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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Wife called in a panic. Oldest boy disappeared. We live way out in the country so not much to worry about. She checked his normal places. Pond. Creek. Other pond in the woods. Finally found him way over and grandpas house. Waiting in the carport. They were all still asleep. Not even four and he done walked 3/8 of a mile through the woods and field by himself.
Glad he’s ok. Man I sure love being a dad but I can do without these stressful moments.


Well-known member
That could be. DJ Shorts and I know each other, and I used to extract and formulate.

Do you have a link to the video?
It was a youtube video. I dont have a link and dont know how to link anything. 😂 I am “computer illiterate”. 🤣 He was asked who he respected in the industry and he said he was very impressed with your work . He seems like a nice guy. 😁


Well-known member
Morning :whip: :coffee:

Solar power is making more than is being used keeping that battery @13.5v. Water heating system got the water up too 87f.
Hanging the inside plastic early this morning before it gets smoking hot in there. Then the dirt work leveling out the inside. Once that is done, it's plumbing in the sand filter system and filling it the rest of the way up. Still need to build the steps to get in n out of the pool.

Getting closer to getting it done. Price tag is @ $1,043.56 as of today.

Getting wired for sound :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: off we go
Cool 😁👍

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
What you got against Valentine's Day?
Nothing if I don't pick up venereal disease celebrating!
It was a youtube video. I dont have a link and dont know how to link anything. 😂 I am “computer illiterate”. 🤣 He was asked who he respected in the industry and he said he was very impressed with your work . He seems like a nice guy. 😁
He is a nice guy and I certainly respect his deeply insightful opinions on friends..................

Here is his picture

DJ Shorts is the tall guy dressed in black in the middle.


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Well-known member
My Father passed from that.
We used to get40 lb bags of it
used to seal the chimney breach cleaning boilers
hello jokerman and a good day to you.

I recall you saying your father passed from asbestosis related disease. Here in BC about 1/3 of deaths associated with occupational disease is attributed to asbestosis. It was still the #1 killer of workers from occupational disease in 2023
About 15 years ago the Respirologist I see told me I would have about 10 years of good life left, I have passed that date.
I worked with asbestosis in various departments at work. When I applied to work in the warehouse, I had the job of unloading train cars that were placed inside the warehouse. The asbestos came form Africa wrapped in burlap bales. Driving the forklift over the bumpy ramp between the floor and train car caused an untold number of particles of asbestos to float about.

I was 17 when I first went to work there.

it's a pleasure as always, you cheery retired electrician:)


Cabana’s bitch
JD, I would have this all put to bed long ago if it weren’t for my back, which I have a procedure in a couple of weeks to resolve that and the constant nagging nerve damage in my belly from the cancer surgery it’s become debilitating and I can only Hope that after my back procedure I will be back on my feet. There’s nothing much I can do at this point about my neighbors hostilities so I need to concentrate on putting a well in the ground so I can sell my real estate… I got a call earlier today from someone I’ve met at the gym and they’ve asked me if they can come over and help me with some of my yardwork. I am unable to do a whole lot of physical work and yes, there’s a feeling of being overwhelmed with all I have on my plate. As for hiring help right now because of the storm everybody’s busy and if you do find somebody, they want to ridiculous amount of money because they know the market is there… I am hoping and praying that once the RFA is done to my spine, I should be able to be much more active. I am just not in a happy state of mind right now, but I do appreciate your input and friendship.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Here is a pic of my Chem 91. Just chopped and hung waiting for a dry trim in a week. Nice yield.



Well-known member
If this fluttering that caused you and others to quit caffine was years ago then what I'm about to mention probably doesn't apply especially if the fluttering went away. If however you run into that feeling again and you're like "Hey what gives, I gave up caffine a long time ago?" there is something else that can cause that feeling and it's quite common in older folks. That thing is what is called a leaky valve. The fluttering can be an early warning sign of a leaky valve and a leaky valve can usually be confirmed with a simple none invasive test called an echo-cardiogram which is basically a sonogram (what they do to women to get an early picture of a baby.) Usually when they first detect that it's not urgent but then they typically check it regularly to see if it has worsened. When/if it worsens is when it becomes urgent and usually leads to valve replacement surgery. Which for the record is a relatively routine and successful procedure in the cardiac care world. The point of me mentioning this is just to make people aware so they don't just dismiss it as a dietary thing. Instead be sure to tell your doctor or cardiologist if you already have one. They will most likely want to do an echo-cardiogram to get a baseline at first (unless it's already bad) and then check it regularly after that to see if/how it changes. The echo-cardiogram can usually be done in a doctor's office, only takes about 15-20 minutes and doesn't require any special preparation.
I had one a few months ago and it was ok. Thanks for the info though.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
If I were in your position with your health, declining pup, storm damage, neighbor and legal issues, etc, et al, I might feel overwhelmed.

I was often overwhelmed prior to retirement with impossible schedules for new facilities and equipment, as well as events like unscheduled catastrophic plant shutdowns losing millions per day.

I always cut through it the same way following critical path. I took care of the critical things first and put the schedule on the rest in perspective.

The saving grace is that everything is never critical, which affords some breathing room to sit back and plan versus fretting about it.

Is there anything critical enough that you can't take a day or two off to relax and snuggle with your pups, while planning out your recovery on paper. so that the details and schedule are in perspective, and you are planning rather than fretting?

The other saving grace was that as the leader, I didn't have to do everything myself. How much of the grunt work can you farm out?

At this point you've made your fortune, and sadly have a limited amount of time left on your dance card to enjoy what your efforts and sacrifices have earned.

Consider the advice you would give your very best friend in your position and then following that advice yourself?
Damn. Wish I'd written that.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
JD, I would have this all put to bed long ago if it weren’t for my back, which I have a procedure in a couple of weeks to resolve that and the constant nagging nerve damage in my belly from the cancer surgery it’s become debilitating and I can only Hope that after my back procedure I will be back on my feet. There’s nothing much I can do at this point about my neighbors hostilities so I need to concentrate on putting a well in the ground so I can sell my real estate… I got a call earlier today from someone I’ve met at the gym and they’ve asked me if they can come over and help me with some of my yardwork. I am unable to do a whole lot of physical work and yes, there’s a feeling of being overwhelmed with all I have on my plate. As for hiring help right now because of the storm everybody’s busy and if you do find somebody, they want to ridiculous amount of money because they know the market is there… I am hoping and praying that once the RFA is done to my spine, I should be able to be much more active. I am just not in a happy state of mind right now, but I do appreciate your input and friendship.
Good luck with the RFA brother!

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Good morning venerable windy brothers and sisters. Let the good times roll! View attachment 19087896 View attachment 19087897

Rainy today starting at 46F and predicted to reach 59F.

I finally got an auxiliary battery connected and accurately measured the parasitic draw on the Jeep, which is actually only 0.16 amps, versus 1.6, so have been charging the relatively new premium battery since yesterday morning and will have it load tested today. It of course takes a special battery that costs about $260.

No gym this morning and an empty calendar. Hee, hee, hee.....................
Have you tried disconnecting the rectifier from the loom?

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