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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Premium user
Hang in there, brother. They can kill ya but they cain't eat ya. That's against the law.

Treatment for the aneurysm is COLLOSSALLY IMPORTANT!!

Do not hesitate for a second about it. You need a new pipe in there before the old one blows. Gotta give yerself the same level of survival effort you give your plants. Now that you have groomed the North Forty on your property, leave it be and get yerself patched.

After all, I need you. (*snork*)
Listen to the pot calling the kettle black. Yall both need to take care of yourselves so both of you need to get patched.
‘after all, I need you both (’snork’)


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
to soar among the universe requires a transformation



Cabana’s bitch
I feel like Clint Eastwood must’ve felt in the movie Gran Torino. We’re both old and crotchety and I’m doing my very best not to do something rash. I spoke to the detective today and she told me that my neighbors that were shooting at me were very nice people. That shows you the kind of people we have working for us… if this doesn’t fly locally, I will go to the state attorneys office and hire an attorney for civil damages…


Well-known member
Premium user
I feel like Clint Eastwood must’ve felt in the movie Gran Torino. We’re both old and crotchety and I’m doing my very best not to do something rash. I spoke to the detective today and she told me that my neighbors that were shooting at me were very nice people. That shows you the kind of people we have working for us… if this doesn’t fly locally, I will go to the state attorneys office and hire an attorney for civil damages…
Try not to get so worked up boo. Your body is not well so at least try and keep your mind well take some deep breaths and deliver plenty O2 to the brain and try and relax brother.💕 good luck with working this out


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
My doctor is going to get with the heart surgeon that he would use if he had the need and together they will get back with me and let me know when I need to see him and what I have to do… I’m ready to do it today, but obviously that’s not going to happen…

I’m assuming and this is wishful thinking that once they replace the two areas that I have an aneurysm that should be the end of it. They’re also going to bury another couple of stents in my groin area so I’m sure I will have a black pecker when I’m home and recovering… I think I’m beyond the point of the wheels starting the fall off…
Fortunatly the types of procedures they're talking about have pretty high success rates. Th problem with the one on your chest, open heart surgery, it's a bitch to recover from the older you get. Before she passed my Mother had to have open heart surgery in her late 80's to replace her aortic valve and she ended up spending the better part of a year in a rehab before they would let her return home and even after that she suffered discomfort from the surgery for a few more years. Fortunately for you, from what you've shared here, despite your age you've kept in better then average physical condition so you stand a good chance of having your recovery from open heart surgery being more like what Gypsy went thru then what my Mother went thru.

Actually of the two things they are talking about doing, the placing of stents is a bit more worrisome as stents tend to fail after a few years as they only treat the symptom and not the cause. On the good side though, placement of stents are minimally invasive and in many cases can be done on an outpatient basis. In your case though, due to the aneurysms embolisms they'll probably want to keep you in the hospital overnight for observation. Which really isn't much of a problem because they'll want to do everything all at once so you'll be in the hospital already recovering from the open heart surgery.
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Cabana’s bitch
my dogs go to my buddy Robert along with my home...my plan it to get the dogs into a hardened room, if I'm able...Robert will be here before 911 so I think that's as good as it gets...if Ivan sees cops coming in it's all over...Ivan defends me well...

mmm, snacks...