truth on ambiance Sub… things are a joke otherwise……
Hope you feel better soon YD. You big dummyMorning folks. I got rip roaring toilet bowl hugging drunk last night. Why. Why?
I feel like stale death this morning. I’ll prolly throw up around ten and be ok after that. Weed never treated me like that. Done with alcohol. Uhhh
Sumbitch.........nailed it.
I would have thought more its his sexy jacket that throws me.
Vet loved him offered me a serious amount of money for him.
Made us all laugh out loud with that one.
Most exciting was he did not get carsick.
Quite a bit of drooling but zero vomit......pretty happy about that.
Glt his rabies tag on his collar like a big boy now.
Hold on a minute. Embridge is a FINE company, offering a 6.13% dividend
People don't buy soft wood to burn too many chances of chimney fires in the lower 48 we got oak, red Elm, birch, hickory, hedge, walnut, cherry and trees like that, that we burnplentifully available since many rich folks with beach front homes wanted rid of…& what the customers wanted… burns hot as fuc, but leaves nasty oily residue and can easily catch fire if not cleaned regularly …..
CB….JLC… always had a hot bod…
Her foot is closer to the camera - and she is wearing platform trainers - but huh - perhaps her feet match her other attributes - size wise?Pity about her enormous foot...
Ever talked to someone in Cali about their 'fire' insurance rates?abandoned vehicles in fires…. can only imagine fire insurance costs after all the $ going up in flames… View attachment 19128710
So why split it if it's junk wood sounds like a hazard to me, tough to split, has resins that could start chimney fires.plentifully available since many rich folks with beach front homes wanted rid of…& what the customers wanted… burns hot as fuc, but leaves nasty oily residue and can easily catch fire if not cleaned regularly …..
CB….JLC… always had a hot bod…
I used wedges and hammer rather than a splitting maul. I don't remember smacking my chin or shin, but it may have happened.ever split eucalyptus’Ol R…..?… with knots…
rarely got that cold in Coastal mtns to make a difference….never split softwares either… lol
GW … how many times that maul chink off log and spank yur chin……
daumn Dime…