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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Active member
Went to town, got my chicken and dog feed, stopped and bought a box of 30.06. Bought a really nice A serial number Remington 700 last year and it’s not grouping well, so I’ll try a different ammo. I’ve heard people say they are having issues with Remington ammo, hope that’s what the issue is. $44 for a box! Glad I bought most of what I’ll need for the rest of my life already. Can’t believe how much a box of shells cost now.
Got my wings and pizza, got home and was plumb tired from the excitement. Ate one piece and said nope this ain’t what I need to eat.


Well-known member
It's important to keep in mind that just because someone doesn't think legal immigration is wrong doesn't mean they agree with everything that gets done with regards to legal immigration. I don't blame someone for wanting to come to this country because it's one of the few places in the world where they can achieve a much better life then what they can ever hope to achieve at home. If they want to enter this country thru the legal means available and make their way to a better life thru honest work and participation with the rest of society, then I saw "Welcome to America". That being said though I'm totally against them being given full access to the social safety nets (ie Food Stamps, SSI, Medicaid, etc) without having ever contributed to the taxes that everyone else pays to fund those social safety nets. Alas you rarely hear that discussed beyond more then a side note. For example one of the main reasons I don't believe all the lies about Haitians eating peoples pets is because I've seen it reported that they've been given, among other things, EBT cards with 5 figure benefits on them. It is reallt difficult to believe that people are going to go to the lengths of eating people's pets and risk the obvious wrath such behavior would bring, when they can just go to the local Walmart, pull out their EBT card and buy enough steak, ground beef, chicken, pork, etc to fully stock their freezer with enough meat to last the winter and still have loads of benefits left on their EBT card.

As far as things like abortion, drug use, alternate lifestyles, just because I don't do everything in my power to stop people from doing those things doesn't mean I approve. I look at those things being between that individual and whatever they consider to be their God. As a Christian I believe that at some point in time we will all go before our maker and have to face judgement for the choices we make. I've never seen anything in the Bible to suggest that God is so overwhelmed by these things that he has asked for his followers to step in for him and judge people and hold them accountable. In fact I've seen lots of instances where the Bible prescribes the exact opposite, "judge not lest ye be judge", "He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone", "love thine enemy" etc. As long as the choiices people make doesn't directly effect me or others who choose not to make those same choices then I'm fine wth leaving it up to God to pass judgement and handle the punishments.
How about all the people that have been waiting in line for 10 years to come into the country legally, most of which have something to contribute to our society. They are still waiting while millions of illegals have entered and are being subsidized by you and me thru are tax dollars.


Well-known member
am I the only one who keeps the peanut butter jar clean around the edges?…and the ketchup lid?…

come on , I can’t be the only fecker who has a little ocd

View attachment 19078077

have some coffee and think about it

View attachment 19078076
Hey big,

I had a P & J at lunch yesterday, I pulled the peanut butter away from the edge. I rather dislike getting peanut butter on my knife where I don't want it. Yes, I have OCD.


Fema is broke due to giving something like 1.8 billion of our dollars to illegal criminals.
Crossing the border illegally makes them criminals,every single one.
They are being brought here to subvert the citizenry by the elite political and business class all educated in the same institutions.
Its a worldwide club and we aint in it we just fund it and pay the blood price.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
How about all the people that have been waiting in line for 10 years to come into the country legally, most of which have something to contribute to our society. They are still waiting while millions of illegals have entered and are being subsidized by you and me thru are tax dollars.
its the big px in the sky

but thats what the us is all about lately, handing out free shit to people who dont deserve it
/not just the illegals
moochie moochie
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Well-known member
Used to love fishing by myself,then I picked up an older buddy up here to fish with, Ronnie loved to fish.
Ronnie passed away 2 years Thanksgiving miss the hell out of him.
Hi OleReynard, I use to have 3-4 very good friends, we were friends for decades, they have all passed away and I miss them. Now I hardly get out of my home.
I can no longer ice-fish the cold is hard on my physical health problems. There is a good ice-fishing lake a 10min drive from here.

all the best

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor


Well-known member
Premium user
I drop the seeds in a glass of water for 24 hours. They float for a bit but you cand push them to the bottom after they get good and wet inside. Then I put them in wet paper towels in a zip lock slide them in my oven mitt and put them in a warm place (my utility room, it’s always a bit warmer in there) for usually a couple days until they get a little tails on them, then plant them like you in rapid rooters or the peat thingys with some heat and humidity. Some folks score the seeds before they start. Some seeds are tough. I don’t usually have 100% when planting directly in the rapid rooter or peat thingy but it has worked for me as well
Here is what I do...

Good day to you my friend a pleasure as always.
It sounds like there is a conundrum going on, yeah it sure did not help the average person when the rich decided they liked to have foreign workers build their products in a foreign country. Of course that wasn't bad enough, they then had to import foreign workers to our own countries. Next is computers and machines taking jobs. I'm thinking back and maybe putting the very rich & politicians on a rocket ark and sending them to some far off planet, very far off. With all the things important to them. Good-bye parasites!
Good day to you kind Sir.


Well-known member
Unions are a business. They serve themselves and their members.
hello GW and a very good day to you and home

Where I was exposed to asbestosis and other nasty products it was the union that brought about change. I guess I should say the catalyst. The big steel mills bought our product, which was produced in about 50 countries around the world, big business. When the employees(steel workers union) at the steel mills would no longer work with our product, did it bring about lasting change. I had all the admiration for the union. After all, who else was looking after my interests and health at work.

As the unions grew in power they started investing workers money. When I found out that a industry was bought up by union money and the plant closed down and the union workers at that plant let go and non union workers hired back at lower wages did I begin to change my mind. Then when I seen photos of business owners and union management down in the Bahamas sitting out on the beach together with drinks and cigars, I realized how rigged the game was.


Well-known member
I have a nice whitewater river in my back yard and have not been fishing since my sons moved away. Just no fun going by myself.
Well originally the son was supposed to be up here also but as you know life happens, actually my folks also were to be up here.
But yet again life happens, they're afraid they're not gonna a get as good as health care as they have down there.
Mom has been thru the ringer dad not quite as bad.
They both know something happens to either one the other is coming up here.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
How about all the people that have been waiting in line for 10 years to come into the country legally, most of which have something to contribute to our society. They are still waiting while millions of illegals have entered and are being subsidized by you and me thru are tax dollars.
Don't argue with him ....he is always right....smarter than all of us put together.


Well-known member
In my province the min wage is $17.20 and they complain about it
In some parts of BC living on $17.20 an hour would not make you well off at all, not even close. After deductions your talking about $2200.00 a month, some places that might cover your rent.

I do have empathy for those who have to struggle to live when they work full time and their pay checks are gone the moment they get them, there are no extras, there isn't even enough money to pay for all that you need.

Everyone who earns a living, deserves to earn a proper living.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Hi OleReynard, I use to have 3-4 very good friends, we were friends for decades, they have all passed away and I miss them. Now I hardly get out of my home.
I can no longer ice-fish the cold is hard on my physical health problems. There is a good ice-fishing lake a 10min drive from here.

all the best
Sorry OM. I am slowing way down. I have an upcoming fishing trip with 3 guys half my age. I am guiding them for the most part as they are beginning fly fishermen. Son, grandson and son in law. I won't be able to do it much longer.


Well-known member
Who you paying $20 per seed to? What varieties?
weedseedsexpress. ship from NY and take american credit cards.

i always (10+ years) blamed my ignorance at growing for the piss poor results i got. then a friend brought me a half dozen Jamaican bag seeds from a destination wedding. oh. my. god. what a difference fresh seeds of a good strain makes. ran that strain for several years until it got too seedy.

bought some seeds from Gypsy but the credit card process was tortuous. open a bank account somefuckingwhere to use plastic. they were good. too good - my ignorance let some mold go unchecked in one plant - it was a monster producer.

this current supplier has good gear. i think time of year makes a big difference. i was trying in late summer, it was still kinda hot. going into autumn has been historically better. if i can get 9 seeds sprouted and into dirt in the next month it will fill my flower cabinet through next august. cloning is usually successful.

got some White Widow, Cinderella 99 (i really like), AK47, Lamb Bread (i LOVE), CBD strain (for spouse). more recently Blue Dream (i really like), Brucer Banner, Sour Diesel - haven't grown these three yet. The BD and BB both look okay so far (day 3). will start 4 more seeds this weekend. i always take cuttings when they go into the FloBox.

i had a cabinet full of qt jars, recent visitor left with a healthy share. (plus some shrooms - nepal and amazon). i think i have enough to last for the next harvest - early Feb. although visitor is returning for turkey day.