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The Original O'l Farts Club.


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Jimmy Carter has been on hospice for like a year, right? Mom said when hospice comes for the people at her work they stop treating them and start giving them morphine. Do you think Carter is addicted to morphine at this point? I hope to live to 100 but I want to be able to smoke my hash and kief
You and everyone else. I just want my wits about me.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
You and everyone else. I just want my wits about me.



Well-known member
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Dear @oldmaninbc I will be high by the time you read this. I will be high and going about my day. I'm using the tobacco pouches now. Lasts me twice as long. $200 a month in the bank right there. Getting my medical marijuana recertification on Thursday. Have a good day friend! 👍
What benefit does having your medical marijuana recertification have for you? Do you have to tell the VA hospital about smoking icehash along with the drugs they are giving you?


Well-known member
I only like goat milk soap.
I never knew that was a thing! Is it for sensitive skin?

It's my dream to sell this house and head off back to the mountains in France, keep a few dozen goats and make goat cheese until I drop. (maybe grow a dope plant here and there too).

Goat soap could be a good thing to do too. Alongside curried goat, I love curried goat, but they leave the bones in. I'll debone the stuff.

I can sell it all at the farmers markets. They get renamed the farters market when I'm there though.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Good morning everyone 😊
‘woke up to doggie diarrhea everywhere this morning. Arlo must have eaten something outside is my guess. We did find a pile of fur in the corner of our yard yesterday. My guess is he ate something that died or got killed. I gave him some Imodium so I hope it helps. He seems to be feeling a little better and we did manage a walk in between raindrops this morning.
‘Hope everyone has a nice day 🥰✌️
Oh deary dear; the double-edged Sword Of Animobile Lovin'...


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
I never knew that was a thing! Is it for sensitive skin?

It's my dream to sell this house and head off back to the mountains in France, keep a few dozen goats and make goat cheese until I drop. (maybe grow a dope plant here and there too).

Goat soap could be a good thing to do too. Alongside curried goat, I love curried goat, but they leave the bones in. I'll debone the stuff.

I can sell it all at the farmers markets. They get renamed the farters market when I'm there though.

that sounds like a good plan…

I have been watching a few videos
of people ex-patting to Portugal and I dream of doing that

my great grandfather came to America from Portugal

Old Uncle Ben

Well-known member
Howdy from the great state of Texas! Been busy in the greenhouse. Just squeezed 22 oz of key lime juice, 2 ice trays full, about 100 of the little suckas. Persian limes are next, my fave....then oranges. Most of my mango grafts have taken. Am a proud papa! Finest mango varieties in the world. You who know the breeder Gary Zill can relate - Orange Sherbet, Lemon Zest, Sweet Tart are the latest added to my cocktail tree.

Pitayas (dragon fruit) have been going nuts. Oh what a beautiful sight! Had 20 buds and blossoms the other night. Sphinx moth pollinates at night, then the bloom fades. Huge.....

Scorpion on my patio enjoying a cricket. SQUISH!


Ace Golden Tiger X Panama is doing really well, sunrise in the greenhouse. Nice dark green.

Notice that I topped to get 2 main colas. Worked as usual.



Harvesting Nacono pecans. Tried a lot of pecans, Nacono is my fave. Tree is really precocious setting nuts 2nd year if grown well.

Make it a great day.
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Well-known member
Premium user
I never knew that was a thing! Is it for sensitive skin?

It's my dream to sell this house and head off back to the mountains in France, keep a few dozen goats and make goat cheese until I drop. (maybe grow a dope plant here and there too).

Goat soap could be a good thing to do too. Alongside curried goat, I love curried goat, but they leave the bones in. I'll debone the stuff.

I can sell it all at the farmers markets. They get renamed the farters market when I'm there though.

Its super soft and nice for your skin.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
What benefit does having your medical marijuana recertification have for you? Do you have to tell the VA hospital about smoking icehash along with the drugs they are giving you?
With my medical marijuana recertification I get 25% off at the medical dispensaries and I don't have to pay tax. So I save 45% compared to retail. The place next door Cal Verde doesn't have medical though but their ice hash is cheap. There are many benefits of having a marijuana license. Can grow like 12 plants with unlimited seedlings I think.
I don't go to the VA for anything yet. I get my brain medicine from my psychiatrist. I see them every 3 months. The nurses come every 2 weeks and inject me with a trace amount of garbage, just enough to make Mom happy I guess. I can say I don't want it but my mom will pretty much not talk to me. She thinks 10mg of prolixin is a miracle drug. Whatever. I think the VA would give me pills. Not sure if you have to take medication in order to receive VA disability compensation. Don't think so. My claim has been in since June. I think I'm going to get a high rating. We will see. Hey every extra dollar counts.

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