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One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
There it is. The number of real doctors is dropping at an awful rate. Number crunching hospital conglomerates have caused mass burnout for the older** competent, experienced doctors.

** 50 years old or more

Med School now is Woke. <-- I will leave it at that.
I have had to change doctors 4 times in the last two years. Every time I get a new one the retire! Severe burnout.

I even talked to my last Doc about it. You could tell he was stressed out. Pissed is a better word.

I haven't even met my newest one yet. Gonna be interesting as she is a woman....turn your head and cough....


Well-known member
Premium user

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Most people don't die of old age - they die because body parts wear out and so cease to function properly - which causes the body's systems to break down - leading to illness and death -
Useless Unca Walt Trivia You Cannot Forget:

By analysis of telomeres and other body characteristics, the human male is designed for a lifespan of 43 years before deterioration accelerates on a curve.


Cabana’s bitch
I am done for the day. I was getting a lot of stuff done until Lesso came over and that pretty much ended my production of my chores. I did get out and do most of them and move a few cars around and smoke a lot of good. He’s used to growing all those, jolly rancher, flavored hybrids, and when he came over and smoked the heavyweight Indicas his eyes got pretty fat pretty fast… today was one of the few days I’ve had in the recent past so I didn’t have to reach for energy…😁

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
My Doctor talked me into taking them because my cholesterol is right on the edge. Plus a couple weeks before my physical I start really watching what I eat. So I am cheating and making it lower than what it would normally be.
My triglycerides were around 420 a few years ago but now like 120. Cholesterol sucks. No butter for me. No on many other foods. I walk 6 miles a day to keep the cholesterol away


Well-known member
There it is. The number of real doctors is dropping at an awful rate. Number crunching hospital conglomerates have caused mass burnout for the older** competent, experienced doctors.

** 50 years old or more

Med School now is Woke. <-- I will leave it at that.
Yes, I’m hoping my next doc is a bit better anyway. This doc looked at me and typed all my info age weight height into a computer and put my symptoms in to find out how to treat me…I could have done that from home. Treated me like an old person too. I didn’t like that at all. Not to mention he is a cannabis hater and now anything wrong with me is because I smoke the weed… he retired last month 😁

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I have had to change doctors 4 times in the last two years. Every time I get a new one the retire! Severe burnout.

I even talked to my last Doc about it. You could tell he was stressed out. Pissed is a better word.

I haven't even met my newest one yet. Gonna be interesting as she is a woman....turn your head and cough....

Same problem here. My first one fired me when I went on Medicare and I've gone through four since, as they continue to retire.


Well-known member
My doctors continue to try and put me on cholesterol drugs despite my total cholesterol being around 130 and my bad cholesterol about half that.

I continue to refuse because I don't believe that I need it or that any benefit would outweigh the side effects.
Ya mine tried that way back when, told him no pills, got my remedy.
Next time back in comes in with this possum shit eaten Grin and says my cholesterol looks great.
I said cherrios and oats will do that for ya.


Well-known member
Big Pharma's greatest expense is marketing, and within that, their greatest expense is wining and dining doctors.
and paying for teLIEvision... he who pays the bills calls the tune....
Yeah I’m gonna ask my doc about some of that Jardiance stuff that makes that heavyset girl sing and dance. I can’t stand when that comes on every 10 minutes
We call her the Jardiance Whale... silly sing-songy-ear-worm of a tune... like a nursery rhyme... treats ya like a kid.

My Doctor talked me into taking them because my cholesterol is right on the edge. Plus a couple weeks before my physical I start really watching what I eat. So I am cheating and making it lower than what it would normally be.
Why not just eat right from the gitgo? Problem with doctors is all they know is pills. A Dr of Osteopathy (DO) will ask you about your diet, emotional health, family life etc. THAT is what they all should do.

Same problem here. My first one fired me when I went on Medicare and I've gone through four since, as they continue to retire.
35 years ago I went to a podiatrist. Got some orthotics and therapy. Even had pads connected to a computer to tell where the pressure points. He did all kinds of adjustment and plaster castings of the bottom of my feet. Went there for several weeks.

Couple months ago went to a young one and he took an xray of my feet. In 1 hour he said you have a bone spur... I can give you a shot that will make it less painful... lasts 6 mos. An operation would take months to heal and at your age you'll lose muscle and never get it back.

The real solution? Thicker socks!


Well-known member
They must sell a lot of it to pay for those annoying ads.
The annoying ads aren’t about selling their drugs. They are about maintaining positive spin from the media outlets. The obscure medications they advertise for even more obscure diseases(with the ‘cure’ possibly being death) are a sure indicator of that. I am happy they are required to state ‘side effects’ again. Where did that requirement go when every other commercial was telling you to get your weekly series of mRNA jabs?


Well-known member
My Doctor talked me into taking them because my cholesterol is right on the edge. Plus a couple weeks before my physical I start really watching what I eat. So I am cheating and making it lower than what it would normally be.
When my doctor made me aware of my cholesterol count creeping up. I read about what foods do what concerning cholesterol, brough my own cholesterol down and have mostly kept it there on my own.

With the chronic health issues I have my blood work is generally within limits, my doctor has said to me"I have patients that would do anything to have your blood work results. I feel fortunate in that area.

I have a female doctor.


Well-known member
Yes, I’m hoping my next doc is a bit better anyway. This doc looked at me and typed all my info age weight height into a computer and put my symptoms in to find out how to treat me…I could have done that from home. Treated me like an old person too. I didn’t like that at all. Not to mention he is a cannabis hater and now anything wrong with me is because I smoke the weed… he retired last month 😁I
I've had 3 different doctors at our small town health center in 20 some years, all have been cannabis friendly and signed my cannabis personal production application for the gov't.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
When my doctor made me aware of my cholesterol count creeping up. I read about what foods do what concerning cholesterol, brough my own cholesterol down and have mostly kept it there on my own.
I have fought cholesterol and kept it in check for years.Diet and exercise has kept me below 200.

But I got tired of fighting it. I'll take the fricken pill!


Cabana’s bitch
I saw a different doctor at the university a while ago...he asked the usual questions and then the 2 big ones...do I smoke weed and did I get the jab...I told him I had been smoking since 1969 and as for the jab, I said I followed the science and refused...he was bit disturbed about the science remark...