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One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I give all the shots to all our animals and worm them regularly.
Most vets are emotional manipulaters of the highest order.
Take a animal in and get a qjote for a proceedure.
Act shocked ask how much to euthanize.......watch price drop.
A trustworthy vet is a rare find ime.
I love our vet. Ain't cheap but he cares. He doesn't require all the vaccinations that an outdoor cat gets.


Well-known member
Good morning all. 🌞
I was able to reverse an Afghan auto plant by using homemade colloidal silver.

- P. S. - Personaly, I have “ morning wood” all day long. 😘


Well-known member
Welp, one issue resolved this morning... yay!

Have been trying to track down Scooters new
cart/ stroller since they said it was delivered on
the 19th.

Finally got an email today from the company
showing a photo of delivery to my neighbors porch.
WTF??? Just show up and do your job folks, sigh.

Neighbors have been on vakay and only returned today.
Luckily, gramma and grandpa (who do not read english)
had found the pkg and put it inside of the back entry way.

Now, assembly of said cart is at hand in order to be
utilized on our (soon Scoots... soon) walkies this morn :)
Kind of excited... I hope little Miss likes it!
My momma had one of those for her little dog. The little dog loved it and I was glad that my momma had something to hold on to during her walk


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Whew....another hot/humid day. Just spent a half hour fixing my mower. Somehow while in the shop the shroud cover for the blade came loose. I had them sharpen the blades. Hmmm......could have fixed it in seconds but my fragen Honda mower has metric. Took me forever to find the right socket. My tools aren't as organized as they should be and I just paid the price.

Clouds are about to cover the sun so I came in for some ice water in hopes that when I go back out Mr Sun will be out of sight.


Well-known member
We've lost our last three German Shepherds to cancer. I wonder if the systemic insecticides that we give them for fleas is part of the issue?

I can't help but reflect on the fact that we never lost a dog to cancer growing up...............................
Manufactured chemicals should be of concern to all people, even a fetus is subjected to the chemicals produced by industry. We really lack a clear vision for the safe use of industrial chemicals. They are being produced without proper scrutiny. Commerce should not be about ignorance.

Hello GW... that put a bite into my cheery mood but it's the truth.

Smiles to you and your family no matter how many legs they have.


Well-known member
Not a guy but I do get leg cramps as I'm waking some mornings.

I jump right up b4 it gets intense head to the kitchen and mix 1/8t
Redmond's real salt w/ 1/2t mag citrate into an 8 oz glass of tap water
and drink it all down.
I have had to do this in a near crawl some mornings. I then manage to
get myself to the loo before I wet myself. I sit there trying to relax while
leaning forward pressing my cramping thighs against the seat :(
In less than 2 min. the cramping subsides.

Perhaps you are experiencing the results of low magnesium levels?

When I am well hydrated (not drinking only water but water w/ electrolytes
(sodium, potassium, magnesium) throughout my day I do not experience either
the night nor morning leg cramping.

Even then, when consuming said electrolytes, if I have been extra physically active
and have sweated more than on a typical day, I take 1 full teaspoon of mag approx.
1 hr. before retiring for the night to keep them at bay... when I remember.
When I don't... the above described morning misery will prevail :(
I have a magnesium deficiency and it causes leg cramps.

hello imiubu a good day to you


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
We've lost our last three German Shepherds to cancer. I wonder if the systemic insecticides that we give them for fleas is part of the issue?

I can't help but reflect on the fact that we never lost a dog to cancer growing up...............................
That's an interesting theory and one I could easily believe in. I say that based on several cats I rased over the years and how they reacted when I gave them the more poular treatment for fleas in modern times such as Revolution, that involved placing a small amount of liquid on the cruff of their neck which would then kill off any fleas that got on them for several months. Now I never had any of my cats that I used ths stuff on die of cancer. Thhey market this stuff as if it's completely harmless to the animal you apply it to, however what I noticed verytime I ever used it,, each and every cat I used it on had a distinct and noticeable reastion to it almoost instantly as if it caused a burning sensation. Since all my cats wee strictly indoor cats and due to their reactions and how it bothered me, I eventually stopped giving it to them. Which didn't seem to make much of a difference because we were always giving it to them as a preventative measure on the chance we might track some fleas inside on us. Which apparently wasn't happening since they never developed a flea infestation after we sto[[ed using it. Which was a relief to me because the stuff was pretty damned expensive.


Well-known member
Hello OldMan. Hope you are having a good day. I'm just doing my thing as always. Staying home and laying low.
Good day to you Pute...today is all about easy going, not much on the agenda. Being a long weekend here all the crazy drivers are out on the highway. Might pick a few weeds, watch a movie and ?.

Enjoy your day Pute, since I don't have a cat give Kevin a little scratch around his ears for me.


Well-known member
I don’t get vaccines for my two indoor cats. They were required to have a feline leukemia shot prior to fixing them in my town in Georgia. I’ve only taken Louie to the vet once and it was because of me running essential oils he was allergic to. If I keep the flea meds in my dogs, they stay off my cats too. Maybe the fleas bite the dog and die I’m not sure how it works


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Just finished working on the front. Some dry spots on the lawn so once it was cut, trimmed and sidewalk and driveway blown out I adjusted some sprinkler heads.

I have a magnesium deficiency and it causes leg cramps.

I have a tall deficiency and it causes shortness.

I don’t like hog stink. It carries too. Maybe some will go over to your nice neighbor 🤪
My uncle was a pig farmer in Missouri. I always got the play with the baby pigs as a child. Cute little critters. As a kid I didn't mind the stink.



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