Well-known member
Hi OM. I agree there. Love nattering over the fence with the neighbours. Theyr'e mostly in the 80+ range round me here, old Norman is 92 and still gets for a walk in his pyjamas every day, still the happiest man alive.The son in law (neighbor) is a jerk of the highest order. What gets into peoples heads like that, I'll never understand.
I'm not much into socializing with my neighbors but I sure enjoy a conversation with them.
Dog, we had the same with a dude over the road, came screaming at me in his underpants cause my dog and I were out playing and he was barking, he's a dog see. After his rant, he uttered the words "I wouldn't want anything untoward to happen to your dog" ... I now hold the world record for the most naughty words uttered in 1 breath that must have lasted at least 15 minutes.
I had to apologise to my neighbour John who is 85 and heard it all, he agreed with every word I called him and also called him an added "twat".
Cheers dudes!