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The Original O'l Farts Club.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user

.standing next to the glass patio doors during a tornado is kinda dumb

we would be in the center bathroom in the tub hiding underneath a mattress

but first , we would have ran outside to get a good look and as soon as it started sounding like a freight train , then run into the bathroom and dive into the tub under the mattress
All the years I lived in Kansas I was never close to a twister. Lucky I guess.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA


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Premium user
Hey everyone. Lazy Sunday here today. Must be the herb.

Made some mini quiche this morning which we have been munching on all day. Went to dollar general for a few supplies. Watching the race now.

My slight misophonia affliction got in the way of my shroom ride last night when Mr Sub brought that never ending bowl of crunchy cereal to bed. My sense of hearing must have been on extra alert. That bowl of cereal… 🤣🤣🤣😂The crunching was unbearable for what seemed like hours. Not such a bad trip before and after that tho just made me feel a bit like a “cereal killer” for a while. I’m all better now and had a good sleep.

‘Hope everyone’s day was good 🥰✌️


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Premium user
It makes me ill the walk around my yard, knowing I don’t have the energy to do much cleanup. This is an all-time first for me, I found a very old mature bamboo grow out of the ground by the hurricane. I’ve never seen Bamboo pulled from its roots like that.
View attachment 19087122
whats the structure of their roots? Deep? I know they spread like crazy


Cabana’s bitch
Bamboo has a very healthy underground structure that goes quite deep. The rise usually end up about 4 feet below grade and I’ve never seen one in my 25 years of raising it get knocked over by the wind. I have clumping bamboo that stays where you put it and every year, it gets a little wider, but it doesn’t run, like most people think it does. Bamboo will go hundreds of feet underground but clumping as I mentioned stay where you put it. All of my bamboo starts life in a 5 gallon bucket but after 25 years, I’ve got some that’s 20 foot in diameter and 75 feet tall … I know you’re watching the race today in Vegas, it hasn’t been overly exciting yet… I wouldn’t mind seeing Bubba Wallace roll his car…😏


Cabana’s bitch
Looks like Boo could just stand them up and they would be ok. Roots look ok.
What you’re looking at is just the top of the RuPaul. It’s ginormous if you start digging in the ground. I might attach a strap to it and pull it with my tractor and see if I can get it to stand up. I placed my bamboo so my neighbors can’t see me and this one is just stuck out in the corner of the yard…

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
You have to season and cook it differently. Also need to be rare. I age mine two weeks before I process into the final product. My steaks are tender, could cut with a table knife. That’s a butter knife for you uncouth heathens.

I like to make a mushroom gravy with them.

Biggest thing is people tend to shoot those big ole bucks. And they just don’t taste good.
Shooting the prime breeding bucks is also not good for the herds future.
Thanks! I'll check it out tomorrow when they are open.
My grandfather told us several scary stories of tornados he went thru in Ardmore Oklahoma. Wouldn’t want to go through one.
I can tell you some scary stories of how badly they tore our town up a few times when I was growing up in Oklahoma. One of the prime reasons I am in the Pacific NW where they are rare.

I hate getting up in the middle of the night and going to a dingy dank storm cellar.


Well-known member
been through several in Kansas and oklahoma

I remember this one , just about 5 miles from our home

I remember one time driving through Denver on the way to the Telluride Bluegrass Music Festival in June. They call it a "Bluegrass" festival, but Little Feat was one of the headliners... hardly 'Bluegrass'....

There were 4 tornadoes on the ground all at the same time!

We were on I25 heading south and decided to get off the "sitting duck parking lot" with a tornado a block south coming at us.

One was a bit north (Northglen?) and the others were in town. One hit Stapleton Airport which gives you a time period.

We headed west on side streets and avoided all the hubbub. Had a great time at the music festival too!

Then there was the time I was in Herford Tx with a buddy of mine visiting his sister. Went to sleep and got woken up middle of night and rushed to the basement. Tornado ripped through town. Got to see the damage the next day.

Never had to deal with that before. I must have been 18? Something like that.

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