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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Evening :ROFLMAO:

Another granddaughter of the guy's ford I fixed came by today with a a/c problem.

She asked "what do these trophy badge lights mean on the dash ? "

I about keeled over laughing so hard.... I told her. They mean your car FAILED and must be reset for more life. So I scanned the car, reset the codes and put a can of 134a in the a/c system and sent her on the way..

another happy camper/gamer. If she's our future....we're screwed.


Well-known member
My Arlo has recently lost his off leash privileges because of talking back and not coming when I call him. He’s always been good about coming and following me. It’s just started recently even when I call him in at night after his last pee before bed. Made me chase him around in our fenced in back yard. I think it’s his teenage years. He will be 1 next month.
Your dog is testing your pack leadership!!

Best thing to do with a pup is to NEVER teach them that they don't have to come. Right now you're teaching your dog it doesn't have to come when you call!! (it's reverse psychology).

The dog is testing boundaries (just like a kid will) and they really don't understand English!

Dogs are pack animals and what humans don't understand is... if you aren't the pack leader, the dog will take over the leader position every time without fail.

You see folks calling "Fido! Come" "Fido!! Come!" "Fido!!! COME!" yet the dog doesn't come... too busy sniffing this or that....


The dog is pack leader!! The owner is not! It really is that simple.

I trained my pup young when her litter was on the other side of the fence. She naturally wanted to be with her pals, but I wanted her to listen to me. I had a 20 ft rope on her and called her to me. If she didn't come I reeled her in and gave her a treat. Over, and over, and over until she came on her own. You can not NOT win. You must ALWAYS win, otherwise you teach them they really don't have to come when you call.

The best way to teach a dog to come is to NEVER let them off the lead. You must reinforce your command every time. It might take 2 years! When you call them and they come, give them a treat. Small piece of cheez or kibbles n bits. It doesn't have to be anything big, it's the reward that does the trick. If they don't come, pull them in and give them a treat!

Eventually, when off lead my dog came with a snap of my fingers, or click of my tongue. It got so I would converse with her: "Fido, why don't you go lie down?" and she would! People would marvel at how the dog 'understood' sentences... in reality, she only knew 'lie down'.



Your dog is testing your pack leadership!!

Best thing to do with a pup is to NEVER teach them that they don't have to come. Right now you're teaching your dog it doesn't have to come when you call!! (it's reverse psychology).

The dog is testing boundaries (just like a kid will) and they really don't understand English!

Dogs are pack animals and what humans don't understand is... if you aren't the pack leader, the dog will take over the leader position every time without fail.

You see folks calling "Fido! Come" "Fido!! Come!" "Fido!!! COME!" yet the dog doesn't come... too busy sniffing this or that....


The dog is pack leader!! The owner is not! It really is that simple.

I trained my pup young when her litter was on the other side of the fence. She naturally wanted to be with her pals, but I wanted her to listen to me. I had a 20 ft rope on her and called her to me. If she didn't come I reeled her in and gave her a treat. Over, and over, and over until she came on her own. You can not NOT win. You must ALWAYS win, otherwise you teach them they really don't have to come when you call.

The best way to teach a dog to come is to NEVER let them off the lead. You must reinforce your command every time. It might take 2 years! When you call them and they come, give them a treat. Small piece of cheez or kibbles n bits. It doesn't have to be anything big, it's the reward that does the trick. If they don't come, pull them in and give them a treat!

Eventually, when off lead my dog came with a snap of my fingers, or click of my tongue. It got so I would converse with her: "Fido, why don't you go lie down?" and she would! People would marvel at how the dog 'understood' sentences... in reality, she only knew 'lie down'.

View attachment 19019058
Yep.........there can only be one and it better be you.


Well-known member
Yep.........there can only be one and it better be you.
Also, as pack leader you have to be able to 'read' dogs.

Not just your own dog, but other dogs coming to 'check yours out'!

Ears up and alert? Tail up, half mast, down?? It's nonverbal communication that ALL dogs understand. People? not so much!

Your dogs ears should go down, or back when they look at you. It's a sign of submission/respect to your pack leadership.

Other dogs with an 'alert' tail tightly spinning, or rotating in fast circles...? They want to dominate.

Other dog places their neck over your dogs... domination.

You could search YT for videos on dog behaviors.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Good morning! 🌞 I have been awake for hours but just now extending salutations. Had farm work to do before “the heat is on”. Hey @Gypsy Nirvana what kind of weather are you guys having across the pond? This is an Afghani auto. The big plant behind is a Pakistan valley and the one in front is a London pound Cake.
View attachment 19018755
Sorry guys. It cant all be about tits even though I wish it could be. 🥰 Man do I really wish it could be. 🙄
Oww - it's been kinda chilly and wet with little sun lately - not even up to June averages -
- so growth has been slow - but no rain forecast for today - a bit of sunshine and temps topping out at 21C later on - this Malawi x NL auto has grown a bit - since last time I showed it - and could do with a few brighter days -

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Yep.........there can only be one and it better be you.
The way it was put to me when I first started training dogs, is if they don't come, go get them. Never let them win............................... So far it has worked well for us
I think I found the real Cheech & Chong dogshit:
View attachment 19019095
I don't believe you guys grow stuff that is 12% THC.

I thought it was more like 22%. I may be off here by a lot.
Premium Cannabis???

Electric Dogshit is a good name for low quality (12.26% THC) cannabis and the moron who picked the name and called it premium . As you note, 12.26% THC is low.
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Well-known member
I think I found the real Cheech & Chong dogshit:
View attachment 19019095
I don't believe you guys grow stuff that is 12% THC.

I thought it was more like 22%. I may be off here by a lot.
Ha ha ha. 🤣 I have never heard of such a thing. Thats amazing that someone can take something that is basically “ditch weed”, promote it with well known celebrity names and actually make money from it. 😂

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Ha ha ha. 🤣 I have never heard of such a thing. Thats amazing that someone can take something that is basically “ditch weed”, promote it with well known celebrity names and actually make money from it. 😂
I did have this mad idea of marketing ounces of vacuum packed pure Bullshit to sell as novelty presents 🎁 - years ago - but never really developed it - had ideas of encouraging collectors by doing a series of effluent from various bovine breeds - the product itself would be kinda cheap - the magic (and cost) - would all be in the packaging 📦 - lol

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Back to double gorgeous days here, starting at 46F and predicted to reach 73F.

I note a missed call and voice mail from my tenant whose drain I've had to snake twice in the last week, that his drain is backing up again. Both times I snaked it I found three Tampax wrapped around the snake cable, so I predict more of the same.

Apparently, a lot of them that the snake just pokes a hole through so that it drains for a while until they shift and clog it again. The tenant can't imagine where they came from, as his wife and daughter know better and would never flush a Tampax......................................


Well-known member
Also, as pack leader you have to be able to 'read' dogs.

Not just your own dog, but other dogs coming to 'check yours out'!

Ears up and alert? Tail up, half mast, down?? It's nonverbal communication that ALL dogs understand. People? not so much!

Your dogs ears should go down, or back when they look at you. It's a sign of submission/respect to your pack leadership.

Other dogs with an 'alert' tail tightly spinning, or rotating in fast circles...? They want to dominate.

Other dog places their neck over your dogs... domination.

You could search YT for videos on dog behaviors.
My pup Zig met up with 3 dogs yesterday. He was submissive to the older 120 lb male of the group, ambivalent to the 1 year old and wanted to play aggressively with the 11 month old. Classic pack ordering in play. He left the dog alone when I would tell him to ‘leave it’ but always meandered back. Towards the end of the meeting, he was putting his head on the back of the neck of the submissive dog. I told him to knock it off as I recognized it but the other dog owners did not. Zig doesn’t appear to want to scrap but he is still young. I hope he maintains his playfulness but being a juvenile, I need to keep my eye on him and my wits about me.


Well-known member
I think I found the real Cheech & Chong dogshit:
View attachment 19019095
I don't believe you guys grow stuff that is 12% THC.

I thought it was more like 22%. I may be off here by a lot.
Sometimes I prefer a lower potency smoke. Easier to control the buzz. If you don’t feel the effects after a hit or two, you can always take another. Also, you can’t discount the entourage effect(the sum/interactionof the cannabinoids and terpenes) or the ‘set and setting’ variable. Not sure the person who named this strain understands ‘marketing’😂. Who wants to smoke dogshit?😁


Well-known member
I did have this mad idea of marketing ounces of vacuum packed pure Bullshit to sell as novelty presents 🎁 - years ago - but never really developed it - had ideas of encouraging collectors by doing a series of effluent from various bovine breeds - the product itself would be kinda cheap - the magic (and cost) - would all be in the packaging 📦 - lol
Mycologists would love that…


Well-known member
In read that Gordon Lightfoot’s song Sundown was about the same woman.
We had a similar female in our area. She was living with a friend of mine and he pissed her off so she made up a lie and had him arrested for kidnapping. He had to sit in jail for 45 days while they investigated it because he was “so dangerous”. They finally let him go because she never showed up at any of the court hearings to testify. A few years later another guy got shot in the leg and bled to death. She was there when it happened. 🤨


Well-known member
You make a very good point. Personally I have never used pain pills or oxy pills because I have seen it end badly so many times. However, it is a fact that one town in WV had about 100 million oxy pills go through it and it had a population of about 1200 people. The WV attorney general was a representative for the opioid producers. WV was completey decimated by it. Some familys have 5 generations of addicts.
I feel that I need to apologize for this post. My statement sounds “preachy”. I did not mean to sound judgemental. People who have pain need to manage it. However, I live in area where oxy pills quickly became a popular recreational drug that most people could not control. Again, I agree that pain management is necessary for many people.

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