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The Original O'l Farts Club.


ICMag Donor

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I was with you till the condensed liquid from steam separation part. 🤪


Well-known member
Premium user
In action ok I get it now. You making perfume now?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
In action ok I get it now. You making perfume now?
No but I do use essential oils and co-authored an article on essential oil safety in the cannabis industry.



Well-known member
Got my meds down, now sipping on a Dr pepper. Rain has stopped for now. Was supposed to go to a masonic picnic today but I'm staying home.still have swelling in my leg and still hurting in most of my body. So a easy day should put me in a better place.


because of crabs
Pinchy little bastards!
See below:

Yet another superpower revealed! You go girl!

The glass thingie is an ingenious essential oil separator and is actually two thingies. A bottom section in which a glass funnel with a long down tube sits.

Since the 1700’s the mono and sesquiterpenes for medical and the perfume industry have been separated from the plant material using saturated steam.

The condensed liquid from steam separation is poured into the funnel and allowed to overflow through the gooseneck on the left.

The essential oils floating on the top of the liquid are drawn by capillary action up the tube the funnel is inserted in, between the funnel downtube and the outer tube of the base. It is discharged from the spout on the right.

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I was gonna say all that as well.
It seems some of the fellas here didn't catch on to this comment.
As a chick, I'm pretty sure I did however.
Funny stuff and... guys are weird ;) lol
We all heard it we were just to boobstunned to respond.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
It seems some of the fellas here didn't catch on to this comment.
As a chick, I'm pretty sure I did however.
Funny stuff and... guys are weird ;) lol
I proffer that more man childs got the reference and smiled, than responded online with a laugh emoji.

We all take our "bosoms" and related activities seriously.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Oh come on now, can't we at least claim it's shaped like something most people don't understand or ar able to pronounce like dodecahedron? That would at least make the debates more humorous. :biggrin:
Earth is shaped like a Mobius Strip. That's why you can put your finger anywhere on the surface and drag it around all over... eventually getting right back where you started. Without lifting it off!

PS: Deep mines and such mean nuthin' -- they are like dew on a lawn.


Well-known member
stand up truth

George Carlin - The American Dream​

They don't give a fuck about you... at all... at all.

So, knowing this as the truth... why do folks feel the need
to go on about political crap creating divisions between
each other?

Especially when the largest percentage of people rely
only upon the bought and paid for mass medial outlets.

How many take the time to look into the voting records
etc., of the folks in office. How many actually seek the
truth of what the 'leaders' are really all about?
Maybe 1% do this?

Mass media's intention is to simply chum the waters
to keep the public fighting against each other.
If we are fighting amongst ourselves/ in chaos,
we are not paying attention to what is truly important IMO.

"Turn off the TV and Plant a Garden" - Lucas Nelson

NOW... that said; we still need to stand up and revolt against
If we did not do so... for one example... we would not have
cannabis laws relaxing across the world.

Saw Carlin live in the 90's and it was among the greatest
live shows I've seen.
Willie Nelson being another stand iyt great one.

Opening for Carlin that night was a then unknown musical comedian.

Steven Lynch. We laughed our asses off!
The version I like best is with Christopher Walken saying
'Why would anyone do that?' Or something of the sort.
Unable to find that one though :(
(may be offensive to some)


Oh... and good morning to all y'all old farts :)

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