The HashMan
I dont know, ive watched Strainhunters vid 10 Times each.
Thats not true they didnt give any money. They gave them 50 Dollar. Later someone from that "Tribe" found out how much money they can make. but i guess "found out" means just "someone estimated" . Just a number he expect for a good selling Strain.Then they flipped out, Interviewer asked "why paying so few money" and franco said: it doesent work that way. So, they didnt steal, not true as recall.
Well your next reply might be: "but its to few" . Well, i wont argue, all i can say this is DAILY LIFE in Congo, no Tourist, nobody pays 20 Dollars for a Pizza in Congo. Aswell, he went into dangerous Place, better take the least possible if you wanna survive..
My bad if I interpreted the video differently, How much do you think GHS makes off those seeds though?
Thats like saying I can go into the ghetto and rob people because robbing people happens in the ghetto.
Don't get me wrong I loved following franco and his work.