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The Original O'l Farts Club.


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Goat and Monkey Herijuana x Blueberry


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@Gray Wolf
Around '76 a buddy found a recipe for extraction for what we called then "hash oil".
We made it with denatured alcohol out doors over an electric hot plate.
It was a way to use our crappy OD grown herb. We were kids and just learning.
It turned out rather green and was gooey. I'd stick 2 papers together, slather
them up with this green goo, fill it with our sub par home grown and we'd smoke it.
I referred to those doobies as 'tootsie rolls' as they became so gooey a joint
couldn't be burned completely. Those roaches burned up in a pipe/ bong though
so... nothing wasted.
Talk about dangerous things we do as youngin's ;)

I've made many batches of VG tincture with mixed trim/ popcorn.
Each batch turned out a bit different. Friends would donate the materials
and I manufactured :O taking 1/3 of finished goods.

Myself and others liked it as it helped to alleviate nerve pain.
It is sickly sweet and the only way I found to choke it down was to add it into
my coffee that already had hazelnut liquid coffee creamer added haha.
I still have a jar with about the same amount as yours.
It's on reserve I guess for a time I may need... something :)

I was also the person who did all the coconut oil/ cannabis infused capsules.
Always with mixed strains. Each batch again were different slightly in effects.
Really wished I had some of the batch made in 2020 left... that was the best
overall cannabis meds I've had thus far in my experimentation's.
The most recent batch is better for sleep, which is great but it is a little
bit 'drowsy' inducing for daytime. I still use them all day, it just took some
dosing adjustments.

Made a boat load of qwiso also and still have silicone pucks full of it in
the freezer. I've not dabbed in years. Got so I realized I didn't need to be
THAT high haha.
When I was making the tinctures my SIL was fighting cancer. His doc told him to try cannabis for his pain nausea, and vomiting so since I was growing pretty good weed I started experimenting with it. I only used flower to get the highest TCH content as I could for him. I donated all my trimmings and popcorn buds to his wife who made edibles. I haven’t ventured in making them anymore since he passed away as we really don’t partake that often in them and prefer smoking and vaping flower. I still donate a lot of scraps to the daughter for edibles when she asks for some but what is not used goes into my kief which also contains a lot of flower because we like it better that way.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
@Gray Wolf
Around '76 a buddy found a recipe for extraction for what we called then "hash oil".
We made it with denatured alcohol out doors over an electric hot plate.
It was a way to use our crappy OD grown herb. We were kids and just learning.
It turned out rather green and was gooey. I'd stick 2 papers together, slather
them up with this green goo, fill it with our sub par home grown and we'd smoke it.
I referred to those doobies as 'tootsie rolls' as they became so gooey a joint
couldn't be burned completely. Those roaches burned up in a pipe/ bong though
so... nothing wasted.
Talk about dangerous things we do as youngin's ;)

I've made many batches of VG tincture with mixed trim/ popcorn.
Each batch turned out a bit different. Friends would donate the materials
and I manufactured :O taking 1/3 of finished goods.

Myself and others liked it as it helped to alleviate nerve pain.
It is sickly sweet and the only way I found to choke it down was to add it into
my coffee that already had hazelnut liquid coffee creamer added haha.
I still have a jar with about the same amount as yours.
It's on reserve I guess for a time I may need... something :)

I was also the person who did all the coconut oil/ cannabis infused capsules.
Always with mixed strains. Each batch again were different slightly in effects.
Really wished I had some of the batch made in 2020 left... that was the best
overall cannabis meds I've had thus far in my experimentation's.
The most recent batch is better for sleep, which is great but it is a little
bit 'drowsy' inducing for daytime. I still use them all day, it just took some
dosing adjustments.

Made a boat load of qwiso also and still have silicone pucks full of it in
the freezer. I've not dabbed in years. Got so I realized I didn't need to be
THAT high haha.
We rolled with oil too. Good buzz but harsh!

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Well-known member
Hey there young 'un, if you want to fall asleep within minutes (when you gits old enuf) there is a combination that will do it for you.

You're only be doing half of the combo by imbibing late in the day. 15 minutes before you hit the rack, take a melatonin gummy. Together, you sleep.

View attachment 19003798 Until... as you discover when you DO get old, you gotta get up at 2AM to pee :mad:
If you want to fall a sleep within minutes you need to try this hash I made, knockdown drag out stuff


Well-known member
We have family functions going on today.
My mom has been heavy on my mind now
for several days. She has been gone 38 yrs.
but memories remain of course.

Today, this tuned popped in my head and seems
to want to hang and go round and round in a loop!
Among her fave's.
Thought I'd share :)



Well-known member
@BumSplodgeBrownPants -- You are the polar opposite of me:

You have the stuff and can make it "legal" at the bottom line.

I no have. And there is no way I can have it legally even though I am in a legal state (Floriduh). I sinned by getting a dinged helmet. What a fucked up situation for both of us.
Hi Unca,

What I do still won't be legal, but if I get swabbed at the roadside and it's a positive I can wave my little bit of paper in the cops face. I'm not paying £10 a gram legally when it costs me about 10p a gram to grow it in electrickery costs.

But yeah, getting stopped and swabbed is what stops me having my medicine 1st thing in the morning and being "normal" unfortunately I have to wait until my day is done and I no longer need to drive to be able to focus on life tasks. But then it's beer time, so all bets are offffff!

Can you not beat the ding out of the helmet and get it polished up?
Seems crazy a legal state won't let folks have it legally?


Well-known member
Hi Unca,

What I do still won't be legal, but if I get swabbed at the roadside and it's a positive I can wave my little bit of paper in the cops face. I'm not paying £10 a gram legally when it costs me about 10p a gram to grow it in electrickery costs.

But yeah, getting stopped and swabbed is what stops me having my medicine 1st thing in the morning and being "normal" unfortunately I have to wait until my day is done and I no longer need to drive to be able to focus on life tasks. But then it's beer time, so all bets are offffff!

Can you not beat the ding out of the helmet and get it polished up?
Seems crazy a legal state won't let folks have it legally?
stopped and swabbed?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

Likewise a good morning! I am actually just up for a glass of water only, but this was rummaging though my near-sleep mind, so I thought I would share it for anyone needing a bit of a wake up call. Grace Slick and Woodstock, a little before my time (not by much). Certainly a heartthrob for many a young lad in the SF area, and elsewhere .. ;)

Ah yes, those were the days. All the musical talent in virtually all genres and so many of them stole our hearts and or inspired us in so many ways. I can think of no better time in history to go back to. Sure this country (the US) had many problems, even some we've made progress on since then. Still I would gladly give up all we've gained to go back to that time and try again to see if we can make even more progress by the time we catch up to the present. Imagine what could be accomplished if we all could go back to who we were in those days but armed with the knowledge we have now. If nothing else we would get rich buying stock in Microsoft, Google and a couple of others back when they first became available. :biggrin:
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Well-known member
Wow, I’m glad they don’t do that here…. Do many get popped for weed?

does mouthwash work? I’ll bet everyone carries something to rinse with in their vehicles.

I probably see a couple a week in the local news. They just love publishing folks names and addresses to shame them.

No, I don't believe mouthwash will help, they'll just make you sit there while they rip the car to pieces and then if the test is inconclusive it's a trip to the station for bloods to be taken. We can refuse a test, but it's an automatic ban.