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Unca Walt

Well-known member
I dont have any problem with people owning guns. What irritates me is when some dude buys a gun and then wears it like he is now invincible. I want to kick his ass and take his $ 1200 dollar gun. Most people do not have the balls to shoot and kill someone. Maybe that is a good thing but they make it easy for ā€œhard menā€ to access guns.
Gawd luv yer bones, Magu... But that bolded sentence desperately requires amendment to:

Most people do not want to shoot and kill someone.

As a corollary, you can posit a mother with a shotgun when the guy with a knife comes in the front door.

You can posit this actual example... The headline is in error, BTW. He did not nail the bastage "8 times in 15 seconds". He HIT the gunman 15 seconds after the gunman opened fire. He fired 8 to 10 times to bring the bad guy down. Stoopid lede writers:

Eli Dicken, the armed citizen who stopped a mass shooter in an Indiana mall on Sunday, was carrying a pistol under the stateā€™s recently enacted constitutional carry law, which went into effect on July 1. Just 15 seconds after the mass shooter opened fire, Dicken steadied himself on a pole and fired eight to 10 shots, striking the gunman from 40 yards away, police said.

ā€œHis actions were nothing short of heroic. He engaged the gunman from quite a distance with a handgun. Was very proficient in that, was tactically sound and as he moved to close in on the suspect, he was also motioning for people to exit behind him,ā€ said Greenwood Police Chief Jim Ison, according to WTHR. ā€œMany people would have died last night if not for a responsible, armed citizen that took action very quickly within the first two minutes of this shooting.ā€

This is a solidly documented ACTUAL case where a change in a stupid law directly saved many, many lives that would have been forfeit due to gun-grabbers.

Now all they gotta do is have firearms classes in High School. <-- Why not?
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Well-known member
I was shot in both ass cheeks by the neighbor kid and I didn't even break his glider!
He was a little bastard towards every one. Hurt like hell too. Then, I beat him up.

Was also shot in my left face cheek years later and that was by accident and
luckily a ricochet from a misfiring of the BB gun. Hurt like hell, the BB stuck
in my cheek and I'm damn lucky it wasn't an inch higher as I may have lost
my left eye that day.
Guns, no matter what type are dangerous in the hands of irresponsible users.
I also got hit in the hamstring with a bb from my brotherā€™s gun. Youā€™re right it stings bad. I didnā€™t tell on him but held it over his head for a whileā€¦

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I'm curious as to what the reason is that the stump was not removed prior to laying in the new walkway?
The walkway looks marvelous. Congratulations for a job well done and finally completed :)
There was no stump after it uprooted. The 120-year-old Douglas Fir was over four feet in diameter at the base and the uprooted root ball left a deep hole.


Well-known member
Good morning :)

Woke w/ a pisser of a headache that wants to hang on, sigh.
Guess I will break down and administer the dreaded (yet effective)
Ibuprofen/ Acetaminophen combo to knock the pain back. :(

I try to tough things out rather than to run to the medicine cabinet.
The bottles w/ the pills are indeed a useful tool and there are
times like these that I am grateful they are available.

:wave: Later gators

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Wrinkles are the last of my worries. A couple months ago I noticed a little bump on the very end of my nose. Thought it was a pimple....even Mrs Pute told me to pop it.

It would never come to a head though.......I slowly began to realize it is a mole right in the tip of my snoz....

I am already ugly enough....now along with other issues I will look like a warlock.....

View attachment 19026875
Hey!! WTF!!! Get your ass to a dermatologist STAT. Do not wait. While it could be nothing, it sure as hell doesn't look like nothing. It looks like a cancerous mole.

Wanna see a genuine cancerous mole photo? Lookit the bottom one. Get checked. Get to an ER if you must.



Well-known member
Hey!! WTF!!! Get your ass to a dermatologist STAT. Do not wait. While it could be nothing, it sure as hell doesn't look like nothing. It looks like a cancerous mole.

Wanna see a genuine cancerous mole photo? Lookit the bottom one. Get checked. Get to an ER if you must.

View attachment 19026920
Walt it right Pute, itā€™s worth checking into if it just came outta nowhere. They can remove that real,easy before anything spreads.


Well-known member
I don't have a problem with people owning guns either. What I do have a problem with are the ones who decide to go in malls, schools or other places where lots of easy targets are at and just randomly shoot at innocent people who have nothing to do with what made them want to do such a cowardly and horrific thing in the first place. I would love to get ahold of someone like that and literally beat him to death with my fists. After someone gets the gun away from him of course.
About the year 2000 some guy went to an Amish school and killed 12 or 13 little kids. The school was chosen at random and he had no prior contact with the Amish community. Afterwards the parents forgave him. šŸ„¹ Thinking about that always makes me emotional.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I was shot in both ass cheeks by the neighbor kid and I didn't even break his glider!
He was a little bastard towards every one. Hurt like hell too. Then, I beat him up.

Was also shot in my left face cheek years later and that was by accident and
luckily a ricochet from a misfiring of the BB gun. Hurt like hell, the BB stuck
in my cheek and I'm damn lucky it wasn't an inch higher as I may have lost
my left eye that day.
Guns, no matter what type are dangerous in the hands of irresponsible users.
Yowza. You and Subbie are livin' proof that my Daddy was right. BB guns foster sooper bad foundations for shooting.

Jadey Baby and Wolfie both got guns for Christmas from their Grampa in years past. But only after their Daddy took them to the range.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
eek eek

Wood to wood. The reason: A nail is a single thin rod expanding 360. A wooden wedge is flat side to flat side twice -- expanding the right two directions to seal, and incrementally at that (eg: wider and wider as it goes in, unlike a nail). Much better than an emergency temp nail.
Yeah that obviously makes much more sense, I just wasn't aware you could buy such things. So I just replied with what I've seen other people do as a DIY fix for that particular issue. Aside from a typical nail I've also seen people use something kind of like a nail put maybe is better described as a spike where the tip is flat and square but the body of the spike flares out on two sides such that the top or head is more of a rectangular shape about as wide on the small sides as the tip but maybe 3-4 times as wide on the other two sides. Such a thing would probably work a little better then a nail since it's sort of a wedge shape.
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