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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Anyone that is concerned about their long term wealth: Pay off your mortgage or mortgages. Mine all are.
IF they do any kind of reset of the currency valuations, you can give them the finger, cause ya got no debt.
You will have your place, or places, to be lived in. They are not going to confiscate your fully paid off home.
Sure you got property tax and maintenance. Who doesn't. Maybe move to the Caymens. An island. Notta.
If you were lucky and smart and bot 15 or more years ago, you've leveraged your wealth, in my area, 15X.
If you are still a renter. Good luck. Sad to say and surmise that your fate will be no kinder to you than now.
paying your mortgage off early is always a good idea. people don't do it too often because they usually buy as much house as the monthly mortgage they can afford will allow and then they just pay that monthly mortgage and maybe if interest rates drop low the refinance for a lower mortgage but then just go back to paying the monthly amount. The house I now own I bought at just over $100,000 and at the time the best rate I could get was 7.5 percent. On the paperwork you sign ehrn you set up a mortgage, there is a part that shows what you end up paying in total by the end of the 30 years. I was shocked to discover that when it was all said and done I would have paid almost $750,000 for my $100,000 house. Unfortunately because of my financial situation it was a struggle to just pay the monthly payment for the first 15 years Around that time my Mother passed and my share of the inheritance I got from her was about $125,000 which i immediately took to pay off the approximately $70,000 I still owed (this happens because the first 5 years the monthly payment goes almost entirely to interest) I'm not sure how much I ended up saving by paying it off when I could be it was likely around 3 to 4 times what the price of the house was when I bought it. I was so glad to get out from having to pay all that extra money. The only downside is with it being paid off the bank isn't taking care of your insurance and taxes thru an escrow account so you have to stay on top of that yourself by setting roughly the same amount as your escrow payment aside on your own and then pay the tax and insurance yourself when it comes due. Which is a minor inconvenience in light of the interest you can spare yourself from.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You are what you eat...

Dr. Casey Means: “I learned virtually nothing at Stanford Medical School about the tens of thousands of scientific papers that elucidate the root causes of why American health is plummeting.”

“I did not learn that for each additional serving of ultra-processed food we eat, early mortality increases by 18%.
With as much ultra processed food as the typical American eats that 18% per serving has to be off otherwise the vast majority would be dying before they reached adulthood. Definitely there is a strong connection to poor health and highly processed foods. It's the most likely cause for America's Obesity, Diabetes and Heart disease problems.


Well-known member
Good Morning All (OF's):

Wishing each and every one of you, a pleasant morning, wonderful day, and outstanding evening.
I am currently pretty tied up with projects and work, so wanted to start with a daily check in hello.
Today is duly considered a "hump day". So, I hope and trust all of us will get over any big humps!

See you all tomorrow (again)! (y):)


Well-known member
Premium user
Good morning troops.
Good Morning All (OF's):

Wishing each and every one of you, a pleasant morning, wonderful day, and outstanding evening.
I am currently pretty tied up with projects and work, so wanted to start with a daily check in hello.
Today is duly considered a "hump day". So, I hope and trust all of us will get over any big humps!

See you all tomorrow (again)! (y):)
You as well, getting cold ! wear a hat!


Well-known member
Premium user
This probably isn't it but should only take a moment to check and I mention it because you say ice is affected. I only have one alarm/notification on my fridge which is from somewhere around 2008. There is a small green light in the freezer that idicates the icemaker is turned on. Recently I've found it flashing and when it is, my icemaker won't make any more ice. There is a small tray I have to slide out to expose my icemaker. So I took that out to see if I could figure out what is going on. When I did I discovered one of the ice cubes didn't drop down after formed but instead got stuck in such a way that blocks the icemeaker from returning to the default position after it ejects a batch of ice. So I removed the ice blocking things and then turn the icemaker off and back on to stop the green light from flashing and everything is back to normal.

As I said that's probably not your problem but it can't hurt to check. If the door delivery system for ice isn't working then the more likely culprit is that the motor that turns the thing in the ice bin to cause the cubes to drop down into the door, has probably malfunctioned and needs to be repaired or replaced. At a different time when I had a technician come out to replace a controller board (because the fridge/freezer wasn't cooling) I asked if that might fix my problem with not getting ice from the door. Without doing any testing he told me I likely needed a motor replaced to turn the thing in the ice bin and he also mentioned that is usually the first thing to go. I couldn't afford it and don't care if I can't get ice from my door so I told him that I would pass on him fixing that. Since you're getting multiple alarms and lights and you also say you're not getting water from your door, if you have a filter for the water it might be that the filter is clogged and needs replacing and that because it's clogged water isn't getting to your door or iceaker. Clogged filters are also a common problem.
Good morning HempKat. Sounds like you have had your own refrigerator problems like most of us I’m sure. My Samsung fridge in Georgia, I did so much work on myself you would think I was a Samsung mechanic. That fridge was a real piece of crap but I was able to keep it going thanks to YouTube and others that posted their exact problems. After we sold it with the house, I saw FaceBook entries from the lady that lived there cussing the heck out of it till she got a new one. I think my problem now is electronics or perhaps the electricity delivered from my home. It’s working still this morning. Seems that resetting was the way to go this time but I really don’t feel that it’s fixed forever. Appliances are not as good as they use to be as we live in a throw away world now. Thanks again for your input 🥰✌️


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
It’s very diverse where I live now. Much more than in south Ga where I lived. I’m getting use to it but I keep a much lower profile these days. we don’t yet have Venezuela yet but the country is moving fast and anything can happen.
Colo lawmakers deny this is happening. Even though it’s been recorded. Downtown Denver is dangerous after dark.
I stay in the suburbs above the city. Mrs Pute won go farther than the grocery store. I take her everywhere else. My daughter works from home but does go to the office mid day once a month.
Hard to believe this has happened.