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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
I get to the edge of weirdville , no giggles , a little edgy nervosa oh boy I hope this is the peak kinda dose

otherwise , a micro dose like Brother Boo said , ya forgot ya took some

it is what happens in the subconscious when one micro doses , good for humans helps
keep one on the sunny side of life
Yeah, I don’t really like that oh boy I hope this is the peak feeling.


ICMag Donor
Good evening to all.
Time to cook some spinach.
Can’t go wrong …


Well-known member
Okay, y'all have convinced me... I'm breaking out the shrooms.
Been edgy and grumpy the last couple of days.
Then today, we lost power for 3 hrs. on the hottest day so far FFS!
Just a small amount to shift the mood back to happy.
Like others have stated... I too do not want to trip my titties off :)


Well-known member
Okay, y'all have convinced me... I'm breaking out the shrooms.
Been edgy and grumpy the last couple of days.
Then today, we lost power for 3 hrs. on the hottest day so far FFS!
Just a small amount to shift the mood back to happy.
Like others have stated... I too do not want to trip my titties off :)
See imiubu, it’s all @Boo s fault he is a good influence sometimes 🥰


Well-known member
Re-started the Stamets Protocol this week. It is supposed to help with nerve regeneration. It is a microdose of psilocybin, a half a gram of Lions Mane mycelium and 50 mg of Niacin. 4 days on, 3 days off for a month. Take a couple weeks off and repeat.I know for me, it improves my mood. I’ve been a grouchy fk lately and needed to reset. Last time I tried it, I was able to feel my feet better. The feeling was a bit painful and burning but it beats the hell out of numbness weirdly. I was walking around with a thorn in my foot for a while and didn’t realize it until it hot a bit infected. Stepped on a sharp cut forsythia stem today and felt it. Not much but it is a start.
I should probably learn to grow my own mushies.
I would like to give the Stamets Protocal a go also.
Not that I 'need' to, I simply think that a reset may
be very beneficial just on a general basis for health.


Well-known member
As a member of “The Brotherhood of The Screaming Abyss” I must admit that I love shrooms. I dont grow them because I have too many plants and animals. Nothing in my world is sterile. However, from spring to winter I find some almost everyday. I do have many spore prints for genetic preservation. I think I have about 30 different species of spore prints. I have never had a bad trip even though I have been to the edge of existence and touched the face of GOD. You only find the answers that are already inside you.
Gymnopilus luteus found less than 10 feet from my front door. These little guys follow me home all the time. 🤪
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
Well, Himself and the Scottish Witch had a tad of anxiety:

I went out to get a can of water from a hose to water some plants... and NO WATER CAME OUT.


We went into basic backup mode: No potty flushing, no running any water. Of course, I have resources to do without water/power but we did not have to go that far.

Called the guy's number on the well pump. Told him the story. He was sixty miles away and it was late. I told him tomorrow would be fine.

So he showed up next morning, and Haitian-rigged a burned-out pump switch bypass, as well as saying it is a good thing I called him becuz the bladder in my tank was busted which was the basic problem.

My RO rig is huge and old (20 years). I am surprised this is all that has happened to it through all those years. The mauve one on the left is the wounded tank that will be replaced:

So we've got a workaround for another day or so; no showers, no washing clothes... but other normal use of water is fine, such as washing dishes, toilets, yada.

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