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Unca Walt

Well-known member
Thanks for posting that, Bro.

I just reviewed what was written on their payment pamphlet. This is the method of payment:

Sell Crypto > Convert To US Dollars > Buy Gold
Sell Gold > Convert To US Dollars > Buy Crypto

This only makes sense since Bitcoin is traded 24/7. So minute by minute fluctuations of price.

As of yet there is no way of paying directly with Crypto. It must be converted into currency first.
And accordingly, three is no country that's using Crypto exclusively for transactions & debt pay.

All Crypto transactions require fiat currency as an intermediary.
Good point -- but it is doable.

So @bigsur51 could turn in, say, 25% of his Bitcoin holding, and convert it to fiat, then to gold in hand. In increments of just under $10,000 <-- No IRS reporting necessary.

That way, when/if Bitcoin goes to a jillion, he will still have 3/4 jillion PLUS a coupla pounds of gold.

Thassa win-win situation covering all bases.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
The 'Q thing' is hard to grasp. IMO it's definitely a military psyop, but in positive way.

Do you know where this is?

It's JFK's final resting place. An eternal flame burns there.

Kind of looks like a 'Q' don't it?

'Q' is also the highest security clearance possible: Q clearance.

This also is 'Q', but for our discussion it has no relevance.

Being a Trekkie I included it for a cheap laugh. Ha ha.

The 'Q' phenomenon began back in 2017 on the anonymous bulletin board known as "4Chan" when someone anonymously posted this:

As you can imagine this caused quite a stir! This post began the expedition of millions of anonymous individuals (anons) on the internet asking who, what, where, and why.

So far, there have been 4966 Q posts with the last one being 11/27/2022

It's a bit of a history lesson to follow 'Q'. Also, it's a 'you had to be there from the start' to GROK what's going on. Q also pointed out that there are no more than 10 people on the team. If I recall it's 3 civilians and 7 military? Something like that?

Because of security and secrecy laws Q couldn't just come out and say what was on it's mind. So, Q used the Socratic method of asking questions. Q posted a question and millions of anons would search the internet archives and post their answers. The correct answer was reposted by Q showing they were on the right track. It truly was a world-wide phenomenon.

Everyone loves a mystery... right?

It caused quite a stir on the interwebs. Within a few hours this was the next post.

Answer the questions? There's a lot to unpack here! How many things in this one post have you heard about before??

What this method of attack did was expose deep state actors by asking probing questions. Answers to which were publicly available, but lost in the daily drivel of MSM noise. Q laser focused and pointed them out for all the world to see - that is if you were paying attention.

Think back to when Trump first said "You are FAKE NEWS" to the media. Most folks thought "What? What is he talking about?" But now what do 'most folks' think about "fake news"?

The MSM naturally didn't like that they were called out. The MSM also happens to be totally corrupt and infiltrated by CIA operatives - but that's a whole 'nother story. Deep dives have been engaged here as well. It's also the reason the MSM created "Qanon" which is made up nonsense because there is no such thing. There is "Q" and there are "Anons". The media likes demonizing threats to its authority, so they created a "Qanon demon" to demonize anything exposing their corruption! People got 'cancelled' if they mentioned 'Q' in passing.

In a TV interview Savanna Guthrie queried Trump about what he knew about "Qanon" he denied knowing anything about it. She was incredulous that he denied it! Why did he deny it? Because there is no such thing as "Qanon"! She asked the wrong question!! Had she asked about "Q"... well then, that's a different story!

It is thought that "Q+" is Trump.

Q also exposed Epstein, the island, pedophilia in the upper crust, Satanism and a whole host of other things with the intent of waking up the people. Are you awake yet? Think back to 2016 and what's been exposed since then. Pizzagate - denied and ridiculed by the MSM: True. Podesta brothers, Hollywood pedoville (P. Diddy?), Adrenochrome from tortured children's blood, Haiti, politician's foundations, ISIS, FiveEyes (FVEY).... The rabbit hole goes deep. One only needs to be curious to question what is going on in plain sight.

So with all that in mind you too can venture forth into the mystery known as 'Q'.

This is the most searchable site regarding all things Q: https://qagg.news/

@dogzter -- What makes Q something serious is the concept of "How many coincidences does it take before it is statistically impossible to be a coincidence?"

has predicted dozens of dates and times when for specific events that proved spot on. To the point that it was not possible to be chance.

Certain requirements were laid out beforehand that became known as

"They must be shown" and gotta go through a really awful time before it becomes:

"Darkness to Light"

It looks like the mood of Joe SixPack regarding 10MM illegals, inflation, crooked whores and thieves in gummint, and gender idiocy is squarely in the "They must be shown" checkoff column.

"Darkness to light" <-- Here it comes. ALREADY Hamas and Israel have been made to come to having all captives returned, and all fighting stopped.

Trump told them BOTH to knock it off by the time he takes office or there will "be hell to pay". They listened. Netanyahu got "the message".

He is not Q -- But he most ricky-tick is connected to Q.


Well-known member
Hello Oldman !
Matching socks is easy for me white with white
and underwear is really easy too.
three piles
normal ,sexy ,scary
As you started to describe your under garments I quickly had to put the breaks on my rapid thinking process.
I went from normal(that's nice) to sexy(I started to be concerned for the world population) scary(I panicked and shut down)

a pleasure as always my jovial friend

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
As you started to describe your under garments I quickly had to put the breaks on my rapid thinking process.
I went from normal(that's nice) to sexy(I started to be concerned for the world population) scary(I panicked and shut down)

a pleasure as always my jovial friend
One birthday my daughter sent me thong underwear which I wore one pair, one time and it gave me a Latex allergy rash. The only Latex reaction that I've ever had, but it is still on my medical record.