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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Don’t understand….you mean an M-16? We were some of the first ones to train with them in basic. We laughed at them…..made by Mattel….
M-14 "Grownups gun."

Pretty much a sexed-up M-1 Garand. They switched weight from the heavy stock on the M-1 to a big magazine full of kick-ass .308's to come up with the M-14.

A finicky .22 caliber (jeez) jam-friendly, single-shot, plastic POS with a magic boinga-boinga pin** that can go flying off in the dark during takedown.

** I useta know the name -- and nickname -- of that little flying part... but I grow old.


Well-known member
Evening folks. East coast is dark and sleepy

Organizing a new tool box, hoping to consolidate three different boxes I have into this one big one. I’m not convinced they will fit. Probably going to keep one box separate just for the specific model airplane tools.
I have a milk crate FULL of Craftsman wrenches and tools from the 60’s - 70’s. Back when they still made quality stuff. They were my grandads and no one was going to take them when he died.
So I took them. Once again I watched the family go for the money items and pass right over the real valuable stuff

Grampa’s tools. He Jerry rigged and tinkered and did some major repairs on his own cars for years. Keeping the mechanical glue horses on the road. one was a ragged 1970 Challenger that my mom first drove when she was sixteen. Filled it with oil everyday before driving to work in it. She swore it was fast. I always imagined it running on less than the allotted 8 cylinders 😂. My child brain had already calculated that an engine that needed oil every trip, could not possibly be “fast”.
To me, those tools are valuable. They were his tools and they were valuable to him, he kept up with them for decades. Tools worn smooth in his hands.
I hold a wrench and I can just hear his voice. Cussing and bitching in his New Hampshire accent.
I would have thought his two boys would have wanted to at least take them home.
Oh well, their loss
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