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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Heartworm is another good example. We didn't lose any dogs to Heartworm growing up in Oklahoma, nor any since in Oregon now that they are on Heartworm medicine.
I adopted a dog once long ago that had heart worms. GSD that had to go thru the heartworm treatments. She eventually died an old dog but with cancer. Since this dog, my dogs have been heartworm meds once a month. I’m not sure of how safe they are and actually have my doubts about big pharma dog meds. The pills have gone up in price too to where they are not affordable to a lot of folks. There is not any relief in site either according to my vet. The prices are not going down and generics are not available


Well-known member
Good morning to all the old and young here at TOOFC :)
52 degrees at 72% RH and windy AF! N-NW wind currently
at approx. 15 mph going up to possibly 28 mph!
Gonna be a brisk morning walk for the girl and her ma.

So many posts I want to respond to this morning.
Y'all can sure be a chatty bunch haha.

Figured b4 saying my hellos...
I should jump right on (yes, dbl entendre intended ;) )
to first assist @OleReynard w/ morning 'leg' cramping issue :D

Now, another pot of java and then some contributions
to the ongoing and already lively conversation, shall ensue :)

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Curious, how many of us guys still wake up with a Leg Cramps as to a night leg Cramp?
Seems like my best Cramps are in the morning, testosterone levels higher In morning or less friction throughout the day causing less sensitivity rubbing on cloth all day?

I keep my hydration and electrolyte levels up and still have to be careful how I stretch my legs in the morning, or I get a severe cramp in my right calf. The only muscle that has violently cramped on me.
I adopted a dog once long ago that had heart worms. GSD that had to go thru the heartworm treatments. She eventually died an old dog but with cancer. Since this dog, my dogs have been heartworm meds once a month. I’m not sure of how safe they are and actually have my doubts about big pharma dog meds. The pills have gone up in price too to where they are not affordable to a lot of folks. There is not any relief in sight either according to my vet. The prices are not going down and generics are not available
Because we have health insurance for ourselves, even with our joint replacements, we've spent considerably more on our pets medical than we have our own. Their procedures are about as expensive as our own.....


Well-known member
Good morning to all the old and young here at TOOFC :)
52 degrees at 72% RH and windy AF! N-NW wind currently
at approx. 15 mph going up to possibly 28 mph!
Gonna be a brisk morning walk for the girl and her ma.

So many posts I want to respond to this morning.
Y'all can sure be a chatty bunch haha.

Figured b4 saying my hellos...
I should jump right on (yes, dbl entendre intended ;) )
to first assist @OleReynard w/ morning 'leg' cramping issue :D

Now, another pot of java and then some contributions
to the ongoing and already lively conversation, shall ensue :)
Talking about Double Entendre anybody catch the group the Here Come the Mummies?
Excellent band of musicians from Nashville.
Xtra stage muscians doing there thing in the music world trying to earn a buck. Check them out, they are fin fantastic!


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I keep my hydration and electrolyte levels up and still have to be careful how I stretch my legs in the morning, or I get a severe cramp in my right calf. The only muscle that has violently cramped on me.

Because we have health insurance for ourselves, even with our joint replacements, we've spent considerably more on our pets medical than we have our own. Their procedures are about as expensive as our own.....
Yup, owning a pet is expensive now days. One of my cats has an eye infection....quick trip to the vet for eye drops.....$220!


Well-known member
We've lost our last three German Shepherds to cancer. I wonder if the systemic insecticides that we give them for fleas is part of the issue?

I can't help but reflect on the fact that we never lost a dog to cancer growing up...............................

Vaccines!!!! Back in the day when you could still buy rabies vac at tractor supply. I would vac my dogs because we lived out in the country. I vac my lab named Bear. In the exact spot I gave him the rabies, a small lump came up in about 3 months. This lump continued to get bigger over time. We took him to the vet when it got to the size of a golf ball. The vet said nothing to worry about. It stayed that size till he was about 10. Then it grew to the size of a grapefruit over a few months and busted open.

Took him back to vet, cancer. It had spread by that time. Ended up putting him down.

From then on. We never vac again. All my dogs are cancer free. Angel 13 Tosh 10 Miss Pennies 15. Tuffman 13.

Antidotal maybe. Now there a MANY reports of turbo cancers after the rona shot. They perfected causing cancer in our dogs/ pets. Now it's our turn....


Cabana’s bitch
when Ivan was run over I dropped 10K on him to fix the broken parts...best 10K I ever spent...watching him run with the vitality he has gives me great joy...always on time with the heart guard but an kinda concerned about the flea meds...I never had a dog that suffered cancer and hope I never do...there will be one more dog in my life when the time and circumstances are right...right now it's all about keeping Dutch happy and comfortable...


Well-known member
Talking about Double Entendre anybody catch the group the Here Come the Mummies?
Excellent band of musicians from Nashville.
Xtra stage muscians doing there thing in the music world trying to earn a buck. Check them out, they are fin fantastic!
How had I not found this band b4 as they've been around a long time?
Fan fucking tastic! Will be exploring more going forward.


Well-known member
Welp, one issue resolved this morning... yay!

Have been trying to track down Scooters new
cart/ stroller since they said it was delivered on
the 19th.

Finally got an email today from the company
showing a photo of delivery to my neighbors porch.
WTF??? Just show up and do your job folks, sigh.

Neighbors have been on vakay and only returned today.
Luckily, gramma and grandpa (who do not read english)
had found the pkg and put it inside of the back entry way.

Now, assembly of said cart is at hand in order to be
utilized on our (soon Scoots... soon) walkies this morn :)
Kind of excited... I hope little Miss likes it!


Well-known member
Vaccines!!!! Back in the day when you could still buy rabies vac at tractor supply. I would vac my dogs because we lived out in the country. I vac my lab named Bear. In the exact spot I gave him the rabies, a small lump came up in about 3 months. This lump continued to get bigger over time. We took him to the vet when it got to the size of a golf ball. The vet said nothing to worry about. It stayed that size till he was about 10. Then it grew to the size of a grapefruit over a few months and busted open.

Took him back to vet, cancer. It had spread by that time. Ended up putting him down.

From then on. We never vac again. All my dogs are cancer free. Angel 13 Tosh 10 Miss Pennies 15. Tuffman 13.

Antidotal maybe. Now there a MANY reports of turbo cancers after the rona shot. They perfected causing cancer in our dogs/ pets. Now it's our turn....
Miss Scoots responds so poorly to the vaccines that she will no longer receive any either.

IMHO they really need to revamp their policies and dosage requirements as they are
ancient and so very irresponsible as they stand currently.

Where in TF is my lil City gal ever going to encounter a rabid animal,
much less be bitten by one for cripes sake?

Just another money making scheme forced upon us from the pharma industrial complex.
At the risk of our pets comfort and health. fuckers.

I am a retired person who didn't plan ahead and live very frugally.
I have spent so much $$ over the last year caring for Lunas' health, that I now have
no reserves for emergencies of any sort (mine nor hers).
Unfortunately, this has also lead me to understand that I will not be able to afford to
rescue another, once she has crossed the bridge.

The cost of general vet care and the demands that the animals have
all these vaccines prior to any necessary care, is criminal IMO.

I think of all the animals that will not be saved going forward,
as a result of the already astronomical and ever rising costs of doing so.

When is enough; enough, you greedy fucking bastards???

I am deeply saddened (and angered) to know that;
I cannot again feasibly rescue another animal in need.


I give all the shots to all our animals and worm them regularly.
Most vets are emotional manipulaters of the highest order.
Take a animal in and get a qjote for a proceedure.
Act shocked ask how much to euthanize.......watch price drop.
A trustworthy vet is a rare find ime.

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