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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Believe me being a river fisherman I have encountered my share of skeeters. I use what the guides in Alaska use. Believe me this works. Plus it is a lotion not oil.
Couple of quick tips. Fishing a lake you are usually ok as long as you avoid being close to bushy banks. If you are a river fisherman get at least 10 ft out into the water. Reason: mosquitos can't fly for shit. As long as you are in a slight breeze or away from the bank you are usually out of the feeding zone. View attachment 19023552
The worst part of the walk in lake for skitters was hiking through the swamp. It took awhile to get through the swamp, I think maybe around 1/2 hour. Without repellent you would have never made it. Once you got to the lake there were some skitters but not something an outdoorsman would let bother them. The lake had a lot of leeches, many leeches. It also had an abundance of trout.

I remember the man who use to spray country land for mosquitos. He worked for the gov't driving around in rural areas with 2 different sprayers one fixed to his truck and the other portable. He told me he could spray your area and soon as a good wind come up the mosquitos would be blown back in. He was right about that.


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My friend dying of brain cancer wanted to try Hooters, shortly after they opened in the old Waddles Pancake House here in Portland. What was different than a waitress or bar maid with cleavage, was that the young amply endowed girls came out scantily dressed and spent time talking to the customers, besides taking our orders and bringing us our food.

Ours was super friendly and while scantily dressed, wholesome and allegedly working her way through college. Just exactly the sort of young girl that old farts feel protective of and are inclined to overtip..............

We had a good time but as I recall, the food was nothing special, and the prices were high. They have since gone out of business.
WE need cleavage and we must stop denying the need☝️


Well-known member
I know a few who really enjoy lamb, a couple of people even raise their own sheep. In either of the families I had growing up lamb was never one of the meals we ate.
Food is such a subjective thing. It really is about personal preference.
Years ago I had a friend from Trinidad, he got me to like curry, curry from Trinidad which was different than other curries I have had.
My son a world traveller is always trying to convince me of other food choices but I am very slow to adapt to other then what I am familiar with. Not that I won't try something new, I guess it just has to be on my own terms.

Hope your having a pleasurable day Hemkat
You like curry? And sheep too? But not olive oil or watermelon?
I don’t like to be around curry. I’ve tried it but always think they used way too much.


Well-known member
Been out weeding and aerating the garden. Had to get out of the sun. Waited and waited for the clouds to come over but no luck.

Just read that Hooters is closing stores. Been a long time since I was in one of those places. Another restaurant chain closing.....don't worry though according to those in the know our economy is doing great. Barf.......

Mower still isn't done. No matter after spending the last two hrs in the garden it wasn't gonna get mowed today anyway.

I am never gonna live that down.
Not until you hear it as many times as you sold it. 😁


Well-known member
You like curry? And sheep too? But not olive oil or watermelon?
I don’t like to be around curry. I’ve tried it but always think they used way too much.
Hi Sub... I like sheep but not their meat, the curry I had from Trinidad was good but other curries I've had not so much.


Well-known member
I mean is hooters even anything special anymore? I feel like servers with low cut shirts are at every bar now haha
I’ll miss the wings and cold beer. I go there now and then for the wings with Mr sub. The one we go to, the girls eyelashes are so long you hardly even notice the cleavage shots. I think they must have a contest who can have the longest eyelashes 😳


Well-known member
My worry is in the immediate area, the politics I don't care,I know they just fill their pockets and spread bs.. Fact is no customers yet today again for me and I'm open at 6:30 and my son is working at the local bulding supply a mile down the road and instead of deliveries for new house builds,they stopped because no one is buying them so he's making shims today. It's dead here,the competitions dock is a 1/2 hour away from me and just layed off 2 operators and our other dock 10 miles north is dead too. It's not good for the trades here.
What happened to this program?

Just kidding… We have a massively funded program to bring high speed internet to Americans that hasn’t brought HSI to a single household. Some people are getting rich and it ain’t the taxpayers…

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