLD SORES!!!!! I have one on my lip...yes, it is part of the herpes zoster virus, but so is shingles and chicken pox!!!!I have been getting them since I was little....and been made so much fun of, when I was a kid.....and because I had leukemia, I was the bald kid, with sores on her lips...yeah, it was tough, but so was I, lol. I hate when people mistakenly assume that I am a slut, cause I get cold sores. It is a very painful thing, that can happen when you are sick, or stressed out. There is a difference between the cold sores I get, and herpes on your genital area. If I were to give a blow job when I have a cold sore, I can indeed transfer my cold sore, to TOH's genitals. So I stay away when I have a cold sore, lol......I couldn't imagine having this cold sore, down there??????? Anyway, I hate when I get these damn cold sores, it always bodes ill for me...means my immune system isn't working so great. When you have had cancer, and bone marrow transplants, you always watch for any signs that something is amiss.....usually I end up with the worst cold/flu, then I get better. Anyone else that needs to rant....feel free.................