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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Dogs don’t get why it’s so friggin hot outside. Arlo is getting a haircut on Friday. He has mud mouth and will be much happier with some of the wool gone…


Well-known member
anybody count steps? - no, not that kind.

i have 7 steps from the second floor to the landing, then 8 steps from the landing to the 1st floor.

in March 2017 i was called for jury duty, got up early to make myself look pretty (enough), and hurrying down the stairs (not counting them, then) and missed the bottom one - and jammed my heal up into my tibia and fractured the left rear malleolus - my first broken bone.

not realizing it was broken, i shaved, showered and made the jury pool call on time. damn did my leg hurt.

i was dismissed from duty (of course).

what was really funny was, it was an Alice's Restaurant case, that is, a littering case - in our river, not in a restaurant.

i couldn't get the song out of my mind all day. did a lot of walking on my broken leg that day, too.

now i always count the steps going down to the first floor. at age 76, i recommend it to everyone.


Well-known member
Back on my hobbity-horsie again. Just to show you I am not the lunatice fringe regarding the financial atom bomb about to go off.

Here is a C&P:

Current Context (as of June 2024)
Current Gasoline Prices: Around $3.50 to $4.00 per gallon in the US. (an average. Out here it is consistently over $5.35.

Inflation: Higher than average due to various factors including supply chain disruptions, economic policies, internal USA political, and global events. Projected to run at some level OVER 100% per year by the end of the 2nd year post agreement lapse.

Potential Projections
Fiat currency undergoes significant devaluation as a result of the lapse of the Petrodollar agreement. We can draw parallels with past hyperinflation scenarios, although the actual impact will depend on specific circumstances. Here's a hypothetical progression over the next few years:

Short-Term (1-2 Years):

Inflationary Surge: Rapid devaluation of fiat currency could lead to a surge in gasoline prices.

Possible Price Range: $8.00 to $13.00 per gallon.

Mid-Term (3-5 Years):

Continued Inflation: Sustained inflation could further push prices up, especially if alternative energy sources aren't sufficiently developed to offset demand.

Possible Price Range: $17.00 to $31.00 per gallon.

Long-Term (5-10 Years):

Market Adjustments: Potential stabilization through new economic systems, adoption of cryptocurrencies, or a new form of backed currency.

Possible Price Range: Prices could stabilize but remain high compared to historical norms, possibly in the range of $28.00 to $52.00 per gallon, depending on the success of economic transitions and energy innovations.

As you can see, AI thinks that the FRN (Federal Reserve (debt) Note, is going to be very worth-less in a short time. Note these gasoline price projections are NOT taking the compounding impacts of other inflation such as silver which is used in the refining of gasoline.

Not sure where you get your data from. And, for reference, the Saudi Riyal remains pegged to the USD.

Saudi's have been trading, and willing to trade oil in a basket of currencies for quite some time.
Eventually, of course, converting the bulk of it back into US Dollar related financial instruments.
There was no shock wave in the markets, which there should have been, if of great importance.

As to your predictions on the price of oil - you must have a crystal ball better then the rest.
The world's major players trade both currency & oil markets. And they've fluctuated normally.
I can only wonder how the Kingdom will continue to get rich with no one able to afford gas.

There never was a factual exclusive deal that Saudi's had to trade every drop of oil in US Dollars.
Given the choice between holding Yuan or Dollar (USD), that's an easy one. They like Euro too.
In January 2023, Saudi Arabia formally announced they would trade oil in other currencies also.

Brent and WTI are both future traded in US Dollar denominations. Oil has gone up slowly recently.
And the US Dollar has slowly risen too, and been stable. With no abnormal perceivable fluctuations.
We should see some panic and disparity if in fact the major players are concerned with this. Not.

The Saudi Kingdom is as greedy as ever, & wants to pull away from any perceived sole nation bias.
And, of course, there is the possible leverage that is attached to any future US - Saudi agreements.
The referenced pact ended on June 14, 2024. Markets don't lie. And they dd not noticeably change.

I am providing a link to an outside the US publication so that one won't perceive any overt bias here:

Here is another with a little more in depth explanation as to what actually did, and is, transpiring, today:

Here is a last link that will allow you to do a much deeper dive, if so interested, with numerous links:

That is AI -- using current data.

And the rest of the world has most ricky-tick noticed the voice from the desert announcing the 50-year deal is over. And will not be renewed.

I am not happy with what is clearly coming. But if you don't agree it is coming, that's fine.

You promote a fake AI computer program, promoting verifiably fake information, and peddle this BS bandwidth here. I would tell you that you are delusional about the implications of the expired Petrodollar Agreement., but I am certain that you already know. Nothing different than the kind of tripe coming from lowlife Alex Jones, or convict Steve Bannon's lies. Trying to gain fame, attention, money, and recognition, through deplorable Fearmongering..

Telling all of us about your son who went to medical school, and your son who has a black belt in Jujitsu, does not elevate you, nor remove you, or obviate you, from being a responsible individual, posting here on your own accord.

And, what does it matter? My grandfather was a medical doctor. And I have two siblings who went to medial school. And I went to law school. So what?

Whether you realize it, or not, you need to clean up your act. You portray the information you convey as honest and true. But it is not. You waste our valuable time. I won't expand nor respond any further on this. Markets don't lie.

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