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Bubba weighs 90# Baby is 85# which surprised me as I thought she was bigger and both were heavier.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
What does TINS mean?
@Ringodoggie TINS <-- An old GI acronym: This Is No Shit

For instance, this story:

Four marines are sitting on a beach playing cards. A sojer comes running up all out of breath, points back behind himself and shouts:

"There's a force of 300 japs landing on the beach back there!"

The four marines look at each other. Finally, one says:

"Aw, fuck it -- I'll go. I'm dummy this hand anyway."

The above... /TINS


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I could use some of this 'global warming' people talk about all of the time - it's been more like 'global cooling' lately - around these parts -
That's just it, you are getting it but global warming was to difficult for people to grasp because they took it to mean everywhere on the planet was getting hotter. So they switched to Climate Change since that's what Global Warming causes. Places that used to get lots of rain get less rain, places that used to get just a little rain get less or none. Places that used to be really hot are less hot and places that were cold are warming up,,, like the polar ice caps. Most of the world's fresh water supply is/was locked up in the polar ice. Now that it's melting at unprecedented rates in recent history it disrupts the salinity of the oceans which in turn slows down the global ocean conveyor belt. Which brings warm water up from the south and takes the colder water from the north and moves it southward. This process places a critical role in maintaining climates in the Northern regions during the verious seasons. The big fear is if too much fresh water mixes in with the salt water it can shut the convery down and you get a scenario similar to what was depicted by the movie, "The Day After Tomorrow".


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Ha ha ha. 🤣 I have never heard of such a thing. Thats amazing that someone can take something that is basically “ditch weed”, promote it with well known celebrity names and actually make money from it. 😂
The thing I want to know is what is the missing percentage for? I mean i presuming Labrador or something like that but if you look at the package it says the total is 14.4% but the THC and CBD only add up to 12.31% so what accounts for the other 2.09%? Must be the dog shit. :biggrin:

Unca Walt

Well-known member
And only about 1.9% of the world population reaches age 80.

Walt, only about 0.5% of the world population reach 83 years old.....................
@Gray Wolf Wanna know the sekrit** to getting to the top 0.5%?

Learn to get wounded. I've been shot, stabbed, blown up, run really right over, and poisoned. <-- I think this kinda living builds sekrit antibodies.

They are created naturally (and science knows that), but if you continue your addiction to getting shot/crushed whatever, then them there sekrit antibodies get so powerful, you just can't die.

** The "other sekrit" is one thing I learned at the monastery where, like their fathers before them, all the monks have sworn a vow of celibacy.

It is: the Secret Of Unendurable Pleasure Indefinitely Prolonged

Like the spice on Arrakis, SOUPIP extends life... expands consciousness.

@Boo's killer weed helps, too.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I feel that I need to apologize for this post. My statement sounds “preachy”. I did not mean to sound judgemental. People who have pain need to manage it. However, I live in area where oxy pills quickly became a popular recreational drug that most people could not control. Again, I agree that pain management is necessary for many people.
It kind of depends on which Oxy you're talking about, there's Oxycodone aka Percocet that while fairly potent isn't too much for most people with real pain. Then there is OxyContin which is similar but much more powerful. It has a place for people with really severe injuries like crushed leg bones or compound fractures for examples but most people will agree (even people with chronic pain) that OxyContin was distributed too widely and played a major role in the early days of the opioid crisis before Fentanyl came along and made it all worse.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I have been with the same woman for all of my adult life. 50 year anniversary in two weeks. The key, for me is we are a good team. All the money and brains doesn't matter if you don't think and act alike.
There it is ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Witchie and Himself have been married 64 years. We have never had an argument go overnight**

**A deal we made before we got married.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I probably won't do any mushrooms again until my days on this planet are over. Then I hope there is time to take a moderate dose to prepare me for departing.
Micro dosing mushrooms is all the rage these days haer, not enough to tri[ but enough to feel a difference. They've been having so much success with treating depression and mental illness with it that way that some states were looking into legalizing them. I don't know if the are having any success with that though. I do know that on the West Coast in certain dispensaries you can buy these big chocolate bars that's sectioned off in multiple smaller squares. Supposedly if you eat one who;e bar by yourself that what the call a Heroic dose and you should trip balls. Ihear though if you just eat one or two of the smaller squares it's considered a micro dose and it just makes your day a bit happier, maybe with a little more color? :bigeye: