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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
This is the herm out of Archives Puro Loco also had a full blown male from out of fem seeds, nice huh?

Here's the rest of them, the rest are Motarebels Chem Desire

Old Uncle Ben

Well-known member
I am not sure of the veracity of an article I read but it looks like the union president has a huge mansion with a pool and a Bentley. That, if true, is not a good look. Unions once upon a time were about looking out for the membership. My wife lost her union job due to rejecting the mRNA gene therapy. The union did less than nothing for her. They actually misinformed the membership and convinced many to resign. Those that resigned did not get rehired. My wife did. The union actually asked her to resume paying dues! Our state doesn’t require members to pay union dues so she gave them the finger(and is somehow still a member😂)…

True. Unions suck, "leaders" are too often dishonest and just full of shit. https://nypost.com/2024/10/02/busin...ion-has-bentley-5-car-garage-and-guest-house/

The current wackamole' U.S. administration is to blame as wages have not kept up with inflation. Can't really blame these folks. Folks are hurting especially if you're young, have a family, have a house purchase on hold, etc.

I'm an old fart that has made it so I could care less about the economy as it doesn't affect me. Lots of folks haven't. Then again many live beyond their means, think prosperity can be found in running up debt.....stupid financial stuff.

We all make choices.

Old Uncle Ben

Well-known member
This is the herm out of Archives Puro Loco also had a full blown male from out of fem seeds, nice huh?
View attachment 19078161
Here's the rest of them, the rest are Motarebels Chem Desire View attachment 19078164

Nice healthy leaves.

My first with fems, and have more coming from Mandala. I've heard from Dubi (Ace) that Fems can start off male and then turn female. Is that true for you, or you been ManSplained. :)


Well-known member
I am not sure of the veracity of an article I read but it looks like the union president has a huge mansion with a pool and a Bentley. That, if true, is not a good look. Unions once upon a time were about looking out for the membership. My wife lost her union job due to rejecting the mRNA gene therapy. The union did less than nothing for her. They actually misinformed the membership and convinced many to resign. Those that resigned did not get rehired. My wife did. The union actually asked her to resume paying dues! Our state doesn’t require members to pay union dues so she gave them the finger(and is somehow still a member😂)…
I agree I belonged to the UAW working for a feeder plant for Toyota and they were useless and did more harm than good but this one seems to stand their ground. The LUNA Union in Canada did the same thing with the injection,they told members get it or stay home.


Well-known member
And the BlueBerrys
Pretty simple to point out which are the G and M Pre96 dj S1's compared to the Frasier Valley BlueBerry that predates dj gear.

These Frasier BB so naturally shaped compared to dj where you have to actually do some training.
Also pain in the ass mutants with crinkled leaves, not liking nutes at all. No males worth talking about so clones will be taken and only the best plants will carry on. Then I guess I'll have to make S1's for the first time.


Well-known member
Premium user
The ILA contract that expired on Monday shows that the starting pay for dockworkers was $20 per hour. Pay rises to $24.75 after two years, $31.90 after three and tops out at $39 for workers with at least six years on the job.

Meanwhile, the ILA is demanding a 77% increase over the duration of the contract, with a $5 increase each year of the contract. Workers would make $44 the first year, $49 the second and up to $69 in the final year.
As a retired tradesman I see jerkoffs making $20 .
If a man has a skill he should make $
Most folks cant do 10% of what somebody can do but bitch 80% of the time about how much they make.
You do it, become that whatever it is where you make that $.
If not ok but its not my fault.
I know folks who only do what's expected and never strive to better.
There is nothing more funny , when some twit loses their job but forget how little they did keeping their job.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
thanks for clearing that up

just because something is legal does not mean it is the right thing to do

same as something that is illegal may be the right thing to do

for example , killing unborn children in the womb is legal

but it is not right

possession of cannabis in some states is illegal

but that is not right

it is my belief that the current immigration policies , though they may be legal , are not right

a country with no borders is no longer a country

psssst , I am trying to overcome my cognitive dissonance 🤓
It's important to keep in mind that just because someone doesn't think legal immigration is wrong doesn't mean they agree with everything that gets done with regards to legal immigration. I don't blame someone for wanting to come to this country because it's one of the few places in the world where they can achieve a much better life then what they can ever hope to achieve at home. If they want to enter this country thru the legal means available and make their way to a better life thru honest work and participation with the rest of society, then I saw "Welcome to America". That being said though I'm totally against them being given full access to the social safety nets (ie Food Stamps, SSI, Medicaid, etc) without having ever contributed to the taxes that everyone else pays to fund those social safety nets. Alas you rarely hear that discussed beyond more then a side note. For example one of the main reasons I don't believe all the lies about Haitians eating peoples pets is because I've seen it reported that they've been given, among other things, EBT cards with 5 figure benefits on them. It is reallt difficult to believe that people are going to go to the lengths of eating people's pets and risk the obvious wrath such behavior would bring, when they can just go to the local Walmart, pull out their EBT card and buy enough steak, ground beef, chicken, pork, etc to fully stock their freezer with enough meat to last the winter and still have loads of benefits left on their EBT card.

As far as things like abortion, drug use, alternate lifestyles, just because I don't do everything in my power to stop people from doing those things doesn't mean I approve. I look at those things being between that individual and whatever they consider to be their God. As a Christian I believe that at some point in time we will all go before our maker and have to face judgement for the choices we make. I've never seen anything in the Bible to suggest that God is so overwhelmed by these things that he has asked for his followers to step in for him and judge people and hold them accountable. In fact I've seen lots of instances where the Bible prescribes the exact opposite, "judge not lest ye be judge", "He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone", "love thine enemy" etc. As long as the choiices people make doesn't directly effect me or others who choose not to make those same choices then I'm fine wth leaving it up to God to pass judgement and handle the punishments.


Well-known member
To some degree concerning the strike.
If things are made in this country we would not need as many docks or dock workers.
And why would any dock worker vote for anyone that wants things made in the USA
Good day to you my friend a pleasure as always.
It sounds like there is a conundrum going on, yeah it sure did not help the average person when the rich decided they liked to have foreign workers build their products in a foreign country. Of course that wasn't bad enough, they then had to import foreign workers to our own countries. Next is computers and machines taking jobs. I'm thinking back and maybe putting the very rich & politicians on a rocket ark and sending them to some far off planet, very far off. With all the things important to them. Good-bye parasites!


Well-known member
As a retired tradesman I see jerkoffs making $20 .
If a man has a skill he should make $
Most folks cant do 10% of what somebody can do but bitch 80% of the time about how much they make.
You do it, become that whatever it is where you make that $.
If not ok but its not my fault.
I know folks who only do what's expected and never strive to better.
There is nothing more funny , when some twit loses their job but forget how little they did keeping their job.
In my province the min wage is $17.20 and they complain about it

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